MJ ranked 6th in 2009's Most Influential Men

Simon Cowell:bugeyed
that list is stupid as it can be, and how is that Michael's even there he's no longer belongs to this world, God gimme a break for once...

Will all this madness ever stop????? f*ck them all
F*ck Obama!!!

MJ's done a sh*tload more for the United States & the WORLD than that P.O.S. President who only knows how to make speeches & smile when the camera's hitting him.

Wow you are so edgy tryin to diss America's first black President with your false meme comments. Were you this angry when ex President Bush was raping and bringing America to a stand still? Were you saying fuck Bush? I doubt it.

Keep being mad at PRESIDENT OBAMA cause you are gonna see his fine ass for the next 7 years and 3 months, no matter how many false memes you and any other haters put out there.

Notice I gave Ex President Bush respect because I for one respect the office of the President of the United States. Try giving this PRESIDENT Obama a little respect when spreading your lies.

You can continue shaving your back now.

Simon Cowell has influenced whom to do what? :S
I just know two people in that list, our king michael and obama. how come they become the most influential men who i don't even know their names. this is so ridiculous!!!!
wierd list.

the only really influential man on that list for THIS year is President Obama. Michael has been influential for YEARS. so he doesn't count.

the others are laughable.
I think some of you are forgetting that this list is not an "of all time list" and just 2009. If the list came out before MJ passed he would not be number 6. If it came out after the concerts and he was still alive, I believe he would be number one. In reality, he hasn't accomplished anything other than selling a gajillion albums after he died! That might make some of you angry and its sad that its the reason hes made the list but its the truth. In any other thread people say:

"Why did he have to die to get this recognition?"

Which is true. If this list was for all time, hell yeah, number one, but for 2009...

Simon Cowell is part of several shows that he produces in two countries and are replicated all over the world, and are amongst the most watched and produces stars over night (whether they are talented or not).

Usain Bolt is from Jamaica... Nuff said, hes been kicking ass!

Mark Zuckerberg MADE FACEBOOK! Im sure most of you use it, along with millions of others.

The only wtf for me is Don Draper... Never heard of him.

While the list might not be perfect and I don't really agree with the top 5, you shouldn't be insulting everyone above MJ.

BTW, Steve Jobs making the Top 10, kick ass!
I think some of you are forgetting that this list is not an "of all time list" and just 2009. If the list came out before MJ passed he would not be number 6. If it came out after the concerts and he was still alive, I believe he would be number one. In reality, he hasn't accomplished anything other than selling a gajillion albums after he died! That might make some of you angry and its sad that its the reason hes made the list but its the truth. In any other thread people say:

"Why did he have to die to get this recognition?"

Which is true. If this list was for all time, hell yeah, number one, but for 2009...

Simon Cowell is part of several shows that he produces in two countries and are replicated all over the world, and are amongst the most watched and produces stars over night (whether they are talented or not).

Usain Bolt is from Jamaica... Nuff said, hes been kicking ass!

Mark Zuckerberg MADE FACEBOOK! Im sure most of you use it, along with millions of others.

The only wtf for me is Don Draper... Never heard of him.

While the list might not be perfect and I don't really agree with the top 5, you shouldn't be insulting everyone above MJ.

BTW, Steve Jobs making the Top 10, kick ass!

(this thread will get erased, cus it's posted three times,) but...

not a gagillion albums..only four million. but then, who is counting? MJ is not always listed when he accomplishes something because of media bias. i guess it's all in how you look at it...
the catalogue that runs pop and american idol and keeps Cowell employed is Michael's catalogue. when the beatles sell well, MJ sells well cus that's his catalogue. also, MJ is the only one on this list that everybody knows. this may hurt some, but not everybody knows Bolt.

so...to each their own in subjective views.
Simon Cowell? Peyton Manning? What...for real?
All Simon does is sign people who make crappy music. No common on Manning.

Who the hell is Don Draper?
I know seriously? Simon Cowell? Is anybody going to remember his name 50 years from now who wasn't old enough to have seen his show? When it comes to entertainment MJ has got to be # 1

but for influencing society or the world what about Abe Lincoln, Einstein, Jefferson, Bill Gates, etc. I mean Abe ended slavery. without that kind of influence MJ would have been a slave or the U.S. might not even exist anymore. einstein gave us nuclear power which is powering all of our computers at this moment. Jefferson wrote the constitution. Gates gave us windows, which led to our whole internet and everything.

And Obama? I love the guy, but it's a little early in his presidency to to put him on that list. We have to wait and see just how influential he turns out to be.

Strange list. scratch that. stupid list

Most influential men of the year. Most influential men of the century, then obviously those people would be on the list. But those are achievements from years ago. They are not specific to 2009, obviously.
This is of 2009!

To be honest I think it is amazing MJ is even on that list that high given the opinions of him in the general public.

Simon Cowell has probably influenced people to try to be popstars and he does do A LOT for charity including children's charities for ill and disabled children, so cut him some slack. He's a good man.
Simon Cowell is part of several shows that he produces in two countries and are replicated all over the world, and are amongst the most watched and produces stars over night (whether they are talented or not).
- yes.