miss him


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I am a fan of Michaels for 30 yrs, I had the joy of having his music to escape to for all that time. A private solace where I dreamed the same dreams Michael did. A world that was filled with unconditional love, equality and inclusiveness for everyone, human and animal, no matter big or small. Everyone was happy in Michaels dream and so was I.

He was a wonderful artist and a beautiful soul. Mostly what I liked and what I will miss the most is the way he moved, it was always a performance and always spot on. Whether just a walk to his car under an umbrella, or a wave from a balcony, a pause to smile, a deep breath, the way he tucked his hair behind his ear, the weight on his hip. I didnt realize it till today but he gave me confidence in myself and I thank him for that from the bottom of my soul. What will I do without his occasional drops into my life, a tv appearance, a song, a photo, a performance! something that enlivened my soul.

I hope all of you will carry his light with you and let it continue to shine through in the things he would have liked. Be like him, work like him and want the best in what you do and what you pursue in life. He would want you all to be successful.

If one of Michaels dreams came true we would all be happy and loved in a beautiful and peaceful world. Thats how big he dreamed.

I will miss him so much.

I feel the same exact way. I can't live without him. Just doesn't feel right anymore waking up knowing that he's not with us anymore, as I said in many other threads. I just ... miss him.

thanks for your responses....It is comforting to know there are other fans out there that will miss him long after all this tv coverage is over...we are not alone in that.
thanks for your responses....It is comforting to know there are other fans out there that will miss him long after all this tv coverage is over...we are not alone in that.

His music will live on forever.

Beautiful post Chris.

I miss him too. I will miss him for the rest of my life. :cry:

thank you so much

Is anyone else out there feeling as miffed as I do since he passed...I mean where in the world did all these 'fans' come from , especially here in America. Not too long ago everyone hated him. I was ridiculed many times by friends for liking him and waiting for each new song. I used to tell people that he has all these songs they no one has ever heard and they are his best work..Now all of sudden everyone is a fan...oh and what is killing me is that my favorite song of all time Man in the Mirror, is now everyones favorite song because of its 'message'...uggggg...Man in the Mirror did not go to Number 1 here in the US and was pretty much a forgotten song. It just makes me so made that all these fair weather fans, and johnny come latelies pretending they were his fans all this time. Its not fair!

I am happy he is getting recognition, especially for Man in the MIrror and THey Dont Care..., they are my favs...but I just hate it when everyone likes what I like...lol

Oh well I'll just try to be happy Michael is getting recognition that he deserved...I just want a big I TOLD YOU SO to be posted in Time Square with all of his true fans names under it...We deserve that!

OH well....see he still can inspire me to day dream...:}

Still miss you Mike.

I also have been a long time fan of MJ i am 50 years old this november,,,,i grew up with his music i used his music as an escape to happier times i had a rough childhood and his music made me happy! i will greatly miss MJ and he will remain in my heart forever,,,,
I also have been a long time fan of MJ i am 50 years old this november,,,,i grew up with his music i used his music as an escape to happier times i had a rough childhood and his music made me happy! i will greatly miss MJ and he will remain in my heart forever,,,,

I had a rough childhood too, and until I read your post I didnt realize how much his music healed me and helped me escape from the pain in my house...I listened to Bad so many times I think I wore out that poor cassette...hahaha

I live in NY and just walking down 9th avenue, all the bars and restaurants have been playing his music...its actually quite beautiful to hear and amoungst all the people on the street I hear portions of conversations about Michael as I walk by. Just amazing all the people he touched.

Congrats on turning 5-0...!!!!
yes thank you! its the same here in baltimore,,,,u hear MJ music all over now,,,
what an amazing life he had huh?
Great posts, Chris!

I am so glad that all of the MJ fans are so wonderful, good and warm people. Just as he was.

I`ve come to realise that Michael has given me so much through the years since i was 8 or 9 even sometimes without me having it realised. His death made me think for a lot of things, reconsider them,change my attitude about some of them. His positive impact on so many peope just proves what a great person he was.

Thank you for those posts!
Great posts, Chris!

I am so glad that all of the MJ fans are so wonderful, good and warm people. Just as he was.

I`ve come to realise that Michael has given me so much through the years since i was 8 or 9 even sometimes without me having it realised. His death made me think for a lot of things, reconsider them,change my attitude about some of them. His positive impact on so many peope just proves what a great person he was.

Thank you for those posts!

Awww I miss him too baby :( We all do. But he isn't really gone, he's still here, and he is alive in every single one of us. He is in the stars and the wind, the sun and the moon, and in every child's laughter
I'm his fans too. I can't believe that he had died, it's unbelievable!!! But i know that~he will live in our heart forever. He had change me... I hope..all about you too.
Michael Jackson was truly one of the best things that happened to this world, in my opinion. He had such a big heart, and a great desire to, by his songs, make us gather as one and heal the world.
In my 15-year old life, there has not been one single moment, that I've thought that Michael ever, EVER, did anything bad to a child. "That's not where my heart is.", he said in '60 minutes'. He's right. That's NOT where his heart is.
I do not like that some people say bad things about him, even after his death. He was a great man, Michael Jackson. A man who was full of love; who always reached out for people in need. That's how we should remember him. I would like everyone to put the negative things aside, and honour this angel sent from heaven.
R.I.P Michael Jackson.
1958 - Eternity
I love him dearly, and I always will.
Me too, exactly the same! I had a tough childhood and I would play his music and shut out the rest of the world. I guess it's no coinsidence that he had a bad childhood too... but then again, I didn't know that when I was five... Maybe we sensed it through his music. I miss him so much. RIP Michael x
I miss him too. I've been really tearful again tonight. But I know he will never be forgotten, and as the saying goes, "To live in the hearts of those who love you means you will never die"
Hugs to everyone who is missing Michael tonight. ((((xxx))))
Everyone has their say now and believe everything they read in papers so it's nice to read unwavering fans words. I have been a fan since I was 8 and I don't think it has fully hit me yet that he is gone.

When I watched the memorial I wished that everyone in the world had seen it and heard it's beautiful message about peace and love.

Michael Jackson has been the soundtrack of the last 14 years of my life and I truly believe I am a better person because of him. I think he has had that affect on a lot of people.

My 8 year old god-daughter recently put his songs on her iPod. I'm so happy that there is a new generation beginning to appreciate his music and he can continue to make the world a better place long after his death with his music.

Even now when I feel like a piece of me is missing because he is gone, it's Michael's music that is slowly healing me like it always has. Your posts are also helping me to realise that he is really loved and missed because I don't really know anyone else who really liked him before he died.

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┌┴─┴─┐-┘─┘ ●RIP MJ●
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Michael's music has shaped all of us!! And now we all will always be united to keep his memory and legacy alive!