MJ fans mission to make "The Lost Children" UK's xmas no.1


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Michael Jackson Fans help promote Centrepoint Charity

Keeping Michael Jackson’s Legacy Alive

On the 25th June 2009 the world lost a much-loved humanitarian.

Michael Jackson supported children’s charities throughout his life and has given over $500 million of his own money to good causes. This is in addition to the millions he has helped raise by donating his personal items to charity auctions and making charitable appearances around the world.

As a group we are aiming to carry on Michael's legacy of charitable work.

We recently created a video using an unreleased song from the ‘Invincible’ album. The Lost Children is promoting Centrepoint, a young person’s homeless charity.

As well as asking thousands of fans to buy this song via download in an attempt to reach the Christmas number one position, we have asked for a donation to be made to Centrepoint. Please watch the video.


Donations have already been made each bearing the message:

"I want to keep Michael Jackson's Legacy alive".

We are organising this via Facebook.
Please visit the page for further details:


We ask that you publicise our cause, to have this song and its message heard by the world and to promote a worthy charity, which is often overlooked.

It’s all for love..... L.O.V.E.

Sam McCormack

On behalf of
Michael Jackson Fan Tribute’s

If you require further details about this project, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

e: sam9868@hotmail.com
m: 07515588889

Suggestions for FACE BOOK POSTS:

Let’s join together to make Michael Jackson number 1 in the Christmas 2009 charts and help Centrepoint, young people’s homeless charity.

Please join this group and invite your friends! All information is on the group.

Please watch the video we have made to support the cause.

Watch the Video!



Please, watch this video that has been made especially to help us get Michael Jackson's 'The Lost Children' to the number 1 Christmas Spot in the UK, and raise money for Centrepoint, the homeless Children's Charity. All details are on the video, thank you.


Suggestions for You tube comments

Please help us make Michael Jackson number 1 this Christmas (2009), and make money for homeless children! Go to this video for details


Thank you x

Suggestions for posts onto forums:

Title: Help us get Michael Jackson to UK number 1 for Christmas 2009!

Let’s join together to make Michael Jackson number 1 in the Christmas 2009 charts and help Centrepoint, young people’s homeless charity.

The song we are backing is “The Lost Children” from Michael Jackson’s final studio album, Invincible. It is a song that Michael dedicated to disadvantaged children all around the world. By propelling this song to number 1 in the Christmas charts, we will highlight Michael’s unparalleled humanitarian legacy and focus attention onto millions of suffering children across the world.

Please visit the following YouTube link to check out this beautiful song:


Michael Jackson has supported children’s charities throughout his life and has given over $500 million of his own money to good causes. This is in addition to the millions he has helped raise by donating his personal items to charity auctions and making charitable appearances around the world.

Please go to the following facebook page to find out more:



Michael deserves no less than this, and deserves to be in his rightful place in the hearts and minds of the whole world.

Thank you for your support.
Great mission/project.

Love that song.
I was just listening to this song a few days back. Love the project and have joined the group. Keep up the good work, and l know its all about the L.O.V.E.
If I buy the song off my phone (company: 3) will it help in the charts?
man that's going to be the easiest thing i ever did.

i have itunes.

there are no weak MJ songs. and the 'weak' ones are ones others would kill or die to be able to write. they picked the song, cus they love it. and that's a lot of people.
The X Factor single will be Christmas number one. Just like it always is unfortunately...
I'd love Michael to be number one this christmas :heart:
but, he will always be my number one forever... :cute:
well..i guess, for me, i need to feel the 'novelty' of the thing. i already bought man in the mirror. and, for me, personally, i'd feel like i was doing the sony dance. buying MJ old stuff over and over. and for me, that would be tired. and i'd feel like i was forcing myself to do charity. and for me, that's not charity.

for me, buying 'lost children' would be cool, cus i never bought it as a single, before. for that reason alone, i'd like to do it. considering all that happened, with sony, and stuff...i need that 'new' feeling, in some way.

it's gotten to the point where, even if it felt like rebellion, and that was the only reason i bought 'lost children', that would be enough. that, and the fact that it's Michael Jackson.

and also, for me, i would maybe think i wouldn't like a certain MJ song. but as soon as i listen to it, it captures me.

i like 'lost children'..
man that's going to be the easiest thing i ever did.

i have itunes.

there are no weak MJ songs. and the 'weak' ones are ones others would kill or die to be able to write. they picked the song, cus they love it. and that's a lot of people.

lol. i don't mean week general standards, i mean weak MJ standard, its not anthemic enough for me at least
I love The Lost Children. It's such a great song.
If you want it to be no.1 you need o coordinate the buying of it...people cant buy it just randomly over the next couple of weeks...everyone needs to buy it the same week so it has maximum impact in the single chart
It would be beyond amazing if this happened. Unfortunately the X Factor has such an monopoly on number 1 its very doubtful. But I will be buying it again so we can at least try.
I think this is a brilliant idea.

Even if it doesn't get to number one because of the X Factor, hopefully it'll get high enough in the charts to get some publicity.
i just realized something. i'm not in the United Kingdom. i got so caught up in this thread, that i didn't see the title, clearly. must be my wishful thinking kicking in. dammit.
If you want it to be no.1 you need o coordinate the buying of it...people cant buy it just randomly over the next couple of weeks...everyone needs to buy it the same week so it has maximum impact in the single chart


This whole thing doesn't seem well-organised enough to really work. I would buy it if I thought it was well-organised and it stood a chance in hell of making the charts. A couple of messages on facebook and fan forums will not do the trick though. You will get a couple of hundred downloads at best that way.

It's a nice idea but unfortunately it is doomed to failure unless you can promote this to thousands of people.
I'll help and do this but it 99% won't reach no.1 cause of the stupid X factor crap.
Okay maybe its not going to hit number one but even if it charts over christmas would be good! :D I'l definitely download it! :)
It says on the facebook page to only download during the dates:
MONDAY, December 14 - SUNDAY, December 20, 2009
As well as X Factor there is also two help for heroes/Army songs coming out in the christmas week. I think maybe Robbie Williams (not so sure) But christmas is jam packed and I doubt anyone is going to buy a track they haven't heard which isn't really that good regardless if they agree with that or not, especially not enough for it to be number 1.
suppose it'd be nice even to get a song into the top40 :)

but for top 10, radio one would need to support the cause...
I'm not keen on 'the lost children' - I think we'd do much better to campaign to get people buying Man in the Mirror - that way it could make number one.

I LOVE Man in the mirror but all the lost children has been chosen to be the number 1 at xmas! :yes:
This song is Michael's HEART what he ached for!!:agree:
Lost children!!
Let's DO THIS!!!
United we stand! Divided we fall.
Download All the lost children as many many others are to make MJ number 1 this xmas the first xmas MJ sad;y didnt live to see:no:

My fear is that the commentators and the "comedians" will just take the piss out of this song... MJ and Children etc etc...

On another note, its a shame there was no proper video for Cry from the Invincible album. Im sure that could have went to number 1.