Michael's mom reported missing /Grandma's Home/TJ appointed Co/Guardian with Katherine

Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

So it may seem that the only family members that PPB have left are Katherine but when she dies then what happens. Does the estate take over the raising of the children.

No, the Estate wont take over. It will probably be TJ now since they will file for joint guardianship.

Ps, will Katherine only control the kids allowances until they turn 18???
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

I totally agree with this article.

First of all, from the beginning of time, folks that are NOT included, always have a problem because they have not been included and those same folks will then call the document a fake.

Secondly, and more importantly, since the first day Randy started complaining about the will, his claim has always been on the "location" of the signature. Which we know only involves one of the witnesses (I believe that's the story).

Randy has been talking about that since day one, and that's all he has done since day one. TALK, TALK, TALK.

In their letter, they threatened to take their "evidence" to the proper authorities. I'm still waiting for them to do so. Times a wasting!

I second that!
Randy is not doing anything since 2009, see here:
--> http://www.tmz.com/2009/10/22/micha...-witnesses-new-york-city-los-angeles-probate/

The Mistake in Michael Jackson's Will [TMZ article dated 22th October 2009]

Michael Jackson's 2002 will has a mistake in it, TMZ has learned -- but it looks like a case of no harm, no foul.

As we first reported, according to the will -- dated July 7, 2002 -- it was signed in Los Angeles. But Randy Jackson told TMZ Michael was in New York City on that date.

Randy thinks the signature on Michael's will is a forgery. But Howard Weitzman, the lawyer for the estate, tells TMZ the signature is valid and the witnesses saw Jackson put pen to paper.

We've now confirmed Jackson definitely signed the will in New York City on 7-7-02. So the reference to Los Angeles is clearly a mistake.

Our sources say the person who wrote "Los Angeles" is one of the witnesses to the will and simply forgot where he was.

This mistake will not invalidate the will. Ironically, if the will were declared invalid, the prior 1997 will would be probated. Just like the 2002 will, the 1997 will creates a trust. We've learned the '97 trust -- just like the 2002 trust -- leaves the same percentage to the same people: Katherine Jackson gets 40% for her lifetime, MJ's kids get 40% and the remaining 20% goes to charity.

By the way ... guess who one of the executors is in the '97 will? John Branca.

Bad memory, Randy, eh?
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Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

Actually to me the obsession about the will was quite surprising.

If you looked over the will and the trust even briefly you would know that the main document is the Trust and not the will. I remember reading in the court documents that the mention of the Trust going back to 1995.

When you look to trust and the will you have 2 different documents signed at two different dates and both having the same intent (to provide for MJ's kids and mother) and both names Branca & McClain as co-trustees and co-executors respectively. If the media stories are true and if there are an older will & trust (dated 1997) it will make it almost impossible to invalidate the will & trust.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

....and someone must have legal standing to contest the will
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

From what's been said about Paris lately (I haven't seen that bookstore video) but I read someone's report from the unity concert they were at the other day, and I think it's safe to say that girl is really struggling :(

Ps...just finished Margaret Maldonado's book, which I haven't read in a good 10 years, and I feel more than ever that those kids are not safe around those people, whatsoever. I'm actually really scared for them. As Margaret said

"the only Jackson male I can trust is Michael".

Those kids were raised around the sweet, innocent man Michael was...being around wife beating, deadbeat dad, and all round bad human beings has got to harder than we can even imagine for these kids. And as is always said Katherine's kids can do no wrong in her eyes, which is even scarier.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

Oh and also .. I know this book is completely off topic (and I can't remember the exact wording used as I just read the book online) but another bit from the book, that talks about Branca...

"these charges against Michael" said John Branca "the things people will do for money"

"I was glad to see that John Branca knew as well as I did that Michael was completely innocent and was standing by him"

Only Michael's true friends stood by him during his toughest times. And this would be a reason Michael trusted him the way he did!
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

In their letter, they threatened to take their "evidence" to the proper authorities. I'm still waiting for them to do so. Times a wasting!

If you keep waiting for Randy to take their "evidence" to proper authorities, you'll have a long wait ahead of yourself:)
It was only meant to "scare" executors to re-sign, but it didn't work:)

....and someone must have legal standing to contest the will
Only Katherine had, but that ship has sailed.

