Mika fans feel sorry for all of you

thats so sweet

i hardly ever read negative press about mika tho. apart from critics saying his musics crap
This must be one of the sweetest things I've read on this forum, thank you so much for the support and understanding! It's very much appreciated.

Wonderful to see that Mika fans have so much love for Michael.

I am a fan of both and also a member on the Mikafanclub...

I know Mika is heartbroken about Michaels passing, he is a big MJ fan, just like the people on here...

Thanks for the message.
A very nice thing that you've done Moonlightchild. It's nice to see other people being compassionate without being fake. I've always really liked Mika - he has some awesome songs and seems like a nice person.
Thank you so much, your kind words are much appreciated xxx
That is such a lovely thing to say, thank you. xx
the mika fanclub has been great for me...some of their member have contacted me by PM because i am having such a hard time.
If you like Mika and his work its worth visiting this forum.
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Thank you so much!
It means a lot to know that there are people out there thinking of us!
It's the hardest time in our lives and nice words like yours are so greatly appreciated!
That's sweet and much appreciated:)

Mika is great, very curious about his next project.
your compassion has moved me to tears :heart:
im very touched too , thanx you mika fans for your support to us all , you are beautiful people .thanx you :huggy:
This means so much, thank you for making the effort to acknowledge our loss and understanding us as so many people dont. So nice of you to say. xxx
Thank you MJ fans,
It's nice to see that you appreciate this little gesture.

You seem to be very nice people here.
The warmth I feel from Mika fans under each other seems to be the same warmth under Michael Jackson fans.
That gives me a good feeling because I know you will help each other and you will find consolation here.

and thanks for the nice words about our Mika.
I was surprised, to see that there are also some Mikafans over here.

Mika and michael are different kind of artist but i do see some similarities between them and also between fans of these 2..
Thanks Moonlightchild for seeking us out and letting us know. It's kind & thoughtful.
That's really really nice of you to have come here to tell us you guys are feeling sorry for us. This is a very hard time for Michael fans. Thank you so much.
Thank you so much for your kind words,Moonlightchild
It is very sweet of you.
God Bless,and keep Michaeling.Hewill only die,ifwe allow it.
When you listen to Mika's music, you can tell that like MJ, he's a big fan of the melody and just into creating great timeless tunes in the traditional sense.
Thank you so much and thanks to the other Mika fans also. It really does help to know that others are thinking of us during this difficult and very sad time in our lives and that they understand. Michael meant so much to all of us, and we knew we could turn to each other for comfort, but knowing there are others, makes it a little easier. :flowers:
What an extremely generous and decent thing to do, many thanks for taking the time out to visit the forum, register, and send your condolences.
