

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I don't like them.....

Since his death we all have gotten a good look at all of his so-called-friends and they aint the best in the world. I hate them for what they are doing to him. Private conversations being made public by people he trusted. And more then likely a lot more Crap will come out about Michael. Right now I'm thinking of his kids. I mean if they heard any of this stuff about their dad how do you think they would Feel. How would YOU feel if something like this happened to you? I'm bitching about things i cant control but think about and want to reach out and slap these people senseless. i mean this is so WRONG to do. Why are they doing this? Do they think it will help or hurt Michael's image? Do they think they are doing a good thing by releasing these tapes or writing these books? I don't think THEY think of what the reaction is when they do this... I think they are just trying to add more salt to the open wound.
Wow, yet another entry in the endless line of negative bash threads, lol.
very powerful stuff...true about being Michael's so called "Friends". The good thing about it now is that he wont have to deal with them or the world ugliness anymore...

I Love you MORE Mike!

EDIT: Can we just comment on what the thread is and not go OFF TOPIC Please? ...Seriously. Thanks...:D
yes I agree with you I'm sick of these ppl they need to set there money hungry @$$ down there 15mins of fame are over
Michael never had true friends. Only Elizabeth Taylor has been faithful to his great friend, confidant and was always beside him. She was the only real person in Michael's life. A friend exemplary. Michael was always surrounded by people who self-serving and false in some way wanted to draw something out of it. Unfortunately, people were "passing" in his life. This is very common for a celebrity that many think is an easy life, but not the reality of the life of a celebrity is very hard. You never know who to trust 100%. And now these "friends" resurrected from the ashes...
I don't like them.....

Since his death we all have gotten a good look at all of his so-called-friends and they aint the best in the world. I hate them for what they are doing to him. Private conversations being made public by people he trusted. And more then likely a lot more Crap will come out about Michael. Right now I'm thinking of his kids. I mean if they heard any of this stuff about their dad how do you think they would Feel. How would YOU feel if something like this happened to you? I'm bitching about things i cant control but think about and want to reach out and slap these people senseless. i mean this is so WRONG to do. Why are they doing this? Do they think it will help or hurt Michael's image? Do they think they are doing a good thing by releasing these tapes or writing these books? I don't think THEY think of what the reaction is when they do this... I think they are just trying to add more salt to the open wound.

What you are saying is unfortunately very true.. so sad that these were the kind of friends that Michael had..
Couldn't agree more. All Michael ever wanted was to befriend someone who loved him and cared for him as a person. The lechers who now goes out in public and claims to be "Michael Jacksons best friend" for then to share private information never intended to be released to the media, are not what Michael deserved. I believe that Michael did have some few good friends. Ironically, these are the people we have not heard from yet, and probably never will. Those people on the other hand, who "befriended" him with an agenda (money, status, fame etc) can just go a certain place. I believe that all Michael ever wanted was to hang out with someone he could trust, someone who loved him for who he was as a human being, not for being a famous and wealthy pop icon.
Yes Michael was surrounded by a lot of 'fake' friends (as many celebrities are) but please don't forget he also had some true friends (even if they were not many). Elizabeth Taylor, Macaulay Culkin and Diana Ross for example have always supported Michael and they were there if he needed them. The fact that after Michael's passing they didn't seek publicity with interviews, public comments or public showing of their pain for the tragic loss proves to me they were real friends.

I think there are also other people that were very close to Michael and real friends but we simply don't know about them because they don't go in front of the cameras every minute giving statements or interviews.
I don't like them.....

Since his death we all have gotten a good look at all of his so-called-friends and they aint the best in the world. I hate them for what they are doing to him. Private conversations being made public by people he trusted. And more then likely a lot more Crap will come out about Michael. Right now I'm thinking of his kids. I mean if they heard any of this stuff about their dad how do you think they would Feel. How would YOU feel if something like this happened to you? I'm bitching about things i cant control but think about and want to reach out and slap these people senseless. i mean this is so WRONG to do. Why are they doing this? Do they think it will help or hurt Michael's image? Do they think they are doing a good thing by releasing these tapes or writing these books? I don't think THEY think of what the reaction is when they do this... I think they are just trying to add more salt to the open wound.

