miss him

on aug 29 at 12 pm gather as many people as you can and sing "HEAL THE WORLD". I'm trying to get this request seen by as many people as I can worldwide. What an incredible positive energy we'd send into the world by all singing together at that time!!! a way of honoring his birthday
Every day it's a strugle... we wake up and here it goes again after a few minutes: we realise the truth, the reality, the horror... HE'S GONE :(
So yes, we miss him so much, but hope right now he's in a better place, his soul is free at last.. he lives through us :angel:
We love you so much!!! Thank you for everything!!
Only this afternoon listening to my favourite song 'They Don't Really Crae About Us' in the car I was in tears. It hit me again he's not with us. I think about him so many times a day. I miss his presence sooooo much. At the moment I'm watching that re-run of the Martin Bashir documentary (shortened version) on Tv and Michael makes me so happy, he makes me smile. He is such a beautiful soul. I love you Michael forever and always.
wow, thanks so much everyone for the thoughtful and heartfelt responses...I thought this thread had disappeared, I couldnt find it, I am still a newb...grin.

It is a real comfort to know there are other fans out there that are going through the same sense of loss and grief, and that feel the same way about Michael. He was a special person with amazing gifts and it is nice to also see that so many here see him as a beautiful human being and not as the product that the media sold and the public consumed.

It is becoming more difficult these past few days with the recent news about the doctor..I have been feeling very angry now more than sad. I suppose there will be lots of emotions to go through..that is just part of grieving, but the anger is the hardest because I have no control over what happened, and there are so many what if's and sometimes I find myself fantasizing about a different outcome but then suddenly realize its no use, there is no fixing what happened.

Im also feeling angry seeing other artists going on with their careers and feel envious of other fans that get to keep enjoying their star. I didnt realize how much I looked forward to Michaels work, even if there were long delays in between, I was still looking forward to the day he would perform again and amaze people, or to have another number 1 single on the charts again. I have no doubt he would have been better than ever and he would have suprised the world.

well anyway thanks again for all the posts and for sharing...I know we will all get through this eventually.
wow, thanks so much everyone for the thoughtful and heartfelt responses...I thought this thread had disappeared, I couldnt find it, I am still a newb...grin.

It is a real comfort to know there are other fans out there that are going through the same sense of loss and grief, and that feel the same way about Michael. He was a special person with amazing gifts and it is nice to also see that so many here see him as a beautiful human being and not as the product that the media sold and the public consumed.

It is becoming more difficult these past few days with the recent news about the doctor..I have been feeling very angry now more than sad. I suppose there will be lots of emotions to go through..that is just part of grieving, but the anger is the hardest because I have no control over what happened, and there are so many what if's and sometimes I find myself fantasizing about a different outcome but then suddenly realize its no use, there is no fixing what happened.

Im also feeling angry seeing other artists going on with their careers and feel envious of other fans that get to keep enjoying their star. I didnt realize how much I looked forward to Michaels work, even if there were long delays in between, I was still looking forward to the day he would perform again and amaze people, or to have another number 1 single on the charts again. I have no doubt he would have been better than ever and he would have suprised the world.

well anyway thanks again for all the posts and for sharing...I know we will all get through this eventually.

I feel the same way. I am constantly "hit" out of nowhere with emotions. I can be listening to a certain song, and then the tears just start immediately. It is going to take time, to adjust to the reality that MJ has moved on. I know he is watching over everyone. We will see him again one day.
Michael's died is so hard to believe, and so unblievable...
i can't live without michael
and he's died made me lose my life direction
Michael had changed to history,
no one can like him, and no one can replaced him
there will not have another one Mickson Jackson
What can i do??
wow, thanks so much everyone for the thoughtful and heartfelt responses...I thought this thread had disappeared, I couldnt find it, I am still a newb...grin.

It is a real comfort to know there are other fans out there that are going through the same sense of loss and grief, and that feel the same way about Michael. He was a special person with amazing gifts and it is nice to also see that so many here see him as a beautiful human being and not as the product that the media sold and the public consumed.

It is becoming more difficult these past few days with the recent news about the doctor..I have been feeling very angry now more than sad. I suppose there will be lots of emotions to go through..that is just part of grieving, but the anger is the hardest because I have no control over what happened, and there are so many what if's and sometimes I find myself fantasizing about a different outcome but then suddenly realize its no use, there is no fixing what happened.

Im also feeling angry seeing other artists going on with their careers and feel envious of other fans that get to keep enjoying their star. I didnt realize how much I looked forward to Michaels work, even if there were long delays in between, I was still looking forward to the day he would perform again and amaze people, or to have another number 1 single on the charts again. I have no doubt he would have been better than ever and he would have suprised the world.

well anyway thanks again for all the posts and for sharing...I know we will all get through this eventually.

OMG you are feeling the exact same way that I am.. I thought it was getting easier but it's not. I had stopped crying then had the bright idea of going on youtube and looking at parts of the memorial. i criied again..I have gotten to the point that I dont want to watch or listen to the news reports now because they are so mean and one sided. I have been a fan since 1968 when there was only the Jackson 5..my first concert was 1972 and it was a jackson 5 concert. It feels like I lost a family member...right now I am angry because this didnt have to happen..He could still be alive and that makes me mad!!
It hit me again today. I don't like going in hmv anymore with all the Michael stuff they have around...
still angry here and its been days...I keep googling information, I dont know why. He cant come back...but I guess it makes me feel close to him. But then I read stuff about that stupid doctor and the thought of him falling asleep on Michael makes me sick to my stomach!!. I am also getting mad at the things appearing on the internet, the home videos and the phone calls. It is obscene to expose him like this.

I worry about the onslaught of stupid products they are going to make in his name, I saw some stupid lithograph they were selling on TV. It is nice that he is being honored as a hero and all but I rather he be here and the public still didnt like him. If this is the price you have to pay to have him recognized as a legend then I dont want it. I'd rather he be hated and be alive than to be loved and to be gone. It isnt worth it to be a legend.
I Love Him really So Much...
Miss him more and more every day, sometimes i think i'm gonna crazy...

I don't want to let him go....

there are days when i say i'm stronger, this pain will go...
but than i saw his photos, his beautiful smile, eyes, lips and i want to die with him...

never gonna to get over this... this is too much...
never thought it would be so hard, cause i never imagined life without him..
without my michael...
Chris I feel every inch of your emotions. I get so angry about everything that has transpired leading to his untimely death. So many people that wronged him in his life are still here...but this magnificient man is no more. It consoles me a little when I think that Michael was just too good for earth...his work was done. He left a legacy so few leave at 50. But the harsh truth is that three children are fatherless, his family in grief and his fans devastated. I want to go and buy new music...I envy all those other fans that do so with ther fabourite artists.
It hurts soo soo much. i miss him beyond words.