MJ-penned comic book to be released in June 2010


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
(article from October... haven't heard much since then)
It's common knowledge in comic book lore that a superhero never truly dies—and it looks like that rule is crossing over into reality, if only for one upcoming comics project.

According to Bleeding Cool, a graphic novel written by none other than Michael Jackson himself is heading to comic book stores next June through Random House.

The graphic novel, titled "Fated," focuses on the story of Gabriel Star, a well-loved musician with obvious parallels to the tragically deceased King of Pop. In the book, Star's failed suicide attempt results in his popularity rising even further, elevating the character to literal supernatural status.

Apparently, Jackson had been working on the project long before his death and had finished his work on the book earlier in 2009. The comic is co-written by Gotham Copra of the now defunct Virgin Comics with Mukesh Singh supplying art.

Jackson's work on a comic book isn't entirely out of left field. Earlier in his life, the late musician met with Stan Lee about possibly purchasing Marvel Comics.

It's also not unprecedented for a deceased party to thrive in comics after their death, as seen by Heath Ledger's own passing and subsequent portrayal of Joker in "The Dark Knight."

But even if Jackson's geek credentials and the precedent for post-mortem comic book work are in place, the existence of "Fated" is no less jarring. It's particularly ironic that the story focuses on the almost death of a heroic pop star who simply becomes more popular after the botched attempt.

Sure enough, Jackson might not be returning from the great beyond—but between the upcoming documentary "This Is It," the biographical comic book from Bluewater Productions and now "Fated," it's as if Jackson himself has elevated to the same super-powerful status of his graphic novel's lead.


Has anybody found any new developments on this? Was it fake? The comic itself sounds interesting.
I hope this is true. I love comics and the thought of MJ possibly have written one sends me over the moon. It sounds plausible. I'm going to investigate.
it really bothers me, that so many people knew he had talent, but didn't want to publish him, while he was alive, but now want to make money, for themselves, off his projects(with him out of the way)after his death.

bunch of freaks IMO
I just hope that the MJ Estate approves this for the MJ3.

As long as it stands up t MJ's legacy & earns the rightful dues for his babies, I'm ok with this.

it really bothers me, that so many people knew he had talent, but didn't want to publish him, while he was alive, but now want to make money, for themselves, off his projects(with him out of the way)after his death.

bunch of freaks IMO

"Fated"??? :eek:

Geez.... I really don't want to see what some of our friends "in denial"/in the hoaxes will think when they see this info :no:
WAIT - I just found out - it IS Deepak Chopra's son.

Hmmm... I just hope that they do justice to MJ, as opposed to what father & son did on CNN.
Wow, if this is true MJ left a lot for us fans. I would read it just because MJ wrote it. I hope it's long.:reading:
If it was "written" by MJ, then I am assuming part of the money will go to the estate? Has it been confirmed that the estate is involved? Or is this another Chopra's scheme to milk their Jackson's connection?

If this will be another rabbi situation, keep the money for himself, I will pass.

Just like I am against MJ's brothers profiting from his passing, I don't want "friends" either.

If the money isn't shared with the estate, than MJ wasn't really involved...or his copyright is being infringed. His name is just being used to sell another product. I will pass.
^^ It prob has to go to the estate, because the copyright I think belongs to Michael so they can't use it. Or if we haven't heard it since October, then the estate stopped it or denied it.
I wish he'd drawn it... I'm not particularly interested in this story at this point in time (too close for comfort)... but seeing his images would have been nice.
(If true): Michael, Michael, I don't like you having such dark and sad thoughts. :no: I do think this is a little too early - for me, at least. For something like this. :(
i hope this is all fictional... I would hate to think of Michael trying to off himself.

He had so much talent people didn't know what to do with him. Idk if i will buy this because i just dont know..... it makes me sad that he thought so darkly.
it really bothers me, that so many people knew he had talent, but didn't want to publish him, while he was alive, but now want to make money, for themselves, off his projects(with him out of the way)after his death.

bunch of freaks IMO
as someone who has been trying to get her comic published her whole adult life i can tell you this much if mj had wanted this published he could have done it easily by himself but he a either didnt want or have time to pencil it himself comics take a very long time to draw and he likely made the penciler redraw it many times i think this project was more of a story mj felt like writing the penciler said hey id like to draw it and off it went he was likely doing his friend a solld because i am certain one of the bigger publishing houses would have been ALL OVER THIS comics as a medium are trying very hard to get mainstream press in america and this with michael alone wouldnt need to be at some small publisher because the name alone would give a smaller company like say darkhorse a huge boost in the mainstrem press
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Gotham Chopra, isn't that Deepak's son?

yep. he's the idiot who said he helped Mike write songs armed with dictionaries and thesaurii.


but if they do release it, I might buy one. I wouldn't be able not to. Mike wrote it!
as someone who has been trying to get her comic published her whole adult life i can tell you this much if mj had wanted this published he could have done it easily by himself but he a either didnt want or have time to pencil it himself comics take a very long time to draw and he likely made the penciler redraw it many times i think this project was more of a story mj felt like writing the penciler said hey id like to draw it and off it went he was likely doing his friend a solld because i am certain one of the bigger publishing houses would have been ALL OVER THIS comics as a medium are trying very hard to get mainstream press in america and this with michael alone wouldnt need to be at some small publisher because the name alone would give a smaller company like say darkhorse a huge boost in the mainstrem press

maybe it was a film script he started and then it somehow became a comic?

either way, I'm not looking forward to Gotham Chopra taking credit for it 'cos you just KNOW he will!! ugh. :smilerolleyes:
I am way too cynical to buy into this without concrete evidence of MJ's envolvement.
Do not trust the CHOPRA'S at all.The son is a lying opportunist.

Most of you are eager to purchase this comic book right now.That's exactly what RANDOM HOUSE and CHOPRA are hoping for.
Oh, this is the one from october, i hope its done, i will die to see it, read it, an insight to his mind. would be just amazing.
I am way too cynical to buy into this without concrete evidence of MJ's envolvement.
Do not trust the CHOPRA'S at all.The son is a lying opportunist.

Most of you are eager to purchase this comic book right now.That's exactly what RANDOM HOUSE and CHOPRA are hoping for.
i understand where you are coming from.
I read about this in the press a few months back, there was some kind of book fair in Frankfurt if i remember correctly and a limited number of Fated where going to be sold, i remember thinking i would love to get one but hopefully a publishing company will get behind it and release in globally.