Michael's Manhood Thread - 18+ (Read The First Post For Rules!)

@zinniabooklover yes! Thank you for bumping this. I absolutely need this. Specifically I need the fourth picture down where he seems fo be directly touching and holding himself….
It's funny cos I wasn't originally gonna include those ones. My one is the first one. His face, OMG!! To die for. But, yes, I could see exactly what Michael was doing in those other 2 pics and I thought, 'you know, it's not fair to keep these babies hidden'. It's not even about whether any of you have seen the pics before cos, as we all know, any photo of Michael that is gorgeous, you can never see it too many times.

Anyway, I thought you would enjoy them and I'm glad you did. It's like I said, 'We do what we can'. :D
@zinniabooklover you bumped two of my all time favorite moves…

Allow me to upload again :)

It’s the way he briefly claps his hands right before this move starts. It’s the way his hands take position and the way his left hand shifts from the front to the side, almost like he’s cradling himself as he’s grinding…

God I need to calm myself

I will forever share this and forever be ruined by it.

Evidently there is a theme right now representing what I really *truly” long for more than anything. I just what to see Michael touching himself as much possible!
I am so tired I’m basically falling asleep while typing. But I can’t thank you enough for bumping so many photos that are so directly my taste lol. Bless you!

I won’t be on at all tomorrow I don’t think. I am very excited to be found to see the Mj musical tomorrow in NYC! I will surely share about it somewhere on here once I’m home.

But I’m the meantime nothing would thrill me more than more sexy, energized, beautiful, hot, gorgeous pics, gifs, and videos of our guy. Because yes… as insane as it sounds,,,, I miss him whenever I spend too much time away from him (and that includes going to a musical about his life lol).

No pressure on anyone, of course. But if suddenly you’re in the mood to target me with the occasional group share I’ll be sure to appreciate everything more than you can imagine😍

Oh my gawd…that hip circling swirl….🥵🥵
The hip circling thing….

I just want everything about him. Doesn’t be understand how teasing like this can actually kill a woman like me?
I’ve been thinking about this and I think it’s just too close to call. While Michael’s movements will always be the primary things that destroy me, what I love about the static pictures is that they capture a specific moment… a slight nuance in expression, or a carefully placed hand, or (dare I say) curl lol…. It captures a still of those incredible movements and allows me to zero in and focus on what made a particular moment of his existence exude so much power or energy. It’s an amazing thing that’ll be able to really appreciate his embodiment with such focus. Though I’m mostly talking about photos of action shots, I think this applies to all.
This is the thing. I don't even think it's a question of 'either / or'. We can - and do - have both and they serve different purposes. I'm not about to give up one type of image in preference for the other. I want both, dammit! My little slideshow - which I adore - has both types in it. Love it.
This is the same reason I love gifs. Getting to watch one particular set of movements repeat over and over, sometimes slowed down, I get to settle into Michael in a different way. It’s like I can gain appreciation for all the effort and skill and grace that would otherwise be lost to the whole slew of glorious movements that together make the brilliant performance. Sometimes when I see gifs of him I’m actually amazed that someone was able to catch and appreciate a small moment enough to recognize it for what it’s worth and make a gif.
I am such a convert to gifs. Especially when they are slowed down. I shouldn't really complain because I don't know how to do gifs but, sometimes, when I find one and it's too fast it's a bit, meh. In fact, some of them seem to be deliberately speeded up and I never bother to bump those. I need to wallow. I need to see what he's doing. I need to see HIM. I can't do that if the gif is at warp speed. There's one gif I bumped a while back, Michael (HWT) doing a lovely shuffle with his feet. Mesmerising. Me and Hiker were particularly enchanted by what he was doing with his feet. After I'd looked at it several thousand times more I realised he was doing a Jackie Wilson move. I don't know why it took me so long to spot. But if it had been at warp speed I would not have figured it out.

As for catching a small moment, if I had any editing skills that is exactly what I would be aiming for. It's why I love watching the way something has been edited. It's ALL about the small moments for me. I got into Bon Jovi (not my usual rock band) in 1989 and I maintain to this day it was the way the video for Lay Your Hands On Me was edited that did it. I'm not joking. Editing is why I don't like Jam at Bucharest because I hate the way HBO filmed and edited it. Rubbish camera angles and dreadful editing. I love to watch a good piece of editing as much as I love to watch Michael. People's skill with these gifs just takes my breath away.
For example… there is a specific gif somewhere deep in this thread that drives me absolutely insane. It’s a dangerous tour gif and it is zeroed in on his crotch. And his hand is reaching down with one finger slowly tracing over the outline of his…I don’t want to say bulge but… you get the idea. It’s like direct, explicit touch that is almost like he’s teasing himself and us and it is OMG it is so insanely hot. I saw it so long ago and did try to find it again but haven’t been able to. sometimes I wonder if I imagined it lol. All I know is that whatever I saw was stunningly arousing and perfectly represents what I’m talking about.
OK, I'll see if I can find it on my travels through the archives. Cos I go back over and over and over so it's no prob. Can't guarantee I'll find it but no harm in trying. You've given me a good description. And I do sometimes go in looking for specific things as opposed to general browsing. Don't believe you imagined it. I know you are more or less permanently overheated, lol, but, when it comes to Michael, you're not gonna get something like that wrong. Just wouldn't happen. If you're sure you saw it on this board and not somewhere else. Let's see if we can track that baby down. Oh, unless The Agent finds it before I do, lol. You know what she's like.
Michael makes so many movements throughout eAch performance that appreciating all of them is so hard. What both pics and gifs help us do is slow down and really, genuinely, sink into what’s happening in front of us and take all of him in…*

