Proud Member
Re: JOIN! Michael's 50th b-day present VIDEO PROJECT! General discussion here!
I think we should add "video messages" as an option since everyone can't sing or dance or play an instrument, plus it will add variety and make it more fun. I like the initial idea but as I was thinking about it though I thought it might be a good idea to allow other songs too, even from other artists if it's something that is dedicated to MJ or has some special meaning...Or allow using multiple songs in one video. That way it won't become boring...
Oh well, don't get me wrong, but I am gonna stick with this cause I can't do 5 things at a time. I already said that not everybody has to necessarily dance or sing, but I guess no one really reads here, that you can talk about Michael or whatever. Plus it is not a competition like X-Factor ... you don't have to be class A.
So I have nothing against other ideas , of course, just keep in mind to let me know whether you collaborate
Oh and, btw, as you can see, Keep the Faith has for now been replaced by Human Nature. As I can't find a lot of videos of Keep the Faith, it will be postponed.
i made my vid 4 man in the mirror lol.. i kinda dont like it tho
Just a question...
How can someone that dosen't have a camera,participate somehow,in this great project?
Hmmm...you could ask someone who HAS a camera to borrow it or film you? OR.....maybe you could send pictures of yourself to someone with your message and it could be made into a "video". And if you have a microphone you coudl record your message so one could put your voice reading the message on the video with the pictures...something like that! Just an idea...! My computer is SOOO SLOW and I always have troubl ewith Windows Movie MAker and it takes AGES to make a video with it. But if you need help....let me know, I'll see what I can do!
Yeah it is possible the way Summer put it... OR for example you can write a poem about some song, or Michael himself... And we can put the text inside the clip. Just think of something for ANY and as much songs you want and I promise, we'll do something for you!...