MJ Came Into My Work!!! Nathan Burton Magic Show - Mod Note: NO POSTING MJ KIDS PICS.

Re: MJ Came Into My Work!!! Mod Note: NO POSTING MJ KIDS PICS.

omg that is awesome!!!
U must be beaming! congrats
Re: MJ Came Into My Work!!! Mod Note: NO POSTING MJ KIDS PICS.

That's great news :yes: You are so lucky!
That is soo cool! You're so lucky...

We wan't to hear more! :eek:rder:
There is something I don't understand:

Why is the rest of the world allowed to look at the pictures of MJ's children and the fans on this board aren't? Does this make sense to any of you, because to me it doesn't. :*****:
^ Because we respect him. We are not paparazzis.
It has nothing to do with being a fan or not.
Omg, what a wonderful story! Thank you for sharing it.
I can't really believe it.. You've bin so damn lucky ;) Im sure Michael looked seeexy as always, and him having his little angels with him.. Umm.. Amazing!
Thank you once again for sharing! :D
that is awesome that you showed him the right amount of respect!!!

Thanks for sharing this story. Congrats :)!!! I am glad that he could enjoy the show without the pressure of the media.
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There is something I don't understand:

Why is the rest of the world allowed to look at the pictures of MJ's children and the fans on this board aren't? Does this make sense to any of you, because to me it doesn't. :*****:
easy to find just go to the site
wow, congratulations! it must have been so exciting,have mj there,your so lucky!!
im so glad u acted professional and d idn't run up and do something stupid! lol happens a lot and people end up w/o a job and screwed just cuz they wanted to touch mj! Lol
Go find the site and see the pic yourself, peps.

Lucky indeed, Dangerousfan :agree:
Re: MJ Came Into My Work!!! Mod Note: NO POSTING MJ KIDS PICS.

Jesus! Is the war still on? What kind of fascist regime are you guys running here?

How ironic to see fans of Michael, who's a symbol of freedom, behave like this.


Respecting Michael is war? Nothing has even changed the rules are the same.

Ok, the way I see it is there are two options. Don't allow their faces put on the site unless they are actual MJ released photos or allow everything no matter how the pics were obtained and feed into the gossip and mongering paps that chase Michael and his family.

By posting the paps pics we are encouraging and supporting their tatics. This could mean worse tatics will be used to get the perfect pictures and Michael or his children could be seriously hurt. MJJC will not condone those who abuse Michael's privacy therefore will not allow these photos onto the site.

Seriously, think about it. If you take your children to Walmart or KFC you don't expect them to be photographed and seen online or all over paps for the next week. Think of the invasive violation you would feel if someone did honestly do that. As individuals we know the majority of the time our children are safe from that circumstance. Michael Jackson doesn't have that safeguard. It was taken away from him. So he was running out for a family outting or dinner or whatever, it doesn't give people permission to violate his family. I don't cover my children's faces and yet I would never give permission for them to be photographed and used.

Michael asked not to allow them and you better believe until otherwise stated it will be upheld at MJJC. If a time comes that his children are on the red carpet then I'm sure that would be the answer wouldn't it? You are only on the red carpet for the purpose of exposure.

(re-posted from the issues thread)

Now lets stay focused on the topic not dwell over something you can go find elsewhere.

That's awesome that you had the opportunity to see Michael - thank you for sharing your experience with us :yes:
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wow..Dangerous...thanks for telling your story!! what a difficult job desription..that you must refrain from reacting naturally to MJ..lolol

how fortunate you are to be so close to him for that moment!:clapping:
That's cool, DangerousMJFan! You were at the right place at the right time!

A nice evening out for MJ and the kids! Good for them! Good for DangerousMJFan!
I woulda be all like oh here's your ticket.... oh wait I can't seem to pick it up from the desk and then I'd end up fumbling with the ticket and he'd be standing there tapping his fingers on the desk and I'd be .... wait I think i've got it... no wait now I've got it and the damn ticket would feel like it's been glued to the desk

then he'd probably go.. why not just slide it to the edge of the desk and then pick it up?

then I'd be like "oh.. a hee hee"

Too funny! :lol:
Re: MJ Came Into My Work!!! Mod Note: NO POSTING MJ KIDS PICS.

oh yeah tell us :D

I would have been like "oh I haven't fixed my hair, oh I hope there's nothing in my teeth, I wonder if he's wearing those black pants :wild: ... oh no what if he is wearing the black pants and I stare... :bugeyed
AHSUHHXSHAHVDVHAHAHHA AGAIN!! :hysterical:!! oh my gawd.
LJ you're so funny. :lol:
Wow, that's exciting! I don't know how you stayed so calm DangerousMJfan! I wouldn't have been able to resist trying to speak to him lol and would have happily lost my job lolol
Re: MJ Came Into My Work!!! Mod Note: NO POSTING MJ KIDS PICS.

Jesus! Is the war still on? What kind of fascist regime are you guys running here?

How ironic to see fans of Michael, who's a symbol of freedom, behave like this.

For all of you who continue complaining why pics of Michael's children can't be posted in MJJCommunity, let me refresh your memory by posting latest known Michael's statement regarding pics of his children being published all over the websites:

Feb 1, 2007

To Fanclub Admins and Mods: Re Yesterdays Photos on TMZ

I've received quite a few inquiries from fans asking if they should post these pictures.
I have responded by telling them that they should not, because Mr. Jackson feels that it is a violation of the children's privacy.

Our attorneys have contacted the photo agency which peddled these photos demanding that they pull them from each and every site that they have illegally sold them to.

I would appreciate it if you would advise the fans of the same, as you have the list of all of the sites and their Presidents.

Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,
Raymone K. Bain
So, until there'll be a new Michael's statement on this matter, MJJCommunity will continue to respect the above message.

A DAY after I say it's wierd how no online MJ fans spot MJ out and about, this happens.. :)

COOL!! Well congrats on the spoting.. :)
Congratulations !!!!! And thank you for sharing your story and emotions with us and also for letting us Know Michael movements here and there...You were really really lucky.... It is good to know that fans can meet Michael during an ordinary day and things like this can happen.