MJ: Either Love him or Hate him.....

I think an important thing to remember, though, is that Michael's legacy is going to be for more than just those of us who truly love him and supported him and know all his songs and all about him as a person. There are different degrees of appreciation... always have been and always will be. it's now our responsibility to teach others the truth, to continue his message of love and healing the world, to be sure he's remembered and celebrated for who he was and what he gave and to open our arms to those who have just opened their hearts to him.

There are all kinds of fans out there. I am like many here who loves Michael totally and completely. He is it for me, no one can compare and no one ever will. I've been a big fan for over 20 yrs but I am now a more staunch supporter than ever before. I belief that it is my obligation to keep his legacy alive. I am a teacher and I will be doing my darndest to accomplish this. I'm frankly incredibly grateful to hear there are new fans, and fans that came back. I don't care what they did and what they thought in the past. The past is the past- just the fact that they now love Michael is the most important thing to me. I am not going to judge them. After all we are all human, and we all make mistakes. I welcome every fan, the more fans, the more possibility that Michael will indeed live forever like he always wanted. The other day I had two guys come and install a new a/c unit in my house, and they saw my cool MJ framed picture so we started talking about MJ. They turned out to be fans, and just loved him! But they weren't like me- I had to inform them about Cirque and Captain EO and the new album coming out. I also gave one of the guys that hadn't seen TII (the other one had and had the DVD) a copy of TII dvd. I had bought several copies. It felt so good to do it. He was so excited and surprised that I did. Those guys were already planning to go see EO w/their kids and checking out the Cirque shows. So I always try to do my bid to help my Michael. It was a wonderful day, even though I had to shell out thousands of $$ for an new a/c unit. It didn't matter to me Michael and I were very happy!!!
Just keep spreading the Michael l.o.v.e everybody that's all I can say! :D :dancin:
I think with most everyone, theres a million shades of gray in how much you like so and so. But I see what the OP is saying because of how we are in regards to Michael.

Most artists don't excel on *being a human being* so we appreciate their art and celebrate their genius. With Michael, it was always like 'wow, this music is the best... this dancing is the best...this video is the best...this person is the best!'

Because we were drawn to those first aspects, we had the chance to see Michael the person. I think its an evolution that all of us went through. His voice and dance are vessels through which we see his soul. And once you see and feel his soul, you can't help but fall in love with him as a special being. A True Gift to the World.

That's why I feel that we are blessed, because not everyone is lucky enough to experience this.

Beautifully put. Couldn't have said it any better. Thank you!
There are all kinds of fans out there. I am like many here who loves Michael totally and completely. He is it for me, no one can compare and no one ever will. I've been a big fan for over 20 yrs but I am now a more staunch supporter than ever before. I belief that it is my obligation to keep his legacy alive. I am a teacher and I will be doing my darndest to accomplish this. I'm frankly incredibly grateful to hear there are new fans, and fans that came back. I don't care what they did and what they thought in the past. The past is the past- just the fact that they now love Michael is the most important thing to me. I am not going to judge them. After all we are all human, and we all make mistakes. I welcome every fan, the more fans, the more possibility that Michael will indeed live forever like he always wanted. The other day I had two guys come and install a new a/c unit in my house, and they saw my cool MJ framed picture so we started talking about MJ. They turned out to be fans, and just loved him! But they weren't like me- I had to inform them about Cirque and Captain EO and the new album coming out. I also gave one of the guys that hadn't seen TII (the other one had and had the DVD) a copy of TII dvd. I had bought several copies. It felt so good to do it. He was so excited and surprised that I did. Those guys were already planning to go see EO w/their kids and checking out the Cirque shows. So I always try to do my bid to help my Michael. It was a wonderful day, even though I had to shell out thousands of $$ for an new a/c unit. It didn't matter to me Michael and I were very happy!!!
Just keep spreading the Michael l.o.v.e everybody that's all I can say! :D :dancin:
That's so cool :D Spreading the L.O.V.E.! :heart:
I'm a little late to this thread, but...

I do agree that there are shades of gray with Michael. Someone mentioned Justin Timberlake, and that's a classic example for me. I would call myself a "fan" of his music I guess, but not really of the man himself. So I understand that viewpoint. However, I still don't think I'll ever understand how anyone can NOT see the beauty, grace, innocence and pure love that was Michael the man. And how do you not love, LOVE? I do understand the power of the media and their ability to project nasty images onto people, but just watching Michael speak and interact with others, at least for me, is the most touching thing you could ever witness - to the point that anything negative ever written about him just melts away because you FEEL his kind and gentle energy just EXUDING from him. How do people miss this?? How are they not overcome by it? I really don't get it.

mjbunny - frikkin' great posts in here :clapping: Can't say much more.

I'm with you guys on "devotee" being a better word. Although I'm not sure there is even a word in the dictionary that would truly encompass how we feel toward Michael. I really cringe at the word fan though. It's just such an empty word for who we really are.

Gyrl4MJ said:
When MJ died, I cried because I knew how we lost a loving human being, a great father, a sensitive man, a funny guy, a charming person, a good humanitarian, a humble soul. It hurt deep.
THEN i thought about his music.....in fact his music was the last thing on my mind
Same here. I didn't even fully discover Michael until after he died, but when I did, I discovered the MAN first. I wept, for this most beautiful soul that the world lost. The talent he had with his music was like an afterthought. (and a bonus, along with his royal sexiness :cheeky:)

(sigh) This thread is making me miss him. But I guess when am I not?
i still like his Soldiers of Love....cuz he said that himself.

i dont really like 'devotee' and definitely dont think 'fan' does justice. when people say 'oh ur a mj fan?' i usually respond by lighting up and saying 'i LOVE michael jackson' haha...it goes beyond...

i love music and buy cds all the time, and its so nice when you find an album you love and when you can also identify with the artist (what they represent etc)...like some of my favs are alicia keys and bilal...love those guys. but with michael its just the ultimate love. nobody else can fill my heart with happiness by just the thought of them :)