
Even though I admittedly enjoy listening and watching these videos. Because it makes me feel closer to Michael. It still makes me very sad that his friends are going on tv selling personal photographs, videos, voice messages to the media just for a few bucks.

Michael said it all in "Money"
It was only Liz Taylor who defended Michael during the trial, the others didn't even mention to the public that they are 'friends' never mind about defending him. It was only Liz Taylor that defended Michael for the baby dangling scene saying he had a firm grip on his child and he would never do it otherwise. And It was only Liz Taylor who kept quiet and not sell stories to papers when he died. That is what a True Friend does.

Jermaine defended Michael, but it was mostly to say that we are a close family and there are no problems between us and Joe didn't beat us. Remember the second version of the Martin Bashir interview, his family were just there to clear their names of all the beatings that Michael talked about in the interview.

I'll say it again, Elizabeth Taylor is Michael's only true friend.
Krshna28..........totally agree with you........so sad to see her latelythough.....I prayed she will not join MJ soon....coz she doesn't look so well lately.....