*yes I know this the actual dream for some of us… let’s not go there
Yep, gifs, photos, videos, film footage. I want as many images of Michael as my brain can accommodate and I want them all and I want them now (ooh, Cyndi - One Track Mind - 'I want everything and I want it NOW').
This is the same reason I love gifs. Getting to watch one particular set of movements repeat over and over, sometimes slowed down, I get to settle into Michael in a different way. It’s like I can gain appreciation for all the effort and skill and grace that would otherwise be lost to the whole slew of glorious movements that together make the brilliant performance.
OK, I know you're gone, can only hope you've got enough energy for a big catch up sesh when you get back. Cos I need to post this, been meaning to say it for ages, keep forgetting. And it's this: Michael isn't even using every move he has. I don't think so, anyway.

Jackie Wilson was an amazing dancer. Sometimes think he was a better dancer than Michael. There is one particular 'snake hips' thing he does which Michael doesn't do. Not really. But he can do it. I've seen him do it. He does a shadow version of it during IJCSLY when him and Siedah are doing their little gyration moment together. He does a tiny version of it in the video for Give In To Me. And various other moments. It's a snake hips gyration but quite subtle. I can't give a proper description, I only know Michael can do this thing but chooses not to or chooses to always do a minimal version. I'm not complaining, I'm just intrigued. Just makes me wonder what he could do if he chose to unleash everything. Either the full version of a move or other moves which perhaps we haven't even seen.

I'm kind of gobsmacked that he has moves in his back pocket and doesn't even need to use all of them. And I don't think this is him not using a move cos it would trigger his back pain. He does lots of robotic stuff that must trigger that all the time. He's choosing not to do this thing. 😲

Lol sometimes I worry my enthusiasm may come off vaguely deranged. I’m hoping that’s not the case, but I realize I go on long tirades about him on a daily basis so…

Just as a reminder, I’m a perfectly fine and rational person. I just… I *really* like Michael Jackson lol.
Don't worry girl! I am thinking it and you say it. When it comes to Michael, all rationality goes right off the window. He knows how to use every part of his body to drive women crazy!!! ..... and he does it to perfection.
For example… there is a specific gif somewhere deep in this thread that drives me absolutely insane. It’s a dangerous tour gif and it is zeroed in on his crotch. And his hand is reaching down with one finger slowly tracing over the outline of his…I don’t want to say bulge but… you get the idea.
oh no! I don't get the idea! I need to see it now!! How many pages to go through to find it!! 😰
@zinniabooklover you bumped two of my all time favorite moves…

Allow me to upload again :)

It’s the way he briefly claps his hands right before this move starts. It’s the way his hands take position and the way his left hand shifts from the front to the side, almost like he’s cradling himself as he’s grinding…

Evidently there is a theme right now representing what I really *truly” long for more than anything. I just what to see Michael touching himself as much possible!
Is this one slowed down! What a perfect movement for the dreams 🤤 "cradling himself as he is grinding" - what a perfect way to describe. I almost want to create another thread exclusively of Michael grinding himself this way!
Yeah, you gave me that idea - restrain and torture in the first one, hands not touching, but you know they want to go here ...... and then ...... lets go ....
EXACTLY!! That is it. Let's go, indeed. :ROFLMAO:

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Don't worry girl! I am thinking it and you say it. When it comes to Michael, all rationality goes right off the window. He knows how to use every part of his body to drive women crazy!!! ..... and he does it to perfection.
He sure does. And we love it.
oh no! I don't get the idea! I need to see it now!! How many pages to go through to find it!! 😰
No worries, I've volunteered to go and look. Although I'm totally expecting you or The Agent (or sw23, for that matter) to find it before I do. But I'm gonna go and look, anyway. One of us will track it down, doesn't matter who. I definitely want to see this gif.
Is this one slowed down! What a perfect movement for the dreams 🤤 "cradling himself as he is grinding" - what a perfect way to describe. I almost want to create another thread exclusively of Michael grinding himself this way!
Oh god, don't give her ideas, lol. She's already uncontrollable. A 'grinding' thread would finish her off completely. Not that I'm saying it's a bad idea, just a bit dangerous to expose sw23 to further torture. I, of course, would be safe and totally immune. Focused as I am on Michael's mind and the intellectual activity therein. 😇:D
He sure does. And we love it.

