MJ Nobel Peace Prize - VOTE NOW!

I just signed it, passing it on through twitter and I'm gonna email it to everyone on my contact list.


OF COURSE I signed this. Every single fan on the planet should sign this petition.

While you're at it: please have a look here :)
I've signed it. I hope that Michael will get this prestigeuos award. He more than anyone deserves it. I'm also posting on it on twitter to all my followers there
everyone, Mike is ineligble :(
is there a way the petitions can include him being made eligble for the prize too

the rule is you have to be nominated whilst alive

but rules are made to be broken right ? :D
so lets break that rule :D
everyone, Mike is ineligble :(
is there a way the petitions can include him being made eligble for the prize too

the rule is you have to be nominated whilst alive

but rules are made to be broken right ? :D
so lets break that rule :D

It says they have to be alive. But write them, have your say :)

Question: Would you consider Mr. M. K. Gandhi for a Nobel Peace Prize posthusmously? At least now it wouldn't displease the English.
Answer: Today it is not possible to award Nobel Prizes to a dead person. The statutes do not allow for this.

Wasn't Michael nominated while he was still alive before? or it has to be specifically for this year? Maybe we could use his past nomination to our advantage...?
He have been nominated, it have been talks about it. Allthough, it hasn't been any "official" statement about that. The Nobel Institute have many rules........

Question: Where can I find out about finalists for the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize? Is there an official list of nominees available? If Nobel Peace Prize publishes no official list, will you please tell me who the other "finalists" were this year? What is the selection process for the Peace Prize? Thank you for your time,
Patrick Lee, El Cerrito, Cailfornia, USA

Answer: This list is made available to the public only after 50 years.

I signed and tweet :)
Hope we can reach 1,000,000 soon :)
The thing is guys, now is the perfect time to do this. I even heard this mentioned on the radio, so maybe the press will pick up on it. It was doubtful that he could have been considered when he was alive, but we've seen just how much he meant to the world in the weeks since his death.

So we need to think about this properly. In order to get a million signatures we need to advertise on facebook, myspace, etc. There are about 15 million members of the facebook fan pages (to my knowledge) and we need to ensure only 1 million.

The next thing to do is figure out WHY he should be considered. Instead of talking about his music only, we need to emphasise how he brought people across the world together, his charity, his visions of peace, his messages of healing in his songs etc.

We need to submit a report highlighting our reasons and attach the million names with it. Then we need to see if it will be allowed Posthumously. Think what it would would mean to his children when they're older. Their father winning the nobel peace prize.

I'm riled up as you can tell. Im off to do some research into this!
According to this article in the Guardian, he is not eligible:

The article concludes by saying "Though prizes can be awarded to those who die after they are nominated, only living persons are able to make the Nobel shortlist."

Too bad if that's true.

Edited to add:
The Wikipedia entry on the Nobel Prize bears this out:
Self-nominations and nominations of deceased people are disqualified.

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According to this article in the Guardian, he is not eligible:

The article concludes by saying "Though prizes can be awarded to those who die after they are nominated, only living persons are able to make the Nobel shortlist."

Too bad if that's true.
But Michael was nominated before he died, wasn't he... That's what keeps me wondering.

Maybe it's not possible, but it would be nice if they could at least mention his name or present him with a special humanitarian award...:)
Again from the Wikipedia article, the Nobel committee wasn't even willing to make an exception for Mahatma Gandhi:

Mahatma Gandhi was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize five times between 1937 and 1948 but never received the prize, being assassinated on 30 January 1948 two days before the closing date for the 1948 Peace Prize nominations. The Norwegian Nobel Committee had very likely planned to give him the Peace Prize in 1948 as they considered a posthumous award, but ultimately decided against it and instead chose not to award the prize that year.

It seems that the person has to be alive at the time of the nomination deadline - and (I think) the award is for accomplishments in the prior year, not a lifetime award.
Again from the Wikipedia article, the Nobel committee wasn't even willing to make an exception for Mahatma Gandhi:

Mahatma Gandhi was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize five times between 1937 and 1948 but never received the prize, being assassinated on 30 January 1948 two days before the closing date for the 1948 Peace Prize nominations. The Norwegian Nobel Committee had very likely planned to give him the Peace Prize in 1948 as they considered a posthumous award, but ultimately decided against it and instead chose not to award the prize that year.

It seems that the person has to be alive at the time of the nomination deadline - and (I think) the award is for accomplishments in the prior year, not a lifetime award.
That just sucks... I always had the impression it was a bit too exclusive... I mean... what if I knew a very important person and he nominated me? Then I would be in the same category with all the other nominees, despite having done nothing important in my life that is peace-related :scratch:while at the same time they would leave the really important persons out without any chance of winning.
I want to remind people (it has been said before in the thread), that deceased people cannot be awarded Nobel prizes. Michael Jackson is ineligible, and they have made no exceptions in the past (and likely never will).
I wish he would win