MJ argument with my teacher

Think what you may about David Icke, but he seems more right every day about 1 thing and that is "Governments destroy law(sneddon, allred), Doctors destroy health(Murray, Klein), teachers destroy education(^^), Media destroys truth(name any journalist, network or rag masquerading on newsstands)" If Michael has taught us anything it's that these institutions seem to have this weird brainwashing agenda to keep people from thinking the truth may be something else, that for these institutions there is more to gain by creating an unthinking society. He tried to tell us, that's why they want people to think he was nuts.
I thought I would share this to see how other fans would have reacted.

It was in ap english IV class today, and my teacher started talking about about Michael overly spending so much, how Michael Jackson was bankrupt because he started spending more money than was coming in.

And I just couldn't take that.

So I spoke up, and said he WASN'T backrupt. That he was still getting money from his catalogues and investments.

And she responded, "But was more money coming in?"

And I said, "YES." And she shut up after that. And then I mentioned how the executers of his estate were forcing him into financial ruin. And she just kept quiet and conintued on with her lecture.

I NEVER argue with any teacher, ever in my life, and this is the first time. But what would you guys have done if your teacher started saying that about Michael?

Oh, and this is the same teacher that said at the beginning of the year, "I don't understand why Michael Jackson can't carry his own umbrella." I didn't say anything then though.

You did great to speak up, I know I would have done the same if I was at your spot cause I actually went through that myself during the trial... it was the worst year cause it was litterally me against the whole school in some ways, most of the teachers believed in his guilt not to mention brain dead students who would talk about it all the time... I tried to keep calm but I started getting my limits when my math teacher in class made some stupid joke about kids having relations with Michael... and in my own surprise (cause I'm always scared to speak out and all) I stood up and told him to shut up and take it back... he looked at me completely shocked and said "whats your problem, you're an MJ fan in denial?" I replied with "No, I'm a proud MJ fan who's brain functions perfectly well, in some ways I'm smarter than all of you in this room, cause I see the reality of life, and that's Michael's innocence!!" and he went on with "take your seat, and shut your mouth, everyones intitled to their opinion, I see the facts and that ***** is guilty!" I went up to him and said "your a brainless jacked up motherfu***** who has no clue what he's talkin' about! You think your so wise with all your math crap, but at the end of the day numbers is all you have, you have no intelligence, a 50 year old childless and single man who's been seen coming out of clubs drunk and flirting with teenage girls wants to give lessons of morality about a man he dosen't even know, cause if you knew Michael Jackson... you could never even think of him being able to come close to those actions! So why don't you do yourself a favour drop dead and go to hell... cause it's people like you who should be put behind bars, people who have nothing but crap to offer to the world... lord only knows what you hide behind all those Michael jokes you need to give all the time... have you molested anyone? As far as I'm concerned I'll never stand foot in your class again, even if my life depends on it!" and I left the class... Truth is I didn't get off scotch free, cause I was demanded to give a public apology afterwards, but I refused, so I got expelled (I hope that's how you spell it lol) for a month, and once back I was determined to keep my word and I did, I never went back to his class, continued my math through notes I would get from friends, but I did really bad that year, but I didn't care I didnt want to be near a man like that!

The year of the trial was very hard on me, everyone picked arguments about it with me, and I actually got into a fight with this guy at one point... and I would never recommend violence and I'm sure Michael would have been disapointed, but the guy really pushed my buttons with all this crap about Michael being weird with kids and makeup and surgery... so I punched him and he continued, I kicked him and he hit back, next thing I know I was beating him up... again I was disapointed of my actions but at that moment it felt good to hit that little bastard! hehe! I respect peoples opinions and not liking Michael (even tough i don't understand) as long as I don't hear crap and disgusting things said about him! And everyone kept doing it to me that year... but the good thing was that i didn't let myself down, i actually showed off my fan attitude more and more to piss them off by wearing mj tshirts and playing his music loudly lol!