MJ doesn't let nothing mess him up on stage watch this(Video inside)

Well duh hes michael jackson lol but that eart song thing was scary...i think after that his back was n terrible pain..did he slip in the shower after that 2? Or was that somethin else lol
Ye he is very professional and focused
when he is on stage and no matter what
the show must go on -
well he wasn't exactly "fine" after that bridge fell. He was determined to finish the show, but collapsed after it was over in pain, taken to the hospital and such. And it is said that he still has back problems because of that fall.

That was scary scary stuff. It doesnt look like much on video, but i imagine that was a really fast free fall for tons and tons of steel....and MJ was unbelievable to have finished the show after that.

As for the second one....HAHAHAHA. He looked so pissed cuz 1.) His glasses fell off....and 2)people weren't wiping the stage FAST enough :lol: You see him almost trip? He was piiiiiisseeedd lol
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Just a question.. was it common knowledge after the concert that MJ was rushed to hospital or did that surface years later?
yeah i remember when it happened that i was soooo worried. It hit the news when it happened, that MJ went to the hospital after it.
the earth song 1 looked scary, also proves he was lipping haha
The media didnt really seem to pay much attention to MJs fall did they? If it was Britney, Madonna, Beyonce, Mariah or whoever else, Im sure it would have gotten some media attention but I dont remember the media caring about the stage collapse where MJ got hurt.
Wow, the way he continues to perform, you would never know that he was hurting. I actually thought the crain falling was part of the act.
He was actually taken to the hospital after that performance..

awsome that he continued
The media didnt really seem to pay much attention to MJs fall did they? If it was Britney, Madonna, Beyonce, Mariah or whoever else, Im sure it would have gotten some media attention but I dont remember the media caring about the stage collapse where MJ got hurt.
as a matter of fact I remember they did... at least in Europe....

I was watching it live on TV ... it was scary... and yes , he was taken to hospital... and since then he's had a problem with his back... remember the trial and his problems with his back then?

and props to him for going on with the show (!)
I remember there was a bit of coverage on that accident, I was so worried! I remember calling my fan friend who was visiting his mum on the other side of the country and we were trying to compare news reports and find out what happened, if he was ok.

Michael was hurt during that accident, but he could have been hurt a lot more. It was a VERY serious mistake/accident, and he was lucky not be hurt more. It is a scary thing, and he was amazing to go on. I really don't like watching that footage even now, I just keep thinking MJ was lucky that day, very lucky.
it was very scary,maybe thats another reason why he won't tour no more. MJ always scares me when he does the Beat it thing on that ladder he sticks his legs out and stuff very scary stuff
O.k..about the bridge, I looked at it again and it does look like it's part of the act. SH*T, that would hurt...I wonder though if he jumped a bit just before it hit the ground so he wouldn't be affected too much by the impact? I guess if he injured his back he really didn't have time. Bless him.

With regards to the other video while he was turning his glasses, do you not think that it was planned? I mean, he had to have known if he were going to turn his head with that much force that his glasses wouldn't stay on....o.k, maybe not...just don't tell him I said that. It looked like he almost wanted to grab them. Besides, I think the overall idea was to have the cool glasses with the cool suit.

The wet stage, well, it was raining, and I think they did the best they could to wipe it off. I don't know if he was hinting to where they should be wiping while he was doing that sliding thing but...it's unfortunate. Crap, I was afraid that while he was doing it, he would slip. :unsure:

I can understand him feeling kind of peed at the entire situation. -_-
I had read somewhere that when Michael was doing the Smooth Criminal lean he fell over and just got up and continued dancing... Never seen footage myself so not sure if its true
When i watch MJ on the crane and do what he likes to do...I always OMG! watch out! watch out! and reach my arm as if i could hold him or sumthin
But i dont think its the reason MJ doesnt want to tour,i think its more into the over tiredness from it. MJ is a brave person

And why media didnt cover the "earth song" accident?and any other tour accident MJ had? because MJ is very proffessional and no matter what he'll keep the show go on.
lots of people think the crane fall by purpose,including myself...coz MJ seems so calm
Imagine if its Britney,Beyonce,JT or anyone else...i bet they will stop the show and cry like a baby
I wonder though if he jumped a bit just before it hit the ground so he wouldn't be affected too much by the impact?

That myth was busted on Mythbusters about jumping before an elevator hit the ground if it fell. The dummies limbs were ripped off so MJ is lucky to get away with only back problems. It could have been worse. Very scary. Thing is you dont see MJ suing the person responsible for that rigging but if the shoe was on the other foot there would be lawsuits against MJ Im sure.
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You could tell Michael was in a lot of pain after that bridge fell and he continued the performance. The fact that he continued at all was incredible, because he must have been in an insufferable amount of pain, if he collapsed back stage immedietely afterwards. What a mess.

The thing about him falling in the shower happend during the trial, for the person who asked. It aggrivated I guess a problem that was already there. Michael was seriously suffering after that, having to sit in court every day for hours on end. He was a mess, and considering what he was going through, it's amazing that he was able to hold up until the end. He's such a strong person.
^I think it's so cute that he slipped/messed up--I mean how often do we get to see that happen! :p He's such a perfectionist.
The bridge falling down, that was during the Michael and Friends concert in Munich, and he was really very hurt... there was some permanent damage. The back pains he was having during the trial were directly related to what happened that day. :(
he is a tought cookie.he learn that from his father,during Jackson 5 years...hard work...