MJ argument with my teacher


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I thought I would share this to see how other fans would have reacted.

It was in ap english IV class today, and my teacher started talking about about Michael overly spending so much, how Michael Jackson was bankrupt because he started spending more money than was coming in.

And I just couldn't take that.

So I spoke up, and said he WASN'T backrupt. That he was still getting money from his catalogues and investments.

And she responded, "But was more money coming in?"

And I said, "YES." And she shut up after that. And then I mentioned how the executers of his estate were forcing him into financial ruin. And she just kept quiet and conintued on with her lecture.

I NEVER argue with any teacher, ever in my life, and this is the first time. But what would you guys have done if your teacher started saying that about Michael?

Oh, and this is the same teacher that said at the beginning of the year, "I don't understand why Michael Jackson can't carry his own umbrella." I didn't say anything then though.
i think you did well to speak up,well done you,it takes alot of guts especially with someone like a teacher,but when people get their facts wrong,it is good to let them know the real facts,
Good on you for speaking up. I don't consider it arguing; you were just sharing facts with her. Teachers can be wrong. Don't sweat it. Sometimes its right to speak up and other times its not (ex. when people are just interested in bashing and aren't open to learn).

And then I mentioned how the executers of his estate were forcing him into financial ruin.

But what really ticked me off is that she KNEW I was a fan of him, and she said that anyways!!

At the beginning of the year with the unbrella thing, I just let that slide because she didn't know I was a fan. But now everyone knows, and she just went on...
But what really ticked me off is that she KNEW I was a fan of him, and she said that anyways!!

At the beginning of the year with the unbrella thing, I just let that slide because she didn't know I was a fan. But now everyone knows, and she just went on...


Very good of you to speak up to your teacher if she is getting her facts wrong.
When someone says something that rubs me the wrong way I try to remind myself that what anyone else says is more a reflection on themselves, than the person they are talking about or trashing.
Sadly for me, this reminder isn't enough and I speak up anyway.
But maybe it will help you.
I have had a much worse argument with a teacher I was once very fond of...
heres what happened:
Basically, most people in my year know I am a huge MJ fan and had tickets to see him and then when he passed I was just silent in school (which is never like me). It was the day after the memorial and I herd her laughing and she was saying to another pupil "there is no way those kids are his they are so white" and then she looked at me as if she saidit out of spite, so I replied to her. Well miss, I am mixed race and the amount of times people have thought I am white is unbelievable, the fact of the matter is he looked after them all there life, and he is their farther !! and that was that (for then)
Then the next lesson I had her for, I had the newspaper in the lesson as MJ was in it, and she was talking about MJ saying shes never liked any of his music, I wasn't bothered about that, we all have opinions, but then she called him WJ and she knew it was coming, I made one of my friends ask her to SHUT UP BEFORE I ENDED UP PUNCHING HER !!! and she wouldn't but my freinds helped me block her out...

But what was the worst is what she was saying to another class that my brother is in. she was, saying he died because his plastic nose fell off and he chocked on it, and he was a pedo... she makes me sick !!
I have had a much worse argument with a teacher I was once very fond of...
heres what happened:
Basically, most people in my year know I am a huge MJ fan and had tickets to see him and then when he passed I was just silent in school (which is never like me). It was the day after the memorial and I herd her laughing and she was saying to another pupil "there is no way those kids are his they are so white" and then she looked at me as if she saidit out of spite, so I replied to her. Well miss, I am mixed race and the amount of times people have thought I am white is unbelievable, the fact of the matter is he looked after them all there life, and he is their farther !! and that was that (for then)
Then the next lesson I had her for, I had the newspaper in the lesson as MJ was in it, and she was talking about MJ saying shes never liked any of his music, I wasn't bothered about that, we all have opinions, but then she called him WJ and she knew it was coming, I made one of my friends ask her to SHUT UP BEFORE I ENDED UP PUNCHING HER !!! and she wouldn't but my freinds helped me block her out...