Wholeheartedly Agree...

IF they truly were A "TRUE BLUE FRIEND" they would "NEVER" be stabbing their friend in the back..!

It is has been posted on one of the MJJC Threads that "at least they are keeping Mr.Jackson's legacy alive..?"

With no disrespect intended; we are all entitled to share our thoughts, opinions etc....


"All these "so called" friends are definately sensationalizing their association with Mr.Jackson...Hence...filling their pockets..!


If they weren't, they would not be getting paid and/or any and all monies/proceeds generated from interviews, video, photos etc. would be donated to one or more of Mr.Jackson's Charities..!

:angel:Heal The World...WE Are The World...Education IS The Key~~~
A lot of people since his death are proving they werent true friends at all.
Even though he trusted maybe more than, Most people can count their true friends on one hand. We are and will for a long time to come no doubt be learning who his true friends really were.
Michael never had true friends. Only Elizabeth Taylor has been faithful to his great friend, confidant and was always beside him. She was the only real person in Michael's life. A friend exemplary. Michael was always surrounded by people who self-serving and false in some way wanted to draw something out of it. Unfortunately, people were "passing" in his life. This is very common for a celebrity that many think is an easy life, but not the reality of the life of a celebrity is very hard. You never know who to trust 100%. And now these "friends" resurrected from the ashes...
Stevie Wonder is a person I like. he seems like an honest person. Otherwise Michael has always been surrounded by a lot of people who like attention and that is why they do it. They don´t care about anything else and certainly don´t care if it hurts the kids.
It's true he probably only had a few "true" friends. The number of them was probably in the single digits too. The rest were vultures and leeches.
Everyone has to answer for their actions come Judgment Day.....
Yeah, the whole situation is sad. I don't really know what else to say on the matter, it's just sad because he deserved so much more. :(
I agree. REAL FRIENDS wouldn't try to embarrass Michael or try to smear him. These 'friends' are only adding fuel to the fire. I would put Uri, Schmuley, Mark Lester, and Chopra into this 'shady friend' category.

What did Stevie sing. . .

No more lying friends
Wanting tragic ends
Though they do pretend
They won't go when I go

All those bleeding hearts
With sorrows to impart
Were right here from the start
And they won't go when I go

Big men feeling small
Weak ones standing tall
I will watch them fall
They won't go when I go

Unclean minds mislead the pure
The innocent will leave for sure
People just want to get at Michael's fortune, These 'friends' and these other people who happen to be his family. i.e. His mother, father, 5 brothers and 3 sisters don't even want to pay for his funeral. And all these tribute concerts have expensive ticket prices and none goes to Michael's Children or any Charities he supported. And how much money do they receive for selling a story to a newspaper?

He should of left everything to Liz Taylor! That was Michael's biggest mistake but then again he never knew he would go before her!
People just want to get at Michael's fortune, These 'friends' and these other people who happen to be his family. i.e. His mother, father, 5 brothers and 3 sisters don't even want to pay for his funeral. And all these tribute concerts have expensive ticket prices and none goes to Michael's Children or any Charities he supported. And how much money do they receive for selling a story to a newspaper?

He should of left everything to Liz Taylor! That was Michael's biggest mistake but then again he never knew he would go before her!

There's a difference between not wanting to pay and couldn't afford to pay. Besides a lot of people set aside money to pay for their funeral expenses so that their loved ones aren't burdened. Michael's estate is worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
Stevie Wonder is a person I like. he seems like an honest person. Otherwise Michael has always been surrounded by a lot of people who like attention and that is why they do it. They don´t care about anything else and certainly don´t care if it hurts the kids.

Stevie Wonder is amazing. I really like it too. You have the right. Unfortunately people are so... false. :( But I'm happy that Elizabeth Taylor was such a wonderful person in the life of Michael. She has always been so friendly and so present in his life in good times and especially in bad times. She was a true friend to him. :wub: :)
I think most people only have 1 or 2 true friends in a life time. Most of the others just acquaintances. But I do agree with the thread starter, it is pissing me off that people are coming out with all of these "recorded" conversations with Michael...
There's a difference between not wanting to pay and couldn't afford to pay. Besides a lot of people set aside money to pay for their funeral expenses so that their loved ones aren't burdened. Michael's estate is worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Exactly how could they not afford it. Think about: Janet Jackson (who is a superstar in the music business) and what about all the Jackson 5, Jacksons, Jermaine, Janet, La Toya, etc royalties.