Not sure about kids Guardian Ad Litem, Margaret Lodise, but I suppose she would have said something if things didn't look right?
Unless she too is paid off by Branca:)
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Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

It was only meant to "scare" executors to re-sign, but it didn't work:)

That's just ONE more thing that makes me laugh.

Randy thinking that his little letter was going to scare the Executors and that they would just pack up and hit the bricks. LOL!

Silly, Silly Randy Jackson!
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

Oh and also .. I know this book is completely off topic (and I can't remember the exact wording used as I just read the book online) but another bit from the book, that talks about Branca...

"these charges against Michael" said John Branca "the things people will do for money"

"I was glad to see that John Branca knew as well as I did that Michael was completely innocent and was standing by him"

Only Michael's true friends stood by him during his toughest times. And this would be a reason Michael trusted him the way he did!

Compare that to some of the Jacksons - like backstabbers LaToya and Rebbie...
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

^ Thought we didn't allow pap photos of ppb on the board. Saw those photos on the mail website and thought them really intrusive, she had a book up shielding her face and looked upset. It's a tough time for her i imagine, not helped by being stalked by the paps wherever she goes.

Re the will, that article was useful, it seems that there doesn't seem any rational, legal basis for challenging the will but that doesn't stop randy and his crew. There doesn't appear to be much hope for success in the aeg lawsuit either but that doesn't stop them pursuing it. They'll believe whatever they want to believe, esp if they have legal experts like oxman giving them advice. But with the opposition to the will, it's just visceral from the jacksons - they just can't get past not having any involvement in mj's estate, it just eats away at them as it is so contrary to how they view mj as being part of the family. So if it wasn't the suspect location, it would be the misspelt names, if it wasn't the misspelt names it would be that mj said he didn't like branca, and so on and so on - they'd always find something.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

Where can i find Prince's tweet/mail again where he says his father warned him of certain people and their ways?
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

We don't allow Pap photos of the children and kids going out to buy books are irrelevant to the topic at hand.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

Btw, its funny that for family it is ok to go national tv to air family business such as MJ so called drug addiction, but when Paris asks vie twitter where is her granny, it is not ok? Double standards. As long it is not about themselves it is ok, but if it is directed at them, the hell is going to break loose :no:
Yeah, this double standard really pisses me off too. Now you see all these folks like Roland Martin from CNN loudly complaining about the kids exposing family matters, but where was he and others when the family exposed MJ's business? Get Rebbie right now on the View and would she protect MJ if those hags baited her into throwing MJ under the bus? Hell no. She would easily give him up to them. So give me a break with all this talk about keeping things private.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

Sorry, but sometimes it is nice to look at the Beautiful things in life; especially when times are so depressing.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

Yeah, this double standard really pisses me off too. Now you see all these folks like Roland Martin from CNN loudly complaining about the kids exposing family matters, but where was he and others when the family exposed MJ's business? Get Rebbie right now on the View and would she protect MJ if those hags baited her into throwing MJ under the bus? Hell no. She would easily give him up to them. So give me a break with all this talk about keeping things private.

The downright nasty remarks about paris and mj jnr fed to x17online by randy were an eye opening moment for me. It seems at age 14/15 the children are now fair game to denigrate to the media wolves, like he did to mj. The sheer hostility displayed towards them was really surprising to me. I'm fully expecting to hear the children are into voodoo.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

I just don't have any words for this. Michael's own brothers, i knew there was jaleousy and what not, but this is beyond crazy. If i believe anyone in this whole mess it's MJ's own kids though. They really appear the most sane and normal to me.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

The downright nasty remarks about paris and mj jnr fed to x17online by randy were an eye opening moment for me. It seems at age 14/15 the children are now fair game to denigrate to the media wolves, like he did to mj. The sheer hostility displayed towards them was really surprising to me. I'm fully expecting to hear the children are into voodoo.

Yeah, I heard the Chicago article was even worse. :sad:

Saddens me that no one is calling Randy out for attacking these kids in the media.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

I agree, Paris is extremely beautiful.
The way she shielded herself behind that book made me think of Michael and how he'd do similar things to not get his picture taken.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

... it's impossible for me to understand that Michael's own siblings could betray him like that. They're adults, they have their own lives... they can make their own money.[/QUOTE]

No they can't or they won't. Some still think they have a live of privilidge owed to them and they want paying.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

I still don't know what to think of Katherine, was she in this or was she totally unaware of what was going on?
She disappears and no call to kids, on her telly statement from spa, she said she left the phone to reception and didn't want to receive calls, yet the staff from spa said that there are phones in every single room (I took it that they indirectly said that there was a phone in Katherine's room too). Maybe she was in and agreed with Randy's plan about the will, and is now on damage control mode?
Or maybe she just was so out of scoop what was going on?
Very messy thing altogether!