But what was the worst is what she was saying to another class that my brother is in. she was, saying he died because his plastic nose fell off and he chocked on it, and he was a pedo... she makes me sick !!

is there any way you can talk to the administration or principal about her? I would hate to have her give you a bad grade because of this. There is a certain standard that all teachers must maintain. She clearly is not respectful of you.
Seems like a strange topic for a teacher to be talking about in class.
I thought I would share this to see how other fans would have reacted.

It was in ap english IV class today, and my teacher started talking about about Michael overly spending so much, how Michael Jackson was bankrupt because he started spending more money than was coming in.

And I just couldn't take that.

So I spoke up, and said he WASN'T backrupt. That he was still getting money from his catalogues and investments.

And she responded, "But was more money coming in?"

And I said, "YES." And she shut up after that. And then I mentioned how the executers of his estate were forcing him into financial ruin. And she just kept quiet and conintued on with her lecture.

I NEVER argue with any teacher, ever in my life, and this is the first time. But what would you guys have done if your teacher started saying that about Michael?

Oh, and this is the same teacher that said at the beginning of the year, "I don't understand why Michael Jackson can't carry his own umbrella." I didn't say anything then though.

i don't want to discourage you, but something is wrong with a teacher who goes by what they hear in the media.

but good for you for standing up for Michael. it's clear that that teacher is biased against MJ. i mean, what's wrong with a celebrity having the right to an entourage, and someone carrying his umbrella? MJ has earned that right. any other celeb has someone carrying an umbrella, there'd be no complaints.
I fail to see what Michael Jackson's finances (or ability to carry umbrellas) has to do with AP English.

I dislike teachers who stray from discussing their subjects. Unless it has something to do with the curriculum, she should keep her opinions to herself. Otherwise, she's wasting time and tax payer money. She's getting paid to teach a class, not to ignorantly criticize Michael Jackson.

Good for you, though. Standing up to people who stray from their position is definitely the correct course of action.
lol u told her right! it should teach her to get her damn facts right before talking. why the hell was she talking about MJ's finances in english class anyway? psshhh!! good looking out tho ;)
you did a good job telling her the truth, althjough your teacher isr epeating what media said.The media brain washed most of the people with their lies. I hate them.
If you wanted to learn about tabloid junk you would pick up the National Enquirer rather than be in class no? You should tell them this still and talk to them about it. In private though. People really hate being wrong, especially when you out them in public.
Believe me teachers can be stupid about Michael. I was told from a fellow DeviantArtist who told my her head teacher told other teachers to quit paying respects to Michael and I told her that her head teacher is just plain stupid.
I ALWAYS argue with teachers over Michael. I even sometimes say "Can I talk to you outside?" cause I know they will go mad if I give a lecture in front of the class.

They are so pathetic. Aren't they supposed to be "educators?" Well then stop spreading false and uneducated "news".
I ALWAYS argue with teachers over Michael. I even sometimes say "Can I talk to you outside?" cause I know they will go mad if I give a lecture in front of the class.

They are so pathetic. Aren't they supposed to be "educators?" Well then stop spreading false and uneducated "news".

Oh I know what you mean!

They are really pathetic. My teacher said some nasty things about Michael like : he changed himself from a black to a white ghost, he was ugly etc...
Worst thing with this teacher is, you can't argue with him, he thinks he knows everything. So I wanted to slap him in the face, but Michael wouldn't have wanted that, so I didn't do anything.

Couple of weeks ago he asked me during lecture if I wanted to give a honestly opinion about him and the way he is giving lecture.

So I said:

First, we've got other teachers and they are all better than you!
You don't know a thing about your subject, you get mad when we have bad results after tests, but it's you, you don't give good lecture!

Second, you talk shit about other people, like you should do that! We are here to learn, not to talk about the latest gossips.

He was really quiet after that and I was satisfied I gave my opinion.
See guys, the reason why she brought it up is because were reading this play about these bunch of rich people. And one character in the story, he spends more money than he earns. And we use examples from the outside world ALL the time. It is actually a great thing to do.

And so she brought up Michael as an example, talking about him "spending so much more money than what was coming in".....and her tone sounded so shameful on him..and she KNEW that I was a fan!

I just snapped.

And I also did some extra credit on irony and used Michael as an example, defending him. And I never got my extra credit on that.

