MJ-penned comic book to be released in June 2010

as someone who has been trying to get her comic published her whole adult life i can tell you this much if mj had wanted this published he could have done it easily by himself but he a either didnt want or have time to pencil it himself comics take a very long time to draw and he likely made the penciler redraw it many times i think this project was more of a story mj felt like writing the penciler said hey id like to draw it and off it went he was likely doing his friend a solld because i am certain one of the bigger publishing houses would have been ALL OVER THIS comics as a medium are trying very hard to get mainstream press in america and this with michael alone wouldnt need to be at some small publisher because the name alone would give a smaller company like say darkhorse a huge boost in the mainstrem press

except for the strange paradox that Michael had the biggest fanbase on earth, but was a pariah to the media's eyes, and for some reason, though being a pariah was unwarranted, these companies were slaves to what the mainstream press said. i don't know that their mentality would allow them to see how much money they could make off of Michael's name...till now, because they are hypnotized by the 'iconic death' stuff. in contrast, another celebrity could have been a muderer, and had no fans, but if the media said that celebrity was god, then a lot of these companies would have gone for it, and then went bankrupt, while that celebrity was alive.
except for the strange paradox that Michael had the biggest fanbase on earth, but was a pariah to the media's eyes, and for some reason, though being a pariah was unwarranted, these companies were slaves to what the mainstream press said. i don't know that their mentality would allow them to see how much money they could make off of Michael's name...till now, because they are hypnotized by the 'iconic death' stuff. in contrast, another celebrity could have been a muderer, and had no fans, but if the media said that celebrity was god, then a lot of these companies would have gone for it, and then went bankrupt, while that celebrity was alive.

that's why record companies are gonna disappear in 10 years from now or even sooner...and it's not because we download music for free and have no respect for the artists...it's because the music they promote sucks like it never sucked before in history....
I am way too cynical to buy into this without concrete evidence of MJ's envolvement.
Do not trust the CHOPRA'S at all.The son is a lying opportunist.

Most of you are eager to purchase this comic book right now.That's exactly what RANDOM HOUSE and CHOPRA are hoping for.

That's the way I look at it also. The Chopra kid is just trying to cash in.

I remember seeing him on CNN and while talking about this "project" he never made it seem like he and Michael were definitely planning on doing anything. He made it seem like he and Michael were just shooting the breezy, kicking around different topics. A LONG, LONG TIME AGO! As a matter of fact he never even mentioned a comic book, he just alluded to looking in his "files."

Now, all of sudden, he is making it seem like Michael was all involved with some comic book. I say homeboy is trying to cash in while the iron is hot. I want nothing to do with him or his father and that includes any Michael Jackson "related" projects they try and push on Michael's fans after the fact!
That's the way I look at it also. The Chopra kid is just trying to cash in.

I remember seeing him on CNN and while talking about this "project" he never made it seem like he and Michael were definitely planning on doing anything. He made it seem like he and Michael were just shooting the breezy, kicking around different topics. A LONG, LONG TIME AGO! As a matter of fact he never even mentioned a comic book, he just alluded to looking in his "files."

Now, all of sudden, he is making it seem like Michael was all involved with some comic book. I say homeboy is trying to cash in while the iron is hot. I want nothing to do with him or his father and that includes any Michael Jackson "related" projects they try and push on Michael's fans after the fact!
Unfortunately i saw just about every one of the CHOPRAS appearances on CNN and other media outlets, and the more convinced i became that MJ banished both of them from his life long before his death.

On CNN the annoying son took credit for co-writing MJ'S Dangerous CD. And the extremely bitter father played a piece of god awful music he claimed was a recent collaboration with MICHAEL. No vocals of course, just instrumental. What they said about MJ kids was stuff already reported by the media.The father's rants about MJ kept changing to fit the news of the moment. When it was falsely reported that MJ died of demerol over dose,there was DEEPAK claiming that MJ begged him for demerol.
Wow. I never stop being amazed at all the talents Michael had, and all the things he left us with. Words can't express the admiration I feel when I read things like this.
Wow, sounds interesting. There is more to come for us fans. :)
I hope it is true because I would love to read it. Michael is so talented.