MJ concert attenders - did you try to bring a camera along with you?

Remington Steele

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I'm actually surprised by all the amateur footage there is. I mean, all the footage of recent concerts (in general) on youtube isn't surprising as most of it was just recorded with a digital photo camera.

I was in Munich in 1992 and Basel in 1997. Of course back then the thought arised to me how great it would be to record the shows, but I didn't think much about it as I knew concert security was generally very strict about cameras. And I think I would have been quite embarrassed had they opened my bag and found a full-scale video camera in there.

Anyway, I'm just curious... did some of you maybe try to bring a cam... and did you "make it" or did you have to leave it at the entrance? How did the security react? :)
took a normal camera and got lots of pics the small digi camcorders werent really around then nor digitals i dont think. if u get the filming type camera in unless u are right at the front no ones is gonna stop u in a crowd of 80k
the small digi camcorders werent really around then nor digitals i dont think

That was my point, no they weren't around at all. Interesting, I do wonder how many people with video cameras were stopped at the entrance. Did you ever notice security people who took a video camera from someone at the entrance?
I didn't. I was too busy running to the arena to notice what was going on around me.
I snuck in a throw-away-afterwards camera by hiding it in my hair LOL.

I was/am wearing my hair in fake-hair-braids big enough to hide a camera in, LMAO..

I never tried sneaking in a videocamera coz my hair was not THAT big.

b.t.w.... Once we made it to the first row the security didnt make a problem about my camera, he even took a picture of my and my sis on the first row:

To sneak cameras or other stuff (alcohol bottles or whatever) into arenas, just put it in your socks.;) The security guys never bothers to bend down - for understandable reasons. If they touch you at all they touch your stomach and outside of the upper legs..
I did, I put it in my bra, but it fell out as I ran inside LOL
SOcks is a great idea, I'll have to remember that. I got a few photos during MSG, was so mad because my friend Sandy got AMAZING photos but she had actually taken an SLR into the show. Of course this was Sept 7-10, 2001 so things were a lot different.

I was front row on Sept 7, and got some decent photos but they could have been a lot better. I just had a disposable camera though cuz I was afraid they would take it away. Oh well. Sandy was kind enough to give me a few of her photos as compensation.
I went to the concert back in '96. I don't think there were many digital cameras back then either and I think I wouldn't have taken one with me, if there was any. I'd rather enjoy the moment than concentrate on recording and taking pictures.
I didn't have a camera with me, but I remember seeing a few dropping their cameras once they have gotten through the security and started to run. It must have been a difficult decision to make there: whether to keep running and get a good place in front of the stage or pick up the camera and possible lose the good place as people were let in all the time.

And by the way, I've been to a concert where the security did check the ankles so that nothing was hidden inside socks and/or shoes.
interesting... wow, they simply dropped their $$$-expensive video cameras? Cameras were more expensive back then.
I remember sneaking in my shitty Kodak disc camera back in '88!
I didn't, for back then there was a huuuuuugggeeee Warning notice stating they will kick you out if they ever catch you with a camera. And it's such a pity, for I got first row and I could have done some good picks, I think. Just a few moths ago, however, I found out another fan who DID take a camera with him and took some pics. Shame on me.... but between having a few good pics and missing the whole concert... no question I had to be sure to be there.

ahhhhhh.... things have changed so much. That was back in October 1993.... soon it will be 17 years since that magical night.

man.... time really, really flies :depressed:
I didn't have a camera with me, but I remember seeing a few dropping their cameras once they have gotten through the security and started to run. It must have been a difficult decision to make there: whether to keep running and get a good place in front of the stage or pick up the camera and possible lose the good place as people were let in all the time. And by the way, I've been to a concert where the security did check the ankles so that nothing was hidden inside socks and/or shoes.

Yes, this was also the case in our concert.
Many had to make that though decisition and every second counted... so the more the thought about letting go, the further you would be from stage :bugeyed
I didn't have a camera with me, but I remember seeing a few dropping their cameras once they have gotten through the security and started to run. It must have been a difficult decision to make there: whether to keep running and get a good place in front of the stage or pick up the camera and possible lose the good place as people were let in all the time.

And by the way, I've been to a concert where the security did check the ankles so that nothing was hidden inside socks and/or shoes.

yeah, I think it happened at every concert. I remember people losing their cameras and stopping to think whether to pick them up and continue running. But even after they continued running they were too late and there was no room in the front row. Sad, really. A missed opportunity. Looking at that, I was glad I didn't take my camera with me.
That was my point, no they weren't around at all. Interesting, I do wonder how many people with video cameras were stopped at the entrance. Did you ever notice security people who took a video camera from someone at the entrance?

yeah everyone was running so quic didnt look nor care. i took in as little as possible so u wouldnt be stopped. i actually work in the security industry doing security at concerts/sports events and in a crowd of 80k its impossible to search everyone.normally u check big bags.but sometimes its only random and rarely are ppl body searched especially for an mj type concert so for a concert of that size it would prob be pretty easy to get one in.

And by the way, I've been to a concert where the security did check the ankles so that nothing was hidden inside socks and/or shoes.
yeah thats the worse place to put them. even i check the ankles and im as lazy as they come lol put down your bra like someone else did is the best lol as long as it isnt obvious in a tight top lol
Are you serious? How on earth do you have the guts to bend down and risking loosing balance and get seriously hurt knowing there is thousands of people pressing up against the rails waiting to get inside? Not to mention the stress on the back..
On every concert I've been to the security has just been glad if the people don't fight and don't run too fast..
u search people b4 they come in to the stadium as they get to the entrance. not sure what you are thinking. but theres no security issues with ppl rushing in. they just que and once they are past you they run so u have security doing the bird impressions with their waving arms to slow you down lol
well i was 12 and managed to sneak in a camera lol didn't get that close but i was really chuffed with the pics i got. even took a few through my mj periscope haha :D never had a camcorder though so no chance of that. i have always regretted not being at the front, but i was young and my parents and sis were with me so there was no camping outside wembley involved.
u search people b4 they come in to the stadium as they get to the entrance. not sure what you are thinking. but theres no security issues with ppl rushing in. they just que and once they are past you they run so u have security doing the bird impressions with their waving arms to slow you down lol

I remember that!!! But in our case, they would run out of our way, for we were running like crazy just to get to that precious first row. OOOOhhhh!!! The emotion of that run!!!! I have been there many times later for other shows, and it's really such a long way and I must have done that in some 2 minutes or less. Maybe less. After so many hours waiting in line, being hungry, thirsty, melting under the Spring sun, smashed among thousands, etc., it's really a wonder how fast we could go. And MAAANNN!!! We would have bit Usain Bolt on our way into the stadium!!! :lol:
I think Michael's concerts were the only times I ran that fast. I felt like I discovered some superpowers within myself lol. Because usually I am a very slow runner.