And this other person did the same extra credit assigment and used Michael too, but joking around or making fun of him, and she gave that person credit.

Just one more day in her class! :)
is there any way you can talk to the administration or principal about her? I would hate to have her give you a bad grade because of this. There is a certain standard that all teachers must maintain. She clearly is not respectful of you.

thanks for your concern, I did complain about her and it has since stopped, and luckily for me I'm out of her class now also :)
See guys, the reason why she brought it up is because were reading this play about these bunch of rich people. And one character in the story, he spends more money than he earns. And we use examples from the outside world ALL the time. It is actually a great thing to do.

And so she brought up Michael as an example, talking about him "spending so much more money than what was coming in".....and her tone sounded so shameful on him..and she KNEW that I was a fan!

I just snapped.

And I also did some extra credit on irony and used Michael as an example, defending him. And I never got my extra credit on that.

And this other person did the same extra credit assigment and used Michael too, but joking around or making fun of him, and she gave that person credit.

Just one more day in her class! :)

this teacher sounds to me like and uneducated creep who should not even be in the classroom...besides she is a teacher and if she cannot teach respectfully and say good things about people then she shouldn't be teaching. Thats the problem with teachers today they think because they have that certificate that it gives them free rein to say what they want about people..whether it be students or other people...some teachers are just down right rude..and should not be teaching.
haha i love putting peoples facts right when they think they know everything and they dont really have a clue!
I thought I would share this to see how other fans would have reacted.

It was in ap english IV class today, and my teacher started talking about about Michael overly spending so much, how Michael Jackson was bankrupt because he started spending more money than was coming in.

And I just couldn't take that.

So I spoke up, and said he WASN'T backrupt. That he was still getting money from his catalogues and investments.

And she responded, "But was more money coming in?"

And I said, "YES." And she shut up after that. And then I mentioned how the executers of his estate were forcing him into financial ruin. And she just kept quiet and conintued on with her lecture.

I NEVER argue with any teacher, ever in my life, and this is the first time. But what would you guys have done if your teacher started saying that about Michael?

Oh, and this is the same teacher that said at the beginning of the year, "I don't understand why Michael Jackson can't carry his own umbrella." I didn't say anything then though.

I think you did the right thing! You probably would have felt terrible if you did'nt!
A few months back now i was in my English class and my teacher started to bring up Michael when she was teaching. She was saying to the whole class he was a hypocrite and he changed the colour of his sick! I reallly got wound up, this respectful woman just speking about him so horribly like everything she had to say about him was fact ,and everyone she was teaching believing it! I argued with her infront of the class and talked about his Vitiligo. I felt bad afterwards like i shouldnt have said anything, that i was out of order to do that to my teacher... :\
See guys, the reason why she brought it up is because were reading this play about these bunch of rich people. And one character in the story, he spends more money than he earns. And we use examples from the outside world ALL the time. It is actually a great thing to do.

And so she brought up Michael as an example, talking about him "spending so much more money than what was coming in".....and her tone sounded so shameful on him..and she KNEW that I was a fan!

I just snapped.

And I also did some extra credit on irony and used Michael as an example, defending him. And I never got my extra credit on that.

And this other person did the same extra credit assigment and used Michael too, but joking around or making fun of him, and she gave that person credit.

Just one more day in her class! :)

that student that got credit got illegitimate credit. not gunna help that student in life.
thanks for your concern, I did complain about her and it has since stopped, and luckily for me I'm out of her class now also :)

well done! I guess we can learn from bad examples (her!) too ;)
I've gotten in much worse arguments with my italian teacher, I dont even wanna say what was said both ways, but you could imagine lol. He shut up eventually.
While agree with all of you on calling out these 'educators'... remember your education is the key to y our future, and unfortunatly these people hold those keys until you graduate... Whilst I completly compell you to put a teacher straight, do it in a way that wont result in vendetta. Rightly or wrongly, an educator has the power to fail you/give you a hard time.
Man..reading some of these posts gets me so heated :mad:

I am sooo glad I am out of school...lol

Not that being out of school means you stop dealing with ignorant people.