MJ marching with army for tours


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
You know all the promotional videos of Mj marching with the army/police of the country he was in when touring...I have a couple of Questions about that.

Firstly, how come they would let MJ do that? I know he was famous and all, but surely they wouldnt wanna waste resources and hours of time just to help a celebrity big himself up?

also, what periods did he do this? Cuz i think ive seen them from thriller era (victory tour i guess?) and bad, and possibly dangerous. Did he not do in HIStory? if so why?

I know its a pretty random question, but was just a bit intrigued into this strange thing MJ used to do.... which by the way is really cool
he did them from the victory tour thru the dangerous tour...why they let him..well he is Michael jackson lol and he probably paid 4 it himself so hey...ive seen the makin of 1 and its just a few seconds 2 shoot or maybe more lol but it was mainly "ok...Mike run! *mj runs* They que n army they start runnin behind him* then he walk and waves* its edited and bam there u have it lol
I think mike is a bit megalomaniac ;

Running with soldiers behin him makes him feel he is somebody very big , a sort of God , something beyong the earth .
I know megalomania is not so good , but it doesnt disturb me .
it is for the propagandavideos to make him look bigger than he really is.
Like the conserts edited with all the screaming fans.

He loves it;)
it is for the propagandavideos to make him look bigger than he really is.
Like the conserts edited with all the screaming fans.

He loves it;)

I don't agree. Have you ever been to a MJ concert to say that?
I can guarantee you that it is bigger when you are there than what you see on a commercial? Fans do scream, cry and wave and when you are surrounded by 80 000 people you can't move any more. All you can do is put your hands up or along your body. You can bearly breathe and some fresh water in large quantities is always welcome. Many peole do faint, however, despite very difficult and unconfortable stances, the moments are magical.
I have been to 4 conserts...and they are all amazing. but the bad era i think was when the madness was at the top. the history consert I want to in germany was actually very silent. not that much screaming.
it is for the propagandavideos to make him look bigger than he really is.
Like the conserts edited with all the screaming fans.

He loves it;)

Michael Joseph jackson IS bigger than he really is. He gets state protection just like the presedent of the USA. That is a fact. In Japan thousands of American troops travelled from their bases to see him and to perform for him. They even took him up in their helicoptor and showed him the sites. Only royals get that treatment. Yes, MJ is LARGER THAN LIFE.

American troops in Japan honoured him. Only presedents and top dignitaries get this treatment.

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You know all the promotional videos of Mj marching with the army/police of the country he was in when touring...I have a couple of Questions about that.

Firstly, how come they would let MJ do that? I know he was famous and all, but surely they wouldnt wanna waste resources and hours of time just to help a celebrity big himself up?

also, what periods did he do this? Cuz i think ive seen them from thriller era (victory tour i guess?) and bad, and possibly dangerous. Did he not do in HIStory? if so why?

I know its a pretty random question, but was just a bit intrigued into this strange thing MJ used to do.... which by the way is really cool

I am not sure I have ever read how and why they let him do it. All I know is that he specifically did that footage and collected it for future videos- the teasers and award show footage and so on. He did them during Victory, Bad and Dangerous tours.
Why the hell not?

Mike deserves to big himself up. If I were him I would too!

Absolutely. And another thing, HE DID IT BECAUSE HE COULD. Mj had more people watching his fan event in Japan that the presedent of the US got watching his visit to Britain. MJ draws more crowd ratings that the royal family of great Britain. The whole world stop to see MJ when he moves, no matter what they say about him. he was also crowned King in Africa. He pulled larger crowds there than Nelson Mandela.
the best shot of Michael being escorted is either the one where you just see his sillouete in his bad tour outfit or the one where he is in his..........bad tour outfit including wbss jacket and he is walking along the top of the stage, you can see the crowd but they cant see him!
it is for the propagandavideos to make him look bigger than he really is.
Like the conserts edited with all the screaming fans.

He loves it;)

hahah your just jealous. Michael Jackson doesnt need 2 make himself bigger than he really is, he IS bigger than he really is simple as put. and the fans really do scream and cry like that so its not edited in 2 make him seem bigger becuz it does happen. hater
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hahah your just jealous. Michael Jackson doesnt need 2 make himself bigger than he really is, he IS bigger than he really is simple as put. and the fans really do scream and cry like that so its not edited in 2 make him seem bigger becuz it does happen. hater

Finaly i am not the only one to say that he is a hater lol .

Michael is bigger than anyone in the world , and she can say what she wants sh knows the truth inside her lol .

Michael is the greatest !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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If you were there for Michaelmania is the 80's and seen the crowds and the way people were reacting, you would understand that he need that kind of man power. Those people also wanted to take pictures and walk beside Michael. Those were just the officer who watched over his show so the officers scattered around the stadiums once the shows started.
With no disrespect intended, the Military Army in the video of HIStory made Mr.Jackson appear to the public as pompous and arogant.

Unfortunately, many revealed negative comments towards Mr.Jackson for the interpretation of this type of attitude.

However, with the pandemondium that surrounds Mr. Jackson, for saftey issues, it is understandable that he would need that type of security for different parts of the world.
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With no disrespect intended, the Military Army in the video of HIStory made Mr.Jackson appear to the public as pompous and arogant.

