Michael's Family Prepares For His Funera (pics inside)

We will have to face seeing him like this soon enough, so I kind of agree with some posters that maybe it's better to try to at least prepare myself emotionally, although I don't know how much good it will do in the long run 'cause I will still be a wreck no matter what. At least tho it will maybe lessen the shock a bit of seeing him like that.
I can not take this :( I just feel like dying! Michael why did you had to go?, I miss you so much!!!! OMG I CAN NOT STOP CRYING:::I MISS YOU SO SO MUCH, I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART MY BEAUTIFUL ANGEL. FOREVER YOU WILL BE THE OWNER OF MY HEART.
don't know if its true or not but it sure did shock the hell out of me to see. I mean as soon as I clicked on this page I closed it. It actually scared me and I held my breath
Farrah's funeral is in la tomorrow.. Possibly this is for her? And it could be for nobody that we know..
The finality of this creeping ever so nearer is making me so anxious....God help all of us when that day arrives 'cause its gonna be alot of weeping and wailing.
Many of us are waiting for the impossible: a miracle. Somehow... I also hope this is all a big mistake. That Michael is fooling all of us. Maybe they even got 'the wrong guy' and it's not Michael at all.

And then seeing these pictures. Wether it's for him or not... it brings reality frightingly close. Finality, perhaps a better word.

Keep going people... Michael is not on earth anymore, but I'm sure he is watching from up there.
the family probably hasn't even decided where his final resting place will be...that's gonna be the hardest part of making the arrangements...
I don't even know how to react anymore. Maybe it is true, but even if it's not, I know we're gonna see/hear something about his funeral. I'm feeling unusually strong right about now.
X17 XCLUSIVE - Michael's Family Prepares For His Funeral
This afternoon, X17 photographers spotted what is believed to be the white carriage that will be used during Michael Jackson's funeral, which should take place sometime this week.
At a press conference earlier today, Joe Jackson would not confirm when the services would be held, but we can't imagine the family would want to wait much longer to lay the beloved music icon to rest. And doesn't a white horse drawn carriage seem totally befitting for the king of pop?



-God u guys i'm shaking. I can't believe it. This is really it :-(

OMG!!! its finally sunk in now.....MICHAEL!!! :cry:
They really want to turn into the biggest funeral in the world and will succeed. At least you have a curtain inside the car and it seems that this is the only time that Michael will have privacy. That makes me very sad. I am preparing my nerves and my heart for what my eyes will see. :(

Maybe it's better that we get those images now, it will prepare us for the actual funeral...

I agree. And for goodness sakes, imagine what the family and especially his kids are going through actually arranging all this. We as fans can deal with this, we have to. It is a part of life. We have to be strong and deal with this logically. Being sad is a natural process, but there is no other way getting around that for any of us.
I still feel this knot in my stomach. Jesus, it just doesn't seem real. The tears and anger just keep coming.

First off, who took this photo, where's the location and where is the source it originated from? I too feel sick just thinking about the idea of his burreal, yet we can't assume that one pic tells the whole idea. Besides, I think the results of the obtopsy will be longer, and more tests may loom.

God dammit, this just seems so unreal. Too sudden, god.
GOSH!!!! Seeing this is really sinking in. I never though about the actual funeral. It's going to be like a double wham to the whole world. It probably will been shown live all over the world.
I'm not ready to see MJ put in a casket or ride in a carriage to his final resting place. In my mind Michael is taking a nice little nap because he has been rehearsing so hard, eventually he will wake up and things will be back to normal..
I know it just hit me too.

This may sound weird but i watched MJ at James brown's funeral to help me cope...

It's going to be very heartbreaking to see Michael laying inside.....a casket...resting in peace :cry:

i just feel like this is all too fast........
it seems like everyone wants a public funeral. i'm not sure that's such a great idea because judging by this pic my guess is it's going to be a "production" of sorts.

maybe i'm wrong. i just don't want this to be a "big show" it's a nauseating creepy feeling.

i heard on the radio a couple days ago something about them going through the streets of los angeles (not at all sure if that's true). seeing this pic kind of makes me think that's what they're planning.

oh dear God. please just let Michael be laid to rest in a more peaceful private way :angel:

i don't think it's for Farrah Fawcett because the family has already said her funeral will be private
I don't want a public funeral. :( I don't think Michael would have wanted that.... he wouldn't want all the papparazzi there (although he may have wanted his fans there). I think a private funeral with a memorial concert or something would be much more appropriate.
he isn't in that body anymore.he is now a little sweet angel.don't you feel him?he will always be here next to people he loved so much...