MJ Estate gave Sony 50 songs to choose from for This Is It Soundtrack

I wonder whether Sony were aware of Anka's involvement from the beginning. If This Is It was released as a single, they'd have to pay him a hell of a lot of money but as it's only going to be on the album, I'm sure his 'cut' will be a lot smaller as Sony can argue that people bought the album for ALL the songs, not just This Is It.

This is very true. It's 50% of just one song, albeit on the album twice. No way the estate will want this released as a single now. This is not just about Sony wanting to make money.
The major problem with this f&^^ up is that every single other song released now will have people crawling out of the woodwork, claiming that they wrote it. And Michael is not here to defend himself.

The allegation about him "stealing" tapes etc doesn't help either...

This is another reason why they should be consulting with knowledgable fans before releasing anything...

yes - absolutely
Something nice written about Michael and his unreleased songs on this aritcle (I'll skip to the end):

Today's New York Times reports that Sony has unearthed "at least 100" Jackson songs from its archives, "in varying stages of being finished." Undoubtedly, these will eventually be packaged in shiny box sets and gobbled up by insatiable fans. Previously-released demos have provided fascinating glimpses of Jackson's raw brilliance as a vocalist and craftsman, and one hopes that Sony will give us his song-sketches in their bare-bones form, without added jiggery-pokery, or angelic choirs rearing up in background. There's already a genius on those records—who needs a god?

This just killed all thoughts of my thoughts about MJ's romantic intentions about the true meaning of "This is It"....(sigh)
The major problem with this f&^^ up is that every single other song released now will have people crawling out of the woodwork, claiming that they wrote it. And Michael is not here to defend himself.

The allegation about him "stealing" tapes etc doesn't help either...

This is another reason why they should be consulting with knowledgable fans before releasing anything...

Yeah they really should. Employing fans would really be to their advantage, as this whole mess has shown.
I'm sorry but who the F$$K is Paul Anka. They are right Mj can't write a song like that he writes off the hook songs like: Billie Jean. This song is ok i only like it because Michael is singing it.
If they could choose from 50 songs...all Sony came up with was this unnessecary demo stuff that will be on disc 2 or whatever? Come on now.
Something nice written about Michael and his unreleased songs on this aritcle (I'll skip to the end):

Today's New York Times reports that Sony has unearthed "at least 100" Jackson songs from its archives, "in varying stages of being finished." Undoubtedly, these will eventually be packaged in shiny box sets and gobbled up by insatiable fans. Previously-released demos have provided fascinating glimpses of Jackson's raw brilliance as a vocalist and craftsman, and one hopes that Sony will give us his song-sketches in their bare-bones form, without added jiggery-pokery, or angelic choirs rearing up in background. There's already a genius on those records—who needs a god?

could have NOT say it better, :agree:
i start typing post in one thread, but posting in another?????
what's going on? thread lost, erased? should i erase this post?
Yeah they really should. Employing fans would really be to their advantage, as this whole mess has shown.
Heck, my hubby and I would go through the MJ recordings vault for FREE ;) Do you hear me, Sony? We'll listen to absolutely everything for you. For FREE! :rofl:
Sony as usual f&*^% up!

Lets just all hope that quite a bit of finished MJ tracks are in those vaults 'cause I certainly don't want anyone else 'adding' anything like McClain did with This Is It!
I'm sure the fans would agree that they would like 100% MJ, that way we know that whats being released is how MJ recorded and would've wanted it.
Sony as usual f&*^% up!

Lets just all hope that quite a bit of finished MJ tracks are in those vaults 'cause I certainly don't want anyone else 'adding' anything like McClain did with This Is It!
I'm sure the fans would agree that they would like 100% MJ, that way we know that whats being released is how MJ recorded and would've wanted it.
May God hear you:angel: