MJ angry? Is this really him?

now I remember!!! I had this MCM special on some old VHS tape that I transferred on dvd few years ago!! but since I have millions of dvds who knows where is this one :( if I get to find it I'll post here for sure!
This was from the Bill Bellamy interview Michael Jackson Changes HIStory. People thought for years that the SFX on TDCAU was from MJ throwing the chair lol

IMO It is MJ BUT the hair is the same as what Michael's is during the interview which was after he cut it short. So it wasnt filmed during the recording of the HIStory album or TDCAU. The reissue of TDCAU with the SFX was added over the offending lyrics didnt require MJ to re-record anything. So IMO MJ filmed this specifically for this special.

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You know the quote, "No one moves like Michael Jackson". He's very graceful
even in anger, and, of course, he was angry. The lyrics are about anger and
frustration with bigotry and racism.
I find it funny that people are surprised it could be him...he's throwing some stuff around, not unloading a rifle...:lol:
^ Oh darn, part 2 of the 1995 interview is already gone off youtube :(
I find it funny that people are surprised it could be him...he's throwing some stuff around, not unloading a rifle...:lol:

I know! :lol:
that's why i posted it here because at first i thought it was him but then, the youtubers confused me with their denial lol
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The hair is the same as MJs hair in the interview. Its MJ.
Pretty sure that was him. As mentioned, he really does get into the songs, I think a recent quote from TII(?) someone mentioned he lives "inside the music", so it isn't that much of a stretch to imagine him getting so into it that he would lash out like that in the spirit of the song.
I think Michael once said he was the slave of music, so I am not surprise if it's him.