MJ fan Peter Andre to cover MJ and pay tribute. School cover Will You Be There for charity.

Re: MJ fan Peter Andre to cover MJ and paying tribute on tour.

Not necessarily, the song is written by Tom Bahler, so it really depends on who own the copyright to the song, in this case I pretty much think it's the record company... simply because the songs has been covered A LOT of times before...

Thanks for the info.

Sky News just interviewed Peter Andre, asked him some bull#$*! questions about his children and made him cry live on tv. They tried to carry on with the interview but he asked to stop and it ended. Poor Pete :(
Re: MJ fan Peter Andre to cover MJ and paying tribute on tour.

Thanks for the info.

Sky News just interviewed Peter Andre, asked him some bull#$*! questions about his children and made him cry live on tv. They tried to carry on with the interview but he asked to stop and it ended. Poor Pete :(

Just shows how evil the media are making a grown man break down on live TV!!! Its not right, seeing this happen to Peter just reminds me of Michael :no:
I must admit when I saw this on TV I did a little scream 'Nooooooo!' but that's my problem, I just don't like anyone covering Michael's songs lol. But Pete seems like a genuine, nice and respectful guy. He's always loved Michael and I can kind of understand why he'd want to do it. He's a good guy, I don't think he's in it for the publicity (for once) he's genuinally a huge MJ fan. Respect to him.
I have never heard him sing, and I don't know whether I want to. I know this isn't fair, but I only like Michael singing his songs. I know others could say the same about other people's songs, but there seems to be something almost sacred regarding Michael's songs now that he has died.
Re: MJ fan Peter Andre to cover MJ and paying tribute on tour.

Thanks for the info.

Sky News just interviewed Peter Andre, asked him some bull#$*! questions about his children and made him cry live on tv. They tried to carry on with the interview but he asked to stop and it ended. Poor Pete :(

Aww no. :( That's horrible.
Re: MJ fan Peter Andre to cover MJ and paying tribute on tour.

Thanks for the info.

Sky News just interviewed Peter Andre, asked him some bull#$*! questions about his children and made him cry live on tv. They tried to carry on with the interview but he asked to stop and it ended. Poor Pete :(

Just seen this, a freind sent me the youtube link.
Thats so awful - they must have known that would upset him :angry:
Poor Guy.
Yeah ive just watched the clip. He was legitamately very upset.

Aw that's horrible, what an awful thing to say to him.
Seriously these media people need to eff off. I'm sorry. Media people are always so keen for celebs to get their kids taken away for ratings, and tabloid s***, seriously! WTH is wrong with people?!
About the song - I think he did a good job to be honest.


Just shows how evil the media are making a grown man break down on live TV!!! Its not right, seeing this happen to Peter just reminds me of Michael :no:

Seriously these media people need to eff off. I'm sorry. Media people are always so keen for celebs to get their kids taken away for ratings, and tabloid s***, seriously! WTH is wrong with people?!

I know :( they're idiots.

Sky News yesterday showed an article from their website where they have said Katie Price aka Jordan (Pete's ex) is the most hated woman in the UK and an artist has photoshoped her face onto a famous photo of Myra Hindley - one of the 'Moors murderers' who killed loads of children.

I don't like Katie Price that much, but portraying her as Myra Hindley is just disgusting! The photo is for an exhibition, the artist said he hopes people realise that Katie isn't a bad person compared to Myra Hindley but still..I think its sick.
I have always been a fan of peter andre not like i love michael but a fan, his love for michael is massive,in his tour he is doing a piece to michael because he loves him so much,michael is peters insperation,the interview yesterday omg i just wanted to give him a huge hug he has been though so much and what kate burley asked him was out of order just hope he is ok,ppl r saying it was a stunt by peter pr company i doubt that very much,peter is a very emotional guy and he loves his kids so much,When i watched peters program he got to record in a studio that michael had recorded in usa and he was so over welm he was like a big kid bless him xoxo
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Thanks for posting Pete's version. I think he did a decent job :) I like Pete and though I'm not a Jordan fan, I think he made a mistake with that News of the World story. It's the first mistake I've seen him make & I think it has to do with "Rocky" doing well in Celeb Big Brother.

Edit: I forgot to add, I think that journalist was irresponsible in how she handled the interview. This is a classic example of such reporting. She only cares about the ratings not the damage she could cause. Good reporting is not like this. There is no excuse.

Here is peter's version of She's out of my life.

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Cleaned the thread as there's no need to be disrespectful towards Peter Andre. Sometimes it's better to keep it to yourself if you don't have anything good to say and move to another thread.
ive heard the cover and its actually not that bad.
Peters always supported Michael, ALWAYS. and with the end result sounding ok, meh good on him.
Peter has always been a big fan and really supportive. I remember when his foul wife wanted to ask Jermaine on their chat show about Michael's surgery, and Peter, usually under the thumb got really angry and said 'don't you dare', he told her to show more respect for Michael. I was impressed, he is a bit wet but a nice guy.

Haha yeah and also good on him for that, respect! Still you don't want to hear it, hearing a clip from She's Out of My Life was enough.
Did anyone get the news of the world last weekend, he was going to tell the world who his dream girl was. I mean this is such important news, if there is one thing the world needs to know it is who is Peter Andres dream girl.
God give the guy a break!! He is a massive fan always has been he started out impersonating Michael and has always stood proud as a Michael fan!
Infact just last night on his twitter account he said the sweetest thing

His son had asked him after they had been watching Michael on youtube when he was going to meet Michael Peter said he did not know what to say :cry: But his next tweet said Hopefull daddy will meet him in heaven one day! :cry:

I think Michael fans should support him on this!

That is soooooooo sweet and heartbreaking. I also read an interview from Peter where he said his son Junior is just like him as a child, he's really into Michael :) :heart:

His cover of She's Out Of My Life is surprisingly lovely..good on you Peter!
I think Peter Andre is one of the most genuine and lovely people out there right now. I watched that video of the interview yesterday and thought it was horrific! It was so sad how they did that to him, they showed that video and said all those things to provoke him! They knew it would hit a nerve and then they say "oh, sorry if we've upset you" eugh i HATE the media :mad: grr.

Anyway Pete has all my support, he's a fellow fan and a true one at that. He has a lot of respect from me :)
Just listened to Peter's version of She's Out of My life, and it's good.. I really like it. I don't think there's anything wrong with artists covering other artists songs. Especially when they have as much respect for them, as Peter does for MJ.
To be fair, I quite like Peter Andre as a person.

That interview showed that he loved his kids more than anything.
I usually hate when people cover MJ songs as they never do them justice but Peter is a huge fan and he can sing.
Just heard it. I like it he didn't change it up too much like Ginuwine's version but he didn't rip Michae'ls style 100 %
Did anyone get the news of the world last weekend, he was going to tell the world who his dream girl was. I mean this is such important news, if there is one thing the world needs to know it is who is Peter Andres dream girl.

And whats this got to do with Michael???? Nice input in the thread :scratch:

I usually hate when people cover MJ songs as they never do them justice but Peter is a huge fan and he can sing.

And whats this got to do with Michael???? Nice input in the thread :scratch:


Nothing but it's just another reason why i think he is an idiot. He wants to have his private life played out in public by giving exclusives to the rags every weekend and then he start crying on TV when he doesn't like what he hears.
I know some of petes brothers. They all live here in Cairns (australia). Great guys. Pete was cut up about the loss of MJ as was the rest of the family. They are all massive fans. GOOD ON YOU PETE