MJ has a blackbelt?!?

From what I've heard, Michael was given the belt for his kata, or his form. It's not a real black belt because you have to fight like 3 or 4 guys at a time in the final test to get it, which obviously Michael wouldn't do. But his form is supposedly really good and you can see that on the few occassions he's displayed kata.
Good for him.....makes it easier to whoop some ass when he needs to :zformation: :mello:

:lol: jk.....it actually wouldn't surprise me since he seems to absorb all life has to offer :)
True dat. Reminds me of what Berry Gordy was talking about Mike at Motown. I can't remember the exact words, but it's similar to what you said.
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From what I've heard, Michael was given the belt for his kata, or his form. It's not a real black belt because you have to fight like 3 or 4 guys at a time in the final test to get it, which obviously Michael wouldn't do. But his form is supposedly really good and you can see that on the few occassions he's displayed kata.

can you explain Kata? and good for him :) Michael would be able to get a real one if he wanted to, since hes a vey confident and enduring man ;)
Kata is like your form in executing certain moves. Think of it in terms of a dancer. You judge how good they are based on their form, how clean their lines are, their extention. So how well you hold your form while thowing a kick or a punch, your stance, etc...
Wow never seen those pictures before.


And the video from Beat It - I've always loved those moves!!
This is the trip where he received his honorary black belt, you can see little clips throughout this footage. I have better footage of this on one of my dvds where they are fitting him with the robe & belt.

I heard that in 00s some singer said that Mike could kick over his head, so I'm positive he's still practicing some karate. He might even be very good at it, we don't know.. I've heard that his idol is Bruce Lee:D It's ironical that a person who is perceived by most as a very fragile man may actually kick some serious ass!
Oh Good Grief!! LOL
He has a black belt yes!! And a red one,Brown,Blue,Etc,As Skinny as he is you'd need a belt for your pants don't you think!!? LOL
Oh one more thing!!
"Wax On!! Wax Off!!,...." lol "Sand The Floor!!,....Sand The Floor!!,...." :)
here's the Will Smith interview where he says he could kick your....
From what I've heard, Michael was given the belt for his kata, or his form. It's not a real black belt because you have to fight like 3 or 4 guys at a time in the final test to get it, which obviously Michael wouldn't do. But his form is supposedly really good and you can see that on the few occassions he's displayed kata.

cant find that word in dictionary? :huh:
I was just playing on my previous post!! Seriously Michael has a double black belt in Karate!! Brandon Lee star of the movie "The Crow!!" who died soon after the movie and the son of the late Karate expert Bruce Lee helped to teach Michael Karate!! So though Michael may appear to be thin and not muscular!! I'd seriously reconsider anyone messing with MJ!! With a double Black Belt he'd kick your butt before you knew what hit you!!