MJ, the Snake, the Mouse..., and the lesson in Drama!


Proud Member
Jul 5, 2004
Peter Guber, chairman and CEO of Mandalay Entertainment, has written a new book called 'Tell To Win.' Back in the late '80s and early '90s, Guber was CEO of Sony Pictures and, in his new book, he mentions a meeting he had back then with Michael Jackson and how that meeting turned into a lesson in drama. You can read that excerpt from the book below:

Once you’ve got your hero, what gets the emotion moving? What holds us spellbound, begging for more? Michael Jackson taught me in no uncertain terms, the answer is drama.
Back in 1991, Jackson already was a force to be reckoned with. After renewing his contract with Sony for a record-setting $65 million, he released his eighth album, "Dangerous¸" with the singles “Black or White” and “Remember the Time,” both of which dominated the pop charts. As CEO of Sony Pictures, I’d sat in on the studio production of that album and was overwhelmed by Michael’s creative intensity and perfectionism.
His ambition knew no bounds. But when Sony’s most important musical asset invited me to his home in Encino to discuss his plans to get into movies and television, I was taken aback. Michael had proven he knew everything there was to know about pop music, but movies were a different animal. He wanted to produce as well as act. That meant telling stories. Could he do it?
I didn’t even have to ask the question. “In both films and music,” Michael said, “you have to know where the drama is and how to present it.” He gave me a long, intense stare and abruptly stood up. “Let me show you.”
He led me upstairs to the hallway outside his bedroom, where we stopped in front of a huge glass terrarium. “This,” he said, “is Muscles.”
Inside, a massive snake was coiled around a tree branch. His head was tracking something in the opposite corner of the terrarium.
Michael pointed with his finger at the object of Muscles’ obsession. A little white mouse was trying to hide behind a pile of wood shavings.
I said hopefully, “Are they friends?”
“Do they look it?”
“No. The mouse is trembling.”
Michael said, “We have to feed Muscles live mice, otherwise he won’t eat. Dead ones don’t get his attention.”
“So why doesn’t he just go ahead and eat it?”
He said, “Because he enjoys the game. First he uses fear to get the mouse’s attention, then he waits, building tension. Finally, when the mouse is so terrified it can’t move, Muscles will close in.”
That snake had the attention of that mouse, and that mouse had the attention of that snake -- and Michael Jackson had my attention.
“That’s drama,” he said.
“It sure is!” I said. “This story has everything -- stakes, suspense, power, death, good and evil, innocence and danger. I can’t stand it. And I can’t stop watching.”
“Exactly,” he said. “What’s going to happen next? Even if you know what it is, you don’t know how or when.”
“Maybe the mouse will escape.”
Michael let out one of his high, strange laughs. “Maybe.”
If I’d had the slightest doubt about Jackson’s command as a teller of stories, it evaporated that day. His telling to win profoundly and clearly taught me that nothing grabs our attention faster than the need to know what happens next?
Back at UCLA, I asked Dan Siegel to help me understand from his perspective as a neuroscientist why people are so enthralled by drama. Siegel pointed out that emotions don’t occur spontaneously. Nor, as any actor knows, can they be summoned at will. Emotions have to be aroused. “And arousal gets heightened,” Siegel said, “when you realize, I don’t know if the mountain lion’s still there; I don’t know if the spaceship is going to get back; I’m not sure he’s going to win the race. You have to have tension between expectation and uncertainty. Emotional tension drives you to think it might go this way, but it might go that way, and that makes you wonder, what will happen next?”
The more you wonder what will happen next, the more you pay attention. And the more attention you pay, the more you hear, notice, and retain.
One reason I was so helplessly enthralled as I watched Michael Jackson’s mouse and snake was that they were enacting a story of primal desire and dread. Somewhere deep in our DNA, we all have this story lurking because, at some stage of our evolution, if not in our more immediate existence, we lived this story. We were the weaker prey that hid trembling inside the cave from the saber-tooth lurking outside.
Source: thewrap.com / peterguber.com
Thanks for sharing. I can imagine Michael doing that. Drama definitely fed into his performances. Jam at the beginning of the dangerous concerts is a fine example as well as the this is it footage of earth song where he is explaining the impact of the machine and the silence.
I never thought Michael would be capable of something like that, its just sick.
Jam in the concerts are the perfect example.
and MJ had a few snakes besides Muscles.
What do snakes eat? they don't eat carrots, you know? :D
In the wild sure, not in a house and not something you'd expect from someone who wrote a love song for a rat.
Putting an animal in a cage with a predator against which it has no chance of survival, being aware of the different stages of fear the animal would face its just wrong.
I really can't believe Michael would allow something like that in his home.
In the wild sure, not in a house and not something you'd expect from someone who wrote a love song for a rat.
Putting an animal in a cage with a predator against which it has no chance of survival, being aware of the different stages of fear the animal would face its just wrong.
I really can't believe Michael would allow something like that in his home.