Michael never stopped helping his family when they needed it. His parents were almost always financially dependant on him and he also wrote and produced loads of stuff for Tito children (who are known as 3T).

Also remember that the Staples Centre Memorial was paid by the state!
This thread reminds me of Mike saying he can count all his friends with just one hand...:( and "painfully lonely" in the outtakes of LWM:cry:

And I hate it everytime I hear some people calling him a "sucker" for having fake friends. Of course, he trusted them too much, but if you put yourself in his shoes...when you feel lonely the way he felt lonely (I can't even imagine the depth of it), you become more friendly and open to people near you cuz you need to have and strengthen the sense of closeness and you believe you can get it with more effort on your part. I feel that's what he did...he knew he should not trust them beyond a certain level, but he was lonely and being accepted just as a person, not the superstar was elusive almost all his life...but he kept on seeking for the bond he needed. We all know we can never give up on finding that bond ourselves. The fake friends took advantage of that vulnerability.

Being lonely can make even a callous person kind to others. It can make a sweet person, like Mike, even sweeter and that's when these fake friends gather around you...pretending to be someone you can talk to just about everything.
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Michael never had true friends. Only Elizabeth Taylor has been faithful to his great friend, confidant and was always beside him. She was the only real person in Michael's life.

What about Miko Brando he's said great things about Michael on CNN and has genuinely kept out of the media. Barry and Robin Gibb are also true friends of Michael's and Carrie Fisher who spent Christmas with Michael.

I'd say Michael did have true friends, but more so called friends who loved the association and money of Michael Jackson but had no interest in the everyday normal Michael who was human with feelings like everyone else.
Exactly how could they not afford it. Think about: Janet Jackson (who is a superstar in the music business) and what about all the Jackson 5, Jacksons, Jermaine, Janet, La Toya, etc royalties.

Michael never stopped helping his family when they needed it. His parents were almost always financially dependant on him and he also wrote and produced loads of stuff for Tito children (who are known as 3T).

Also remember that the Staples Centre Memorial was paid by the state!

According to Margaret Maldonado & her book there are no royalties from the Jackson 5 days. Not sure about the Jacksons but it didn't sound like it. When I read Margaret's book, she talks about all their money struggles & they didn't seem to be getting any from MJ but they did go live at Hayvenhurst when they didn't have money as many adult children do go home & live with their parents. MJ did pay for 3T education at a private school according to her. According to Oxman he did support his parents which almost everyone would want to do for their elderly parents. I know MJ did "Why" with 3T, but I thought that the nephews did alot of their own stuff. They wrote "Anything" which I absolutely love & I just checked - 8 out of 12 of their songs they wrote for the album "Brotherhood". 3T are very talented. I hope they do another album.

As far as paying for the funeral, that is part of why people have life insurance. I believe he had 3 million which was quickly paid to the estate according to TMZ.


John Branca (above) and John McClain quietly cashed in the policy -- reports it was worth upwards of $20 million are simply not true. It was a $3 million payout. And here's why it was a swift move -- the coroner hasn't even released the autopsy report yet.

Some life [COLOR=#29A256 ! important][COLOR=#29A256 ! important]insurance [COLOR=#29A256 ! important]companies[/color][/color][/color]
are hinky about paying out proceeds until the cause of death is known. Remember Heath Ledger's death, when the life insurance company wouldn't promptly fork over the $10 million because Heath allegedly lied about drug use on the application?

Somehow Branca and McClain convinced the insurance company to ante up with lightening speed -- and the estate is $3 million richer for it.
Surprisingly .....I think David Gest also a true friend of Mike...I didn't even know that they are friend way back in Encino.....I though Mike had known him only through his marriage to Liza Minneli.....but it seems that the two are great buddy and neighbor......