Katherine loves all her kids and is trying to keep them all together. We have seen her trying to keep the peace and the family cohesion before.

Why would she not believe it if one of her kids said that PPB knew she was haing a rest and would not call them? I believe that is why she felt 'lied' to.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

The downright nasty remarks about paris and mj jnr fed to x17online by randy were an eye opening moment for me. It seems at age 14/15 the children are now fair game to denigrate to the media wolves, like he did to mj. The sheer hostility displayed towards them was really surprising to me. I'm fully expecting to hear the children are into voodoo.

This is why I can't trust KJ didn't know what her spawn were up to. Why hasn't she come out and defended Prince and Paris?
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

I don't believe Katherine knew what was happening, but I don't understand why she didn't call after the police came. In my opinion, a mom or grandmother would check herself after the police came.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

Yeah, I heard the Chicago article was even worse. :sad:

Saddens me that no one is calling Randy out for attacking these kids in the media.

I guess he would deny being the source. Though I'm pretty sure he is.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

Bubs said:
I still don't know what to think of Katherine, was she in this or was she totally unaware of what was going on?

Her cluelessness would have to be of epic proportions. She sets off to see her sons in concert and ends up in a luxury spa for over a week. She's told that to have complete relaxation there must be no contact with the outside world, no visitors or phone calls. But part way through her stay some local police turn up and ask her lots of questions and act real surprised that she's alive and well. Then her stress free time at the spa from all contact with the outside world is broken by her children telling her that there have been a few things happening back home and she needs to make a 10min statement on national television covering topics as diverse as kidnapping, guardianship, domestic staff problems and a plug for the spa thrown in at the end. I imagine she would have to be a little aware of things going on, as this is the most confusing sequence of events i've heard of.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

I don't believe Katherine knew what was happening, but I don't understand why she didn't call after the police came. In my opinion, a mom or grandmother would check herself after the police came.

I truly believe that Katherine Jackson's children took total control of the situation and Lord only knows what they told her, i.e.

"Don't worry Mother, you're here to rest, we'll take care of it."

"We called home and it was all a big mistake, everything is fine."

If the part of the story regarding Dr. Metzger is true, then Mother "thought" she was there on doctor's orders and that her children had her best interest at heart.

The fact that they got her to read that RIDICULOUS statement on television, while they all stood around her like she was some sort of hostage, is proof that she was willing to listen to anything and everything they had to say.

I also wonder what exactly the police said to her, how long the interview was, and since Rebbie was also in the room while she was being interviewed, what was Rebbie's input at that very time.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

Her cluelessness would have to be of epic proportions. She sets off to see her sons in concert and ends up in a luxury spa for over a week. She's told that to have complete relaxation there must be no contact with the outside world, no visitors or phone calls. But part way through her stay some local police turn up and ask her lots of questions and act real surprised that she's alive and well. Then her stress free time at the spa from all contact with the outside world is broken by her children telling her that there have been a few things happening back home and she needs to make a 10min statement on national television covering topics as diverse as kidnapping, guardianship, domestic staff problems and a plug for the spa thrown in at the end. I imagine she would have to be a little aware of things going on, as this is the most confusing sequence of events i've heard of.

When you put it that way, it sound comically funny:D
It is quite unbelievable that she is as clueless as she appears to be.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

Her cluelessness would have to be of epic proportions. She sets off to see her sons in concert and ends up in a luxury spa for over a week. She's told that to have complete relaxation there must be no contact with the outside world, no visitors or phone calls. But part way through her stay some local police turn up and ask her lots of questions and act real surprised that she's alive and well. Then her stress free time at the spa from all contact with the outside world is broken by her children telling her that there have been a few things happening back home and she needs to make a 10min statement on national television covering topics as diverse as kidnapping, guardianship, domestic staff problems and a plug for the spa thrown in at the end. I imagine she would have to be a little aware of things going on, as this is the most confusing sequence of events i've heard of.

Not even Blanket when he was 3 years old is that clueless. LOL!