Michael didn't writte Ben and i think that you are making this a big deal for no reason. There are a lot of people out there having snakes, MJ was not the only one.
yeah right, its less wrong because Michael wasn't the only one doing it. wow
:smilerolleyes: Well now I see a little bit too much drama in here... interesting!

If you have a snake you HAVE TO FEET THEM LIVE ANIMALS, otherwise they will not eat.

That happens in the wild, cause is the natural way, snakes eat mice and some rats eat their own babies, THAT IS WHAT IS GOING ON ON EARTH! :heart: THAT IS NATURE! Muscle was being a normal snake and Michael knew this :yes: no big deal!
yeah right, its less wrong because Michael wasn't the only one doing it. wow

Now that i am thinking of it you are right. Michel was a horrible,horrible person.He should have been stoned to death for feeding his snake rats. You are absolutely right. He was indeed an insensitive person and i am going to suggest to Guiness book his name to be taken off as the most charitable pop star ever.
Now that i am thinking of it you are right. Michel was a horrible,horrible person.He should have been stoned to death for feeding his snake rats. You are absolutely right. He was indeed an insensitive person and i am going to suggest to Guiness book his name to be taken off as the most charitable pop star ever.

Now that is taking the element of drama to the extreme kasi! And I must admit its not at all likeable :no:

I really do hope some mod deletes your post, or we can imagine the effing media having a great time tomorrow, saying this is how fans on the biggest MJ fan community forum feel about their idol!:doh:
Clearly, that was sarcasm. But I had a friend who had a snake and I was horrified to find out that snakes are fed "pinkies"--baby mice. But, as someone earlier said, if you have a snake, you have to feed it what it will eat. Thoroughly disgusting to me, but it is what it is.
That Guber dude sure is wise as a serpent. Look what he did now, getting people to feel disgusted at Jackson. For the upteenth time. Now he's an evil alien again. Next up, he's Archangel Michael. Then Nosferatu again. I can feel some more tired rehashings coming up like 'Michael was no angel'. ... That is why I very much hope less and less people will say something about Jackson, no matter what, everth gets sliced and diced, like his everything was, including his physical body. He deserves quiet for a change, am sick and tired of ppl using that man's name to write their stupid books. And drawing even more stupid, instictive reactions.

To everyone that can't understand animal nature, I'd suggest they go get informed on what certain species of mice themselves are doing for a living, which is eating each other, Jackson got to experience that himself.

*exits to avoid further disgust*
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Here's an excerpt from an interview Peter G. did where he talked about it-

Question: Michael Jackson told you a purposeful story once, did he not?

Peter Guber: Michael Jackson was an incredible person in every sense of the word. He was a perfect study for anything entertaining, anything creative. And he understood story, he understood drama, he understood narrative. I didn’t know that he understood it. And he would call my house and “Hello Peter, is Peter there?” And he wanted to be in movies. He really wanted to be in movies.

I went to his house and we were going to have lunch and I said to him, so you want to do movies. Why do you want to do movies? And he said, “I love them. I love watching them, I love seeing them, I love the whole personality of what they can do with a human being.” Oh, great, great, great. But what do you know about drama? He looked at me, quirked his head and he says, “Let me tell you a story.”

