Michael's sketches and doodles (new pics)

OH BLESS..he loved to draw and doodle.....sad that it was kept hidden :(

Yeah I know. I find it really really fascinating to see his doodles and drawings. When I write in my handwritten journals I have always colored, drawn things, doodled around the edges of the pages....

I wonder if he did the same? He seemed like the kind of person that would write thoughts and lyrics down, as well as drawings. Makes me curious.
''Moi'' ''Me''... Ah.. he is too adorable... I would love if all his sketches and drawings were made into a book, this man was a talented genious, not just in the music field.
I see arrow and three dots death/end of the world prediction thingy.
But no '1998'. What the heck is it??
I see arrow and three dots death/end of the world prediction thingy.
But no '1998'. What the heck is it??

Its been said that Michael signed his autographs with ''---> ooo'' as a code sign to show its his authentic signature, like he sometimes used math codes in his signatures... I dont think we will ever know the meaning of them but it sure seems like some kind of code to show its his valid signature... Maybe he hadnt started writing the 1998 sign yet.
A book of Michael's art would be a great idea if it's done well.
thank you for this. I've never seen before. oh his 'little me' is soooo cute. hahah+
From the archive of Dr Hoefflin, who says he's gonna publish a book with MJ's sketches. (It's from the Sun):




THESE amazing doodles show how Michael Jackson really saw himself.

The sketches - drawn by the King of Pop in 1985 - include a self-portrait, a drawing of himself as a child and an image of his famous glove.
Jackson gave the pictures to his friend and plastic surgeon Dr Steve Hoefflin.
Dr Hoefflin, 63 - who plans to create a book of the sketches - said: "One of the many things people don't know about Michael was that he loved to draw.
He gained incredible self-confidence in the 1980s when he lived with me, and we would spend hours painting together.
"As a gift, he drew countless pictures of himself as a young boy and of the man he hoped he would grow up to be
I think people did know that. Many of his drawings are really good. I think they should make an exhibition.
um just curious how did these get released arent these private drawings?
:DI love the little me one. The crown over his head is too cute. I love how he drew his eyes, they're so bright.
I love his sketches... He like doing profiles apparently.
And Dr. Hoefflin needs to publish a book about these sketches because????
I love his sketches, I would like to see more. I always thought Michael was a good drawer. & the "Little me" one is cute! :lol:
Who ever tries to draw a little version of himself. Thats just genius... And it also says something, its not just a drawing. He got it all. Many stars just go blind when they get famous, he was completely opposite...
oooh!! :D Could someone email this link to the Sun, maybe they'll post those too! Too bad they're so small... lol

I know it is a hassle, but if you register on the site, the pictures are quite big once you click on them. Can't right click on them to save though.
Quite a few other MJ sketches were shown on the tabloid show ET tonight... The doctor has a whole book full of them that Michael gave him, some very sad.

One is titled "Outraged" with the caption: "A mind that is stretched beyond recognition." It was about the media distorting everything and making things up and what it was doing to him.