Unfortunately, many revealed negative comments towards Mr.Jackson for the interpretation of this type of attitude.

A lot of people said it was based on an old Nazi film by Leni Riefenstahl, and that's where a lot of the complaints came in mostly.
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With no disrespect intended, the Military Army in the video of HIStory made Mr.Jackson appear to the public as pompous and arogant.

Unfortunately, many revealed negative comments towards Mr.Jackson for the interpretation of this type of attitude.
Well, why would he seem anymore pompous than prince charles or the president of the usa. MJ was commanding more attention than they and did more good.

Presidents of the world wanted to be in his company, so why was he pompous. Countries put his image on their dollar bills and created stamps in his image. He was not pompous, he was real.
I think some3 people had trouble with MJ cause they have never seen a person of colour being so honoured like royalty before, but MJ was royal and he was being treated as such, and rightly so.
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when MJ visited the troops recently, I wish he ran with them like old days..

To add to the collection for a new trailer/teazer type deal..

I think it's about time to have another epic video for MJ in the beginning of DVD's etc.. We've had the same one since the late 80's..

It does not have any clips from Dangerous, History, Invincible.. Aside from the clip of the actual Dangerous cover in the end when the albums flash really fast..

I would like an updated one.

P.S. it was not the military that was contriversal about the HIStory teazer..

It was the simularities to the clips Hitler made for promotion for himself.. And the screaming, crying of fans while a statue is being revealed.. It's the 'idolization' theme that got contraversy..

Not the military thing.. MJ's been doing it far before HIStory.
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Well, why would he seem anymore pompous than prince charles or the president of the usa. MJ was commanding more attention than they and did more good.

Presidents of the world wanted to be in his company, so why was he pompous. Countries put his image on their dollar bills and created stamps in his image. He was not pompous, he was real.
I think some3 people had trouble with MJ cause they have never seen a person of colour being so honoured like royalty before, but MJ was royal and he was being treated as such, and rightly so.

My goodness gracious Dats,
Please do not make this about the issue (s) of race/colour. Mr.Jackson IS NOT about the division of race or colour...Its about the perception of the public as a "WHOLE" and how the PR came across to the "general public."

Heal The World~~~
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My goodness gracious Dats,
Please do not make this about the issue (s) of race/colour. Mr.Jackson IS NOT about the division of race or colour...Its about the perception of the public as a "WHOLE" and how the PR came across to the "general public."

Heal The World~~~
It is about race to me, cause nobody complains when Prince Charles or the queen get military honours, so why complain when MJ gets it. He is king Sanu. He was crowned in Africa, unless you don't think a tribal crowning is to be respected. Anyway, I doubt MJ had to bribe those soldiers to run with him. I bet they were only too pleased to do so, Just look at the thousands of American soldiers who came out to greet him in Japan only recently.

MJ has been a very valuable asset to the American continent. It is really a shame that the govt did not harnest that instead of standing back and allowing the world media to lambast this gentleman.
I am glad MJ did the run with the soldiers. It makes me feel proud. He has gone where no other celeb had gone before.

I heard that heads of state would send ambassadors to beg MJ to perform in their country. No wonder they sent out armies to greet him.
^ Do you think most people know he is 'king Sanu'???

of course most people aside from major fans know that.. Even Many MJ fans don't know that, and if they did they don't know what country IN Africa..

So how would anyone expect the media to know something like that?

It's very different.. Infact many people would find it offensive to compare MJ to Prince Charles and the Queen in that area..

Not me.. I don't care. lol! But I know that some would find it offensive..

Michael is in COMPLETE different position as those two people..

He's an entertainer..
^ Do you think most people know he is 'king Sanu'???

of course most people aside from major fans know that.. Even Many MJ fans don't know that, and if they did they don't know what country IN Africa..

So how would anyone expect the media to know something like that?

It's very different.. Infact many people would find it offensive to compare MJ to Prince Charles and the Queen in that area..

Not me.. I don't care. lol! But I know that some would find it offensive..

Michael is in COMPLETE different position as those two people..

He's an entertainer..
The royals are entertainers too. Their position in the world is eroded. The media knows that MJ was crowned, they were there to see it. They reported it too. They have kept it quiet because they want us to forget it. Had it been Elvis they would be making posters with his crown on. The media don't want us to be reminded of the love that people have for MJ that is why they focus on the negative, which they created themselves.
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^ How are they entertainers???

I'm not saying the media does not cover stuff up, of course they do.. Race has a lot to do with it..

But If Elvis were to create the 'HIStory' teazer for himself it would have been contraversal..

the MILITARY theme was NEVER really contraversal with Michael..

The only time it became talked about as contraversal was for the HIStory teazer.. And it was not because of the military, it's the 'iconing worship' theme that it showed.. Not the mililtary
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It's amazing, isn't it? Doesn't seem to be a thing that was done to big him up. It more so seems like something that can only be done if he's already big, and I doubt if anyone else could do this. This is one of those things that only Michael Jackson can do. He's a world figure that many countries trust. They can tell he's meek and they know he's a man of peace. Many also remember the good that he's done over the years and that he's never changed. A man of war would never be able to convince a country to let him come near their military. They would never allow it.
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