We may know that it happens, but the drama is to know when and how it happens. He walked me upstairs. And outside his bedroom there was this large glass terrarium, and in it was this boa constrictor. This snake. This giant snake. This giant snake. He says, “That’s muscles.” He called his snake Muscles. And I said, “Okay.” And he says, "Do you see anything going on there?” And I said, “No, Muscles is just kind of still…” “Yeah, walk over there in the corner there, there’s this little live white mouse. It’s just shaking, it’s shaking. My god. Why is it shaking?” He said, “Well, we feed Muscles live mice. That’s the only thing it eats.” Yeah, so. I said, “So what’s the drama.” That’s exactly it. We don’t know exactly when, neither does the mouse.And we don’t know exactly how. But we know it’s gonna happen. The drama is watching the when and how unfold, that’s the key.”

He told me a story that perfectly, perfectly demonstrated he understood it isn’t just about a beginning, middle and end, it’s the process in between the beginning and the end. And that’s the drama. That’s the drama of our life. And so I realized, here was a person that really showed me the secret sauce of the success in a way that I had never seen before. That I’ve never really, you know, learned before. He showed me the tools of the trade even though I had been doing it.

I must have told that story 50 times,that’s the power of a story. The more you tell it, the more it resonates, it lives on, it’s a power tool. It isn’t just information. If you just said, yeah, I know how to make a movie or yeah, I know how to tell a story or here’s a story, once upon a time. No. He was able to metabolize it by actually… not being the story itself, but indicating how the story worked.
Sarcasm doesn't translate well on the net and has rubbed people up the wrong. Snakes are fed mice whether we like it or not. Why are we criticising Michael for this?
I didn't know what snakes eat. Besides this it seems like this man is trying to pay Michael a compliment or I am reading this wrong? He says he was an incredible person and really understood storytelling.
Cows, chickens and fish probably feel just like that mouse. Yet, humans still eat them, right?
Now that is taking the element of drama to the extreme kasi! And I must admit its not at all likeable :no:

I really do hope some mod deletes your post, or we can imagine the effing media having a great time tomorrow, saying this is how fans on the biggest MJ fan community forum feel about their idol!:doh:

I was being sarcastic obviously.
I was being sarcastic obviously.
Ofcourse I know dear, but you know what I mean with that response of mine(to your earlier post)..them haters do not have such a good sense of humour and they can always use such things against Mike, us and our love for him(not that I always give a damn, but still you know..*sigh*)
I didn't know what snakes eat. Besides this it seems like this man is trying to pay Michael a compliment or I am reading this wrong? He says he was an incredible person and really understood storytelling.

You're absolutely right, this person is really paying Michael Jackson and his creative genius a compliment!:yes::wub: :flowers:

Just some bit of unnecessary drama going around here for no reason :scratch:
I'm a vegetarian:yes:

..ok back to topic..:)
Oops. Not trying to throw the discussion off topic. And it's okay to be a vegetarian. Just saying to those that are shocked about MJ's snake eating the mouse, that it is no different than humans eating meat (for those that do eat cows, chickens and fish).

Also, the snake being fed the mouse indoors by someone is much better than the snake going outdoors and eating on its own, because it may eat something other than a mouse.

But, yeah, MJ's lesson on drama was very deep. lol
About the mouse ?

It's Human Nature.

Well is not human nature, but animal nature.

This is not directed to you Dip, but the person you responded to. People forget that animals in the wild do not go to the supermarket and shop for meat then go home and cook it. They wait in hiding, set traps, and hunt down their prey. We look at this all the time on nature shows. Many will not eat dead meat, but want live prey, and yes believe it or not, they play with their prey. Even domestic cats do the same. Put a cat in a store with mice and see what it does. Michael is simply explaining something we have seen some time in our lives.
yeah right, its less wrong because Michael wasn't the only one doing it. wow

Maybe you should blame nature (or God - depending on what you believe) for the fact snakes eat mouse and rats....
I have seen captive snakes and they wouldn't eat dead mice either, the mouse had to be alive for them to eat it.

Oh, BTW, do you eat meat? Just because you don't see how those animals you eat are slaughtered, they are slaughtered and all the while they might have fear etc.