Michael's Manhood Thread - 18+ (Read The First Post For Rules!)

Yes, I made it. I cannot help but imagine that (like any man) he would have loved reading this thread. The earlier posts were way more explicit than we are here though we can't see those pictures anyone.
That's why we're here to keep it going lol 🥰
Yes, I made it. I cannot help but imagine that (like any man) he would have loved reading this thread. The earlier posts were way more explicit than we are here though we can't see those pictures anyone.

It KILLS me that most pictures can’t be seen anymore! I’ve probably gone through about 100-200 of the 1000+ pages here and I don’t think I saw anything excessively explicit then, either (or maybe just nothing is explicit enough for my taste). But hey, we are just getting started here, ladies!! We have plenty of time to heat this shit up!!! 🔥

Re-sharing something I found in old pages. I hope Sils (original poster) does not mind, I want to give her credit and not just copy and paste the pics. I hope you get the Forrero Rocher context!
Yes, I made it. I cannot help but imagine that (like any man) he would have loved reading this thread. The earlier posts were way more explicit than we are here though we can't see those pictures anyone.
He did! I read on reddit or somewhere that he loved reading message boards and what people would say would make him blush lol! 😆
Ohhhh yesss, those jeans in that video do him all kinds of justice. Just snug in all the right places 😉

Oh god it’s so distracting. It is one of my favorite MJ songs, but the other day I actually watched the video on mute for some reason and was blown away by how amazing and powerful it was even without any music. His dancing and the energy is profound!! But I’m not gonna lie, my eyes were drawn almost constantly below the belt. Sooo impressive… 😅 ❤️ 🔥
I need to spend some more time observing Dangerous outfit, cannot believe gold pants are winning in my head at this time.

I swear to god....I love ferrero roche....I'm never gonna have it the same way again damn!;):love:🤣 It's even more so that I have a box lol!!

Ok…. BUT… how have we not discussed this insane bulge in the They Dont Care About Us video? I hate to sexualize him during such a song but MOTHER OF GOD

@Michaels Lover any chance you have a clearer shot of this? ;)
Sweet baby jesus that bulge🥵 I'm having that replay in my head now hahaha!
He did! I read on reddit or somewhere that he loved reading message boards and what people would say would make him blush lol! 😆
When I heard that I was literally sitting there thinking my lord he actually peeked around on the boards...I couldn't imagine who blushed more lol ;) Oops hehe that post was completely intentional :devilish:
Oh god it’s so distracting. It is one of my favorite MJ songs, but the other day I actually watched the video on mute for some reason and was blown away by how amazing and powerful it was even without any music. His dancing and the energy is profound!! But I’m not gonna lie, my eyes were drawn almost constantly below the belt. Sooo impressive… 😅 ❤️ 🔥

I found the song extremely powerful upon the very first listen, back in summer camp in 1995. Although the jeans can be quite distracting, I still think the message of the song, temporarily, overrides even those. Visually, in TDCAU, I am even more fascinated by his facial expressions, most especially in the Brazil long version. There is this awesome moment between 5:20-5:22 that starts off with this cool pose


He also does this literal tongue-in-cheek thing for a split second and then gets really, really close in front of the camera for the ultimate close-up of sorts. I wonder if he meant anything special by that - was it a message to THEM people he was singin' about or was he just his most purposeful self girl-blaster, knowing darn well what effect he could have on femalekind or perhaps both?

I think the awesomeness of that video moment actually deserves encapsulating as a gif. I don't suppose Hiker can help out? 😙🙄😋 Many, many thanks in advance, homegirl. I know you gonna deliver. It was you who was the gif-master, wasn't it? Or am I gettin' people mixed up? It does happen to me every now and then, just so you know 🤭
I found the song extremely powerful upon the very first listen, back in summer camp in 1995. Although the jeans can be quite distracting, I still think the message of the song, temporarily, overrides even those. Visually, in TDCAU, I am even more fascinated by his facial expressions, most especially in the Brazil long version. There is this awesome moment between 5:20-5:22 that starts off with this cool pose


He also does this literal tongue-in-cheek thing for a split second and then gets really, really close in front of the camera for the ultimate close-up of sorts. I wonder if he meant anything special by that - was it a message to THEM people he was singin' about or was he just his most purposeful self girl-blaster, knowing darn well what effect he could have on femalekind or perhaps both?

I think the awesomeness of that video moment actually deserves encapsulating as a gif. I don't suppose Hiker can help out? 😙🙄😋 Many, many thanks in advance, homegirl. I know you gonna deliver. It was you who was the gif-master, wasn't it? Or am I gettin' people mixed up? It does happen to me every now and then, just so you know 🤭
Oh yes… please don’t get me wrong, TDCAU is legitimately one of my favorite Mj songs and the videos (both versions are incredibly powerful). I hesitated even mentioning the bulge because I don’t want it to seem like I’m not fully appreciating the power of the song and it’s message.

But let’s be real, Michael is still Michael and I am only a woman lol.

Also I would be happy to GIF that moment too, I’m just not sure which one you’re referring to! But I’m more than happy to watch it again and figure it out :)
Shout out to @staywild23 to resurface the thread 👏.

Thank you and @MacMandy90!!

I remember being so shy to restart it… I was embarrassed because I was worried no one else needed this like I do!! Haha boy was I wrong. I love and appreciate you all for being here with me ❤️

As I already told you, I am not supposed to be hanging about this kinda threads these days, but you girls are terrific and the Michael images are far too addictive to stay away right now. I suppose we all needed the alibi to talk about these most pressing issues o_O Thank you, wild1 for providing it for all of us 😎 Feels kinda good to know I ain't alone in my lunacy 🤗

Also I would be happy to GIF that moment too, I’m just not sure which one you’re referring to! But I’m more than happy to watch it again and figure it out :)

Oh, wild, but I spelled it all out already in my post - it's a 3 seconds segment from 5:20-5:22 I even gave y'all the link to the video. Usually, when I give online instructions, they tend to be rather clear. I suppose the fact that I 'hid' the link in the timeframe wasn't quite as obvious as I thought it would be.

Anyways, here is the vid

Please feel free to do it. I actually got a few more gif requests. The more people can help, the better it is 😅 Don't get too lost in the 'research' though.

And again, thanks for refreshing this deliciously scrumptious thread 🍩

If you haven’t seen this, you need to. I’ve watched it several times and it kills me. I also 100% relate to every tweet featured. Especially the one about his sweaty backstage self… lord have mercy!
Wait, is this for real? Is he really reading and reacting to those tweets or this is fan made? I can't tell. Most don't look real.