MJ memorabilia stolen from Vaccaro's collection

Lots of signed stuff from different singers/actresses...sold at way too low prices.

Why did this guy have this stuff???????

Omg.. the drawing of 'uncle Michael' by Taryll...

Who in the hell bought the oil paintings of Tito's son's when they were babies!? Thats just creepy.

Its creepy that this guy even had some of this stuff in the first place.

Some very personal stuff...a letter from Jermaine to Michael from 1993 - you can read it there :eek:

There's actually quite a lot of personal letters and notes, handwritten. They even have some of Michael's notebooks, I've seen one gone for £3,500 and another with mark lesters photo n autograph on the front for £2,700

And why would anyone want the blueprints of the Encino house...
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I don't believe they were stolen, I think he sold some of that stuff b4 MJ died and now that he isn't here any longer and the value of MJ's stuff has gone up, all of a sudden he wants the stuff "back" so now he is crying wolf about it being stolen...

I wouldn't rule that out.
I just hope the family can somehow get back the master tapes that he has.
This is terrible! I can't understand it. Why did Vaccora keep this items? It was better to give it to Michael's family after his passing.

:yes: I hope Mike's kids will get back his stuff.

This guy shouldn't have had Michael's stuff in the first place. The only reason he got it was because nobody was watching him when he went rampaging through that storage unit and took everything he could get his hands on after he won that case against Joe and a couple of Michael's brothers, and not Michael himself like that one article states. This guy was also told not to take anything that belonged to Michael and did it anyway. Why, when he is finally told to give Michael's things back to the family, are the things missing? I don't believe somebody took anything from him either. And if somebody did, now he knows how Michael felt.

What the hell?! :mad: SMDH @ this guy. If he sold (or hid them) and claimed they were stolen, I hope they catch his ass.