Michael's Music On The Radio These Days


Proud Member
Feb 25, 2011
Bucharest, Romania
In the morning I go to work by car and listen to the radio.I'm not loyal to any particular radio station so every morning I got the chance to hear at least one of Michael's song.
One of my colleagues keep asking me "are you working on radio now too?" because he hears Michael too often.:)

yesterday it was IJCSLY
today HTW and BJ.:clapping:

I said to my sister who was with me "OMG , I feel so good when I hear Michael's voice, even tough I have heard every song hundreds of times and I have always my ipod on me, that I literally feel endorphines releasing inside my body.":girl_aww:

I think it would be great to have a thread where we can post every time we hear a song of Michael's on radio.
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i feel u...me too. Just feels so good hearing MJ's music to radio's today though its only frequent sadly. The last time I heard was Ben, its just automatically awakes u inside hehe.....
Can you feel it is playing on the Radio as I type... Like you even though I listen to Michael ALL the time it's special when he comes on the radio.. I go all fuzzy :wub: :lol:
I don't listen radio almost ever but I heard Bad couple months ago. I live in Finland.
My local radio rarely plays MJ.
Couble months ago I heard Bad. Few days ago I heard Hold My Hand.
I think we get excited when we hear him on the radio because we know hundreds/thousands of people are listening to him, thinking about him, and discussing him. It also shows that Michael's old work is still relevant today in the eye's of the radio presenters/DJs.
I hardly ever listen to the radio anymore. When I do it is usually just whatever station my mother is listening to on her kitchen radio. And she usually listens to the oldies station. It was a Saturday afternoon of this month I forget when exactly they had played some of Michael's old songs. But the dj said that tonight at 8:30 they would spend the next 30 minutes playing nothing but Michael's songs. They had played songs like Billie Jean, Beat It, Shake Your Body Down To The Ground, and I think they had also played Blame It On The Boogie. That is all I can really remember but it was great hearing Michael on the radio. Though because of my depression over him it just made me start crying over him again. So I just stayed in the computer room with the door shut so I didn't have to hear it. I can handle listening to him but only for a little bit. I just could not handle the amount of his songs that were being played. At one time when we still had him I could but not anymore. :sad: :boohoo:
I hardly ever listen to the radio anymore. When I do it is usually just whatever station my mother is listening to on her kitchen radio. And she usually listens to the oldies station. It was a Saturday afternoon of this month I forget when exactly they had played some of Michael's old songs. But the dj said that tonight at 8:30 they would spend the next 30 minutes playing nothing but Michael's songs. They had played songs like Billie Jean, Beat It, Shake Your Body Down To The Ground, and I think they had also played Blame It On The Boogie. That is all I can really remember but it was great hearing Michael on the radio. Though because of my depression over him it just made me start crying over him again. So I just stayed in the computer room with the door shut so I didn't have to hear it. I can handle listening to him but only for a little bit. I just could not handle the amount of his songs that were being played. At one time when we still had him I could but not anymore. :sad: :boohoo:

On my local radio stations you can hear Michael quite a lot. Last was HT. And Earth Song. That gave me a teary eye...because I knew that many ppl can hear that epic song and, hopefully , get the message.
They also play older songs like TWYMMF, Bad or SC. That is so great.
Sometimes I get so emotional..it is crazy. But most of the time I turn the volume so high that the whole neighborhood can hear him.
I work in radio, and I could play a whole 3 & a row of MJ if I wanted or even a whole hour, Ive produced a whole show before. We stream online so even that much more people are listening to us.

My sis listens to a station online, thats soft rock I guess. I constantly hear WBSS. I think I heard DSTYGE and TWYMMF before.
Here in Germany i heard TDCAU, Come Together, Bad, MITM and HmH, but sadly not that often. On eastern they played "The Lady In My Life", which I never heard before on radio.
No HT so far.
I have heard Michael frequently on the radio here in Belgium. Don't like the edits on some tracks though. Heard "Thriller" with Vincent Price's rap cut in half, "They Don't Care About Us" with "Sue me, sue me" (of course). I also heard the History Lesson mix of "HIStory" recently, "Hollywood Tonight" too. I was once playing "Hold My Hand" on my computer and at that same time my alarm clock (which I forgot to turn off) went off with HMH on the radio. That was such a coincidence.

I also remember my mother hearing "This is It" on the radio back in December of 2009, and she went "ah, they place this song every year around this period". I of course had to spoil that moment. :D
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Did I mention that in my country one of the major radio station has an online Radio Michael Jackson? :)

He is the only artist who has a dedicated radio station 24/7 since 2009, others being only for different music genres like 90's, 80's, R&B, Rock, Latino, Jazz, House etc.

Today at my gym I heard TWYMMF :girl_happy:
Today I was out shopping and I heard
Earth Song
Can You Feel It
I Want You Back


I was as happy as a child and I needed to tell to someone.:)
I don't usually listen to the radio when driving but I was in a Target a little bit ago and they played like 3 MJ songs in a row and I almost died of happiness. I love hearing his songs on the radio!!!!
DSTYGE was played a few days ago,I think it may be because you don't expect it to come on maybe?
I don't listen to the radio that much but when I do I've been very happy to hear that they NOW play Michael a lot. They didn't during his last years but now he's everywhere... guess it's better than nothing but I still get mad that they didn't play him when he was still here.
Its funny out radio station in NZ rarely EVER played MJ before he passed, since then i hear his music about once or twice a week. Usually Billie Jean, Man in The Mirror, Smooth Criminal or Black Or White.
The songs I've been hearing most played on the radio are Beat It and Man In The Mirror. I hear those two all the time. Then on occasions I hear DSTYGE and TWYMMF. I never hear Billie Jean, which is a huge shocker to me. Sometimes Rock With You but that's it. It's either I'm not lucky enough to catch any other songs or the radio stations in my city suck. They need to play more Michael Jackson! There are SO many songs to choose from!

If it were up to me, they'd play at least 1 Michael every hour. :yes: The chances of them playing two in an hour aren't likely. hehe. :)
I'm another one who doesn't listen to the radio too much. I usually have the CD player going.
But the times that I have, I get all happy & excited when I hear Michael's music being played.
For all of a year after MJ passed (gosh it bites to say that), I couldn't listen to his music,
it hurt too much. It has gotten better for me now though. :)
I have been in places... homes of friends and family that may have
the radio playing and there's Michael! You'd swear I have never heard the songs before! Lol!
Billie Jean, WBSS, DSTYGE, Human Nature, YANA, YRMW, TLIML And quite a few Jacksons
and J5 songs as well. Just a couple days ago I heard BUTTERFLIES on the car radio.
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I'm always really happy too, when I hear that it's a Michael song on the radio. :)
I don't really listen to it myself, but my collegues often do at my workplace, so I can hear everything.
The last one I heard was Earth song, I just felt sublime :) And the one before was Black or white.

Talking about BoW, there was a little show on Friday in the city I'm working in.
There were 3 clowns entertaining the kids who were watching, and I just got the chance to have a listen while passing by the spot.
Seemt like they had a little game:
the clowns showed a short example from a song, and children had to guess what it was.
Most of the tracks were children's songs, from cartoons for example, and then to my biggest surprise they cut in a really short (2-3 sec) part of Black or white.
And more suprisingly (or only for me?) a child told immediately it was Michael Jackson. I guess he didn't name the song, but I was still so happy and proud. :)
I heard the TWYMMF at store two weeks ago, and PYT last thursday at a mall. And in the place where u work , a guy was singing and doing sone moves from Billie Jean. I got so happy when he did that