MJ Performing Billie Jean Different

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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I think im in the "keep it as is" camp. It's been the same for so many years now to change it would just be... odd.

augmenting: yes. changing entirely: no.
Yeah i wouldnt want him to change it. Its iconic. Its the crowd pleaser. If its pleasing crowds, why change it?
Michael did eventually change some parts of Billie Jean. For example, the outfit in the suitcase or the beatbox at the end of the dance sequence. To be honest as long as he still does the moonwalk it's cool with.
I remember Mike once saying that he wished he could perform Billie Jean a different way but us fans wouldnt let him cuz we expect the moonwalk during that bridge, we expect the spin and the standing on the toes.

Would you care if MJ did BJ different? I wouldnt. I like how MJ changed Dangerous over the years. Wonder what he'd do with BJ if he did change it around?

if there was anyone i trusted to mold a classic into anothrt classic, it's Michael. i'd be curious to see him change it up, cus if he says he can, he can.