Miley Cyrus Teen choice Michael Mention!!!

MJ is very talented, he is legend.

Miley is talentless, another Britney S.

It doesn't have anything to do with taste but with quality of music.

Despite her catchy songs, I don't like Britney much... but I do think that she has SOME hidden talent. I recall watching a video when she was a kid and she sang pretty well. It's just that with the songs she sings nowadays, it doesn't do much to develop her talent.

someone must like her because shes set to be a billionaire pretty soon haha

I hate that talentless people can make so much money :(

But yeah, it was nice of her to mention MJ...
Yea I don't care for her either, not much talent there.


Thanks for mentioning Michael.

We all miss him so much.

I tell you it's not getting any easier.

I Love Michael 4-Ever!!! :in_love:
MJ is very talented, he is legend.

Miley is talentless, another Britney S.

It doesn't have anything to do with taste but with quality of music.

Why do you think people want or need to know your opinion on someone you've more than likely never even met? This was a thread telling people about a little 'tribute' she did for Michael, not a 'let's bash Miley Cyrus' thread. I'd like to see you sell as many records as Miley or Britney and put up with all the crap they get. See if you like a dose of your own medicine. :smilerolleyes: It's pathetic how every thread on mjjc about a singer other than MJ seems to turn into 'oh they have no talent' etc, aka a bashing thread where people are trying to desperately prove why MJ is better than anyone else. It's juvenile.
I see no reason whatsoever why people couldn't have just come here and said 'what a nice thing of her to do' and left it at that. Instead everyone is trying to justify their reasons for hating on a teenage girl who's never done anything against them. I'd bet she's a damn site more mature than most here.
I have no issue with Miley Cyrus. I personaly think she is way more talented then most ppl on disney now days. yeah she has made mistakes but all people make mistakes and hoppefully she learned from those. She is only 16 years old and i dont think is very appropriate to make comments about her being slutty or talentless when she is only 16 years old. I didnt not agree with her datting a 20 year old i though that was very wrong and im shocked her parents allowed that to begin with. thankfully thats over with but i though that was the wrong message to send to little girls who love her. Miley's shout out to Michael was really nice and i think it was really cool that she did that.

Now we all have to remmeber that Miley is still a teenager and her fame came pretty quick and we all have seen the outcome with child stars and how that affects their lives espeacialy with our dear departed Michael. Not to say that will happen with Miley but its still very possibale she could up like Britney did 2 years ago.I just think people need to ease up on Miley and realize that this is hollywood taking its toll on her and hoppefully it wont continue to happen but its not likely it will stop.
wow i posted this video a few days ago to show how michael made an impact on young talent. I didn't post this video to get people fired up and make people fight over if she does or doesn't have talent. I dont care if she does have talent i like her i think her show is funny. But this was something simple and a great mention for Michael. Come On people shes 16 years old and some of you are how old? Be she have talent or not dont bash her. We fans hate it when MJ gets Bashed i think we should show respect to her even if she may not deserve it.
wow i posted this video a few days ago to show how michael made an impact on young talent. I didn't post this video to get people fired up and make people fight over if she does or doesn't have talent. I dont care if she does have talent i like her i think her show is funny. But this was something simple and a great mention for Michael. Come On people shes 16 years old and some of you are how old? Be she have talent or not dont bash her. We fans hate it when MJ gets Bashed i think we should show respect to her even if she may not deserve it.

I would have to agree with ginny. I appreciated the "and the michael song we like" moment.

if I am upset at anyone .... it would be the adults around her. don't know much about music industry or show business... but i highly doubt that she came up with the whole idea of her going out and pole dancing or anything else .. she is 16 .... people around her say jump and "she probably jumps"..
That was nice of her...
it sounded like "Michael's still with us" or something. Maybe I'm hearin wrong though haha.
LOVED this part of her song!! ..I actually was at the Teen Choice:)
i posted a clearer version of the song you can click that link but she says

"And a Michael Song Was On"