MJ marching with army for tours

It's amazing, isn't it? Doesn't seem to be a thing that was done to big him up. It more so seems like something that can only be done if he's already big, and I doubt if anyone else could do this. This is one of those things that only Michael Jackson can do. He's a world figure that many countries trust. They can tell he's meek and they know he's a man of peace. Many also remember the good that he's done over the years and that he's never changed. A man of war would never be able to convince a country to let him come near their military. They would never allow it.
Absolutely. These thousands of |Us soldiers would have ran with him if he asked them.


Honour fit for the president of the usa. they wouldn't have given it to him if they didn't think he was worth it.

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When I saw some of those clips for the first time it gave me an adrenaline rush, like "Hell-to-the-yeah! :p" :D It's looks quite cool and adds to the entertainment value. It doesn't really bother me if it does anything for his ego, I mean look at how some of these crappy generic artists of today walk around with their head up their arse, proclaiming they are the **** after a #1 on the charts :lol: Lawd knows what would happen if they got to MJ status. Atleast MJ never acts like he's too good for anyone, his attitude when he talks is never cocky, always a humble guy. He even let that ghetto mess of a family - that turned out to be beneath anything in this world - stay at his friggin' house cougharvisoscough. That's more telling of who he is, than some videos of him parading about with troops. Anyway, he's had so much of a beatdown why shouldn't he go and big himself up? I'm sure ya'll would do the same too if you were in the same position, but it doesn't make us all "megalomaniac's" and it's a bit raw to start making personal judgments on someones mental state based on a video made years ago with the intention of promoting and entertaining ;) How do you people know it was all MJ's concept in the first place? Loads of folks are involved in the filming, production and directing of MJ's trailers, short-films etc. Obviously some of it is his idea, but you don't know all the ends and odds and roots of everything...
Star Trader, Who taught you so much sense. Let me show my appreciation by giving you some rep credits.
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A lot of people said it was based on an old Nazi film by Leni Riefenstahl, and that's where a lot of the complaints came in mostly.

Yes, I do remember hearing something like that. The HIStory video came across all wrong and personally was not impressed...
It is about race to me, cause nobody complains when Prince Charles or the queen get military honours, so why complain when MJ gets it. He is king Sanu. He was crowned in Africa, unless you don't think a tribal crowning is to be respected. Anyway, I doubt MJ had to bribe those soldiers to run with him. I bet they were only too pleased to do so, Just look at the thousands of American soldiers who came out to greet him in Japan only recently.

MJ has been a very valuable asset to the American continent. It is really a shame that the govt did not harnest that instead of standing back and allowing the world media to lambast this gentleman.
I am glad MJ did the run with the soldiers. It makes me feel proud. He has gone where no other celeb had gone before.

I heard that heads of state would send ambassadors to beg MJ to perform in their country. No wonder they sent out armies to greet him.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion...


"Black or White" by Michael Jackson

Heal the World~~~
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Well, why would he seem anymore pompous than prince charles or the president of the usa. MJ was commanding more attention than they and did more good.

Presidents of the world wanted to be in his company, so why was he pompous. Countries put his image on their dollar bills and created stamps in his image. He was not pompous, he was real.
I think some3 people had trouble with MJ cause they have never seen a person of colour being so honoured like royalty before, but MJ was royal and he was being treated as such, and rightly so.

I think what Sdeidjs was referring to was the HiStory soldier marching Michael did on that bridge in Budapest (if I'm not wrong) that got him lot of negative critics because of being very similar to some old german nazi propaganda movies. Nazi germany was known for very pompous military parades (pretending or presenting strength to ppl, usually the aim of every military parade?!). As a german I do have my problems with that also and think this choice to appear similar to a cruel racist regime wasn't done really wisely.

Still I see why Michael likes the 'forces'. They do present pride and strength in their way. To go, be willing to risk your life and fight for your ppl at home has some most honorable aspects.
Soldiers are not presenting war and killing in the first place I think.

Back to the questions in the first post, why were military and police enjoying to appear with Michael Jackson? Because everybody does (and yessss still does). Michael Jackson still is the biggest star music business has to offer. In this way he particularly has been that time and still is a 'world force' everybody wants to present on 'their' side. Gives the impression of being popular (at least a bit also) and I'm sure many soldiers and cops would like being a bit more popular once in a while. lol also it's an image every military and or political leader would like to have also.

Michael Jackson does present a power much bigger than any of those 'forces' who were marching with him... the power of bringing ppl worldwide together no matter their race, faith, religion, nationality etc. enjoying themselves and life! ^_^

Well that's also certainly the reason why some would like to get him down cuz it doesn't serve their agenda of personal power. it's fear and jealousy. poor losers are those.
The royals are entertainers too. Their position in the world is eroded. The media knows that MJ was crowned, they were there to see it. They reported it too. They have kept it quiet because they want us to forget it. Had it been Elvis they would be making posters with his crown on. The media don't want us to be reminded of the love that people have for MJ that is why they focus on the negative, which they created themselves.
LL Cool J was also crowned in Africa. I don't think it really means anything, it's like a Key to the city. Do you really think they would let Michael or LL actually rule over their people and land? Of course not.
American troops in Japan honoured him. Only presedents and top dignitaries get this treatment.

This was such a great moment for so many different reasons. :kickass2:



Michael has always loved structure. He likes the regal feel of certain clothing, art etc, yet also military metals etc. He's a very exact man who never does anything half-a**. He has strong conviction to carry things out to the best of his ability, and a rock-hard work ethic.

He's the type of person who never does anything small. :) ^_^

I think this is yet another reason why we love him so much. :wub:
LL Cool J was also crowned in Africa. I don't think it really means anything, it's like a Key to the city. Do you really think they would let Michael or LL actually rule over their people and land? Of course not.
At the time. Michael could have ruled anywhere. Yes, if MJ wanted a kingdom in Africa, I believe they would have given it to him.
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At the time. Michael could have ruled anywhere. Yes, if MJ wanted a kingdom in Africa, I believe they would have given it to him.

1st of all, they would know nothing about how to rule a nation, they're pop stars. If anybody had a chance of getting into politics, it would be Bono. 2nd they'd probably get assassinated like a lot of rulers there. There's a lot of corruption.
Agree. Come on guys, the world doesn't stop when Michael steps in. Sometimes- yes, but not allways.
Look at this picture: http://mjjpictures.free.fr/20062008/various/heathrow_june/006.jpg
everyone is busy with something else.
Not everyone's world evolve around Michael:cheeky:


I swear to you my world will stop the moment Michael steps in somewhere close to me!
It's not because my world evolves around Michael... nooooo much more than only Michael... but certainly I enjoy to let it evolve around the ppl and things I love... so it would stop!!!
If others wanna miss it... well that's their life.
My world would stop. lol :tease: (giggle... gosh I love this smiley!)
Because it's very much me controlling my world! I've worked pretty hard for it and now I enjoy it cuz that's the fun!!!
Michael still needs security and bodygaurds more than any other entertainer I know.. But he can walk A LOT more freely than lets say 1997 and prior