No worries, I've volunteered to go and look. Although I'm totally expecting you or The Agent (or sw23, for that matter) to find it before I do. But I'm gonna go and look, anyway. One of us will track it down, doesn't matter who. I definitely want to see this gif.

Oh god, don't give her ideas, lol. She's already uncontrollable. A 'grinding' thread would finish her off completely. Not that I'm saying it's a bad idea, just a bit dangerous to expose sw23 to further torture. I, of course, would be safe and totally immune. Focused as I am on Michael's mind and the intellectual activity therein. 😇:D
I don't know if Gaz will be happy with another 18+ thread ;) Perhaps we need a day dedicated for this on the same thread. Of course we can always start a thread discussing stitching and fabric and how well fitted his clothes are at just the right places ;) I am assuming Michael is also pointing too that : 😇 :D
oh no! I don't get the idea! I need to see it now!! How many pages to go through to find it!! 😰
No worries, I've volunteered to go and look. Although I'm totally expecting you or The Agent (or sw23, for that matter) to find it before I do. But I'm gonna go and look, anyway. One of us will track it down, doesn't matter who. I definitely want to see this gif.
Too many pages lol I'd go off the rails such...distraction lol! We're on the case lol!

Team work dear lol, I totally want to see that gif too, even if it takes us down the rabbit hole lol :ROFLMAO:
Too many pages lol I'd go off the rails such...distraction lol! We're on the case lol!

Team work dear lol, I totally want to see that gif too, even if it takes us down the rabbit hole lol :ROFLMAO:
I've literally just finished my first shift! It's my weekend to read Moonwalk for the 2nd time so am gonna break off now. Haven't found many gifs, so far, but found a few images y'all might like.
Now this one I don't understand. Is it real or photoshopped? I can't tell. I know the Europeans do things differently to us British but, even so. Apparently from 1997. Seems to be tied in to a Berlin show. Anyway, I post without further comment.
Re: Michael's Manhood


Michael, There's so many things i like about you, I..
I just don't know where to begin,

I like the way you, look at me with those beautiful eyes,
I like the way you, act all surprised,
I like the way you, sing along,
I like the way you, always get it wrong,
I like the way you, clap your hands,
I like the way you, love to dance,
I like the way you, put your hands up in the air,
I like the way you, shake your hair,
I like the way you, like to touch,
I like the way you, stare so much,
but most of all....
most of all.... :wub:
Usually I delete any comments from the original post but I'm leaving this one in. Plus, the photo is awesome. I've never seen this one before.
Ladies.....I believe I found him....:devilish:
Oh, I do believe you have. Let's wait for confirmation from sw23. I do hope so cos, I tell you now, trawling through the archive looking for gifs ain't great cos there aren't that many. You can get through quite fast but it ain't exactly fascinating. That said, quite happy to keep going if needed. But something tells me The Agent has done her job. Again. The Agent is feckin' awesome.

Yeah, I just had another look. You have SO found it.
Oh, I do believe you have. Let's wait for confirmation from sw23. I do hope so cos, I tell you now, trawling through the archive looking for gifs ain't great cos there aren't that many. You can get through quite fast but it ain't exactly fascinating. That said, quite happy to keep going if needed. But something tells me The Agent has done her job. Again. The Agent is feckin' awesome.

Yeah, I just had another look. You have SO found it.
Awaiting confirmation...lol

I literally just jumped at a particular page bracket out of whimsy and gut, I figured it had to be in there lol this is feckin' great lol

*bows with fedora* Thank you, thank you! :ROFLMAO:
Awaiting confirmation...lol

I literally just jumped at a particular page bracket out of whimsy and gut, I figured it had to be in there lol this is feckin' great lol

*bows with fedora* Thank you, thank you! :ROFLMAO:
Awesome skills, Agent.

Quick FYI - Big Boss is starting to panic. You're showing up all the other agents. Plus, Big Boss's own rep as best ever field agent seriously under threat. No worries, your job is safe, but everyone freaking out because of consistent level of awesomeness being demonstrated by you.

Just sayin' :D
Now this one I don't understand. Is it real or photoshopped? I can't tell. I know the Europeans do things differently to us British but, even so. Apparently from 1997. Seems to be tied in to a Berlin show. Anyway, I post without further comment.
There seems to be some story about if the pop concerts in Berlin are safe. That's what the title says. But cover is offensive :mad: Michael has a head you know! Don't know what was the context of this story.
Ladies.....I believe I found him....:devilish:
Yes you did, and here it is again. Its from @Michaels Lover . I believe this is from Human Nature when he pauses for a minute. So many wonderful moments in that pose in every concert! Here he is really enjoying himself! Literally stroking himself 🥵 🤤🤤 I mean literally! leaving very little to imagination! The man had some confidence!
