Michael's Manhood Thread - 18+ (Read The First Post For Rules!)

With this continued onslaught of Dangerous photos everywhere, I am slowly sliding into @staywild23 territory!! Can't breathe, keep jumping, heart rate monitor constantly beeping! Still .....

With this continued onslaught of Dangerous photos everywhere, I am slowly sliding into @staywild23 territory!! Can't breathe, keep jumping, heart rate monitor constantly beeping! Still .....

My vow of silence didn't last long. I found a loophole, lol.

As for this photo, Michael looks eminently kissable here. Not that he doesn't always but some photos have that extra, you know ... 😚
Just posting this randomly. Feeling a bit overwhelmed by the little video posted by sw23 over in Fave Vids. I have posted a couple of gifs from that vid; can't remember where I found them, can't remember where I moved them to, but they are both so lovely. Seeing the actual vid I feel too emotional. He just looks so lovely.

I'm all over the place.

Update - just watched it again. Seriously all over the place. Heart rate's gone kinda wild. This one is going to undermine me, girls. I can feel it.

Another update - sorry, girls but this video has got me in such an emotional state.

So I just went and looked at it again and then looked at a couple of the comments below. Now, I'm not a fan of anybody and I have zero interest in celebrities so there are certain things I just don't know. One of the comments noted how patient and polite Michael was with a woman who asked for his autograph. And the YT comment noted how people often ask for autographs just so they can sell them. I had no idea this was a thing. The YT person was saying Michael would know this and yet still, ever so politely, gave his autograph anyway. I'm just gobsmacked.

All this crazy stuff that I just don't know. All this stuff - part of Michael's daily life. And he just carries himself so calmly and with such integrity and sweetness. I know we all know this about him but I am astounded all over again.

Just feeling terribly, terribly emotional.
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Lady in My Life. Time stamps - all approx, obvs.

2m 55s
So completely...yes!

Ok... so allow me to add a few of my own...

1:10 - I believe him with every fiber of my being lol
2:00-2:11 - amazing voice - the rise and fall of it, the "build" if you will... also the lyrics are just so sexy. We haven't even touched on the lyrics of this song!!
3:00 😍
4:19-4:24 sends me straight to heaven

May I also add from the extended ending...

6:13 🥵 🥵 😍

But here's the thing. I've been listening to LIML for quite a while. Couple of years? Something like that. Very ballad-y, very R&B so not my usual thing but a lovely song. Also, I don't like duets but this one is fine. So I'm loving the song and it doesn't get played loads but, you know, decent. Gets played a decent amount. I know the song well. And I'm not noting down time stamps, I can tell you!

So I was posting something on another thread and I wanted to list LIML and wanted to check something before I did so. Listened to the song.
I totally get it! I had heard this song so many times before it started tearing me apart lol. Now that it does though it will forever, I am certain!
Ok, he of course looks sexy here, but he also looks INCREDIBLY bad ass and I LOVE it!
With this continued onslaught of Dangerous photos everywhere, I am slowly sliding into @staywild23 territory!! Can't breathe, keep jumping, heart rate monitor constantly beeping! Still .....
LMAO that is some dangerous territory to venture into, lady! So rough I basically took a break all day yesterday from the picture threads! It needed to happen. But now I am ready to return in with a full force of passion haha.
Just posting this randomly. Feeling a bit overwhelmed by the little video posted by sw23 over in Fave Vids. I have posted a couple of gifs from that vid; can't remember where I found them, can't remember where I moved them to, but they are both so lovely. Seeing the actual vid I feel too emotional. He just looks so lovely.

I'm all over the place.

Update - just watched it again. Seriously all over the place. Heart rate's gone kinda wild. This one is going to undermine me, girls. I can feel it.

Another update - sorry, girls but this video has got me in such an emotional state.
Aww I'm sorry it made you emotional! I understand though. It's sometimes difficult to find a video like that, which I love, and not get emotional. Because Michael shows so much grace all the time. ALL THE TIME.

So I just went and looked at it again and then looked at a couple of the comments below. Now, I'm not a fan of anybody and I have zero interest in celebrities so there are certain things I just don't know. One of the comments noted how patient and polite Michael was with a woman who asked for his autograph. And the YT comment noted how people often ask for autographs just so they can sell them. I had no idea this was a thing. The YT person was saying Michael would know this and yet still, ever so politely, gave his autograph anyway. I'm just gobsmacked.

All this crazy stuff that I just don't know. All this stuff - part of Michael's daily life. And he just carries himself so calmly and with such integrity and sweetness. I know we all know this about him but I am astounded all over again.

Just feeling terribly, terribly emotional.

OMG. I absolutely hate this so much. I had no idea this was a thing. It never even occurred to me that someone would do that. I mean, I suppose it makes sense. But I can't imagine. You are lucky enough to meet Michael Jackson, interact with him, get an autograph from him, and then you sell it? Or worse, that's the whole reason you did it to begin with? If that was the case, leave the man alone, for God's sake. It's bad enough he had to deal with all the people who very sincerely loved him and wanted to meet him/get his autograph. But for people to be so insincere about it really bothers me.

I tend to get emotional and bothered anytime I find out people are auctioning off his stuff, in general. I'm in this MJ Book Club FB group and a woman on there shared that she won this draft of a children's activity book Michael was working on at some point, I believe, in the 90s. She posted a couple of photos of it and it was completely authentic, supposedly Michael's personal copy. And as cool as it is to see that, and as happy as I am sure she is, as a fan, to have it, it just kind of breaks my heart that someone close to him who had something so precious auctioned it off for money. All of his stuff is just spread out throughout the world to random people. Unless he personally gave his stuff away, I wish everything else was just cared for, and that there was a museum or something housing all of it. it just feels disrespectful to me.

And for what it's worth, I don't care about celebrities or celebrity culture at all typically. Michael is a different situation entirely for me though.

You know when you have one of those weeks where you think, 'If just ONE thing could go right this week'? That's my week so far. Don't wanna drag my bad mood across the thread so let me do penance right away.

I feel the need to look at mature Michael.