Michaels Hidden Message in Xscape album was a nice touch :) xxx

Hello , it's in the deluxe album open it up and in the middle section where the poster and booklet is take them out and lift up the case give it a gentle bend and look inside and you will see it :) xx

Thanks. I found it.
:huggy: cool isn't it :yes:

Sure is. I was looking for this thing since 5/13!!! Hopefully all the people who bought the album are able to find it. I hope they know it is there.
To get people to buy the album we could tweet: Did you read the secret message in Xscape today? People would wonder what this message is all about and try to get the album.
Sure is. I was looking for this thing since 5/13!!! Hopefully all the people who bought the album are able to find it. I hope they know it is there.
To get people to buy the album we could tweet: Did you read the secret message in Xscape today? People would wonder what this message is all about and try to get the album.

Yes :yes: great idea :) xxxx
I accidentally found this when I first bought the CD. At first I thought why would they put that there where no one would see it!
It's a beautiful addition to the package, love it a lot! Michael's legacy continues to spellbound the world, he had such a warm heart! the genius of his whole being is what will cement his magic through generations to come.. forever remembered.. God bless those in charge of his unpublished art.
It's a beautiful addition to the package, love it a lot! Michael's legacy continues to spellbound the world, he had such a warm heart! the genius of his whole being is what will cement his magic through generations to come.. forever remembered.. God bless those in charge of his unpublished art.

Yes :yes: I totally agree Zakk :yes: well said :)
Wow... You all can't be serious...

Hello , oh it's a lovely surprise to have found :yes: so yes I am serious :) I love everything to do with Michael Jackson ,it was a lovely touch for them to do this for the Fans so yes even the smallest detail is very special to me xx
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I accidentally found this when I first bought the CD. At first I thought why would they put that there where no one would see it!

Ah for a moment you lost your sense of adventure!!

^^By the way don't feed the negativity guys. It is hungry!!
I accidentally found this when I first bought the CD.
At first I thought why would they put that there where no one would see it
I found it by accident also...when I was trying to put the booklet and
poster back in...and I had the same thought.

I can't stop looking at it Hahaa thanks for telling us lis! I wonder why they put it under there :p :heart:
I guess they planned it that way, for us to discover. :D

Oh wow :) well done :bow: I don't know how you got that :kickass:great shot :yes: thanks for sharing it :heart:
I agree! Yes, great snapMJ RocksMyWorld! Now the "secret" is out.
Hope we're not spoiling it for those who havent seen it yet. (oops!)
It is good that they know because some may never find it by accident.^^
Why not Sheila? :mello::timer::busted:

Its a collectable. It looses value if opened. Collectors store and save it unopened.
you can purchase and hear the songs via itunes ... spotify etc. :)

Silouette, I guess I could always buy another physical copy and open it (while keeping my first one unopened), LOL! Good answer, Qbee, but I have no intention of selling any of my MJ merch. The main reason I'm not opening mine is I don't have to upload CDs to my computer the old school way anymore since the mp3 age came into being. Thanks to iTunes, Amazon, etc., I can buy music and download it from one source and quicker. :D
Silouette, I guess I could always buy another physical copy and open it (while keeping my first one unopened), LOL! Good answer, Qbee, but I have no intention of selling any of my MJ merch. The main reason I'm not opening mine is I don't have to upload CDs to my computer the old school way anymore since the mp3 age came into being. Thanks to iTunes, Amazon, etc., I can buy music and download it from one source and quicker. :D

Aahh! OK.. Now that makes sense to me.

Right! I hear ya. The convenience of the new age, aye? ;)

At any rate, I hope you like it as much as me/us.

BTW....I got your comment on my page and it's perfectly OK.
You got around to it. Thank you!
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Yep its from This Is It rehearsals when Mj and the team are holding hands in a circle :(

LA Reid says he got the album title while watching that footage and hearing Michael say the word "escapism" and, co-incidentally there was a track called 'Xscape' too :)
I didn't find it in my copy... Where is it? Can someone explain? Lol. Or post a pic.
Hello everyone :ciao: I thought it would be really nice to share our thoughts ,pics whatever you like on the hidden message in the Xscape album cover , I know when I got mine on the launch day I was really surprised and felt a little tearful when I found it as I was not expecting it !!! I thought it was a really nice touch :) , I apologise if this has already been discussed elsewhere xxx It touched me in "this is it" when Michael Said it also :heart:

Xscape Deluxe Album ( message hidden under the poster and booklet )

"It's an adventure
It's a great adventure...
They just want wonderful experiences
They want escapism
We wanna take them places that
They've never been before"
Michael Jackson

leave it to MJ.