Michael's Entrance

this technology is great but sorry i dont like the idea. they all seem like dead people. as for Kate Moss i dont know why would she use music from Schindler's list? ... i prefer the real Michael to be on the stage :) but i agree the technology is great

We all prefer the real micheal on stage but this technology could come in handy during his enterance or exit or to create stunning special fx which otherwise would be impossible. The creepy look could work during a 'thriller' or 'ghosts' performance and imagine a J5 medely with the real micheal dancing with holograms of his brothers lol...just come crazy idea's
michael should seriously consider utilising 3D hologram technology in his concerts.
I had a dream shortly after tickets went on sale that I was there at the O2 and at one point multiple holograms of MJ appeared, one approximately each section of seating, so everyone sort of got a few moments of being "first row". The holograms looked so real (not perfectly real, but close enough to give me goosebumps)! I thought this was the coolest thing I'd seen and wondered how in the heck they had done that. But then... this was a dream.

Besides that stupid "hologram of a reporter" thing that CNN did on The Situation Room during the election, how good is such technology? When you guys say it would be cool if he used them... what could he do with holograms that would be so great? I guess I'm a little behind on the subject...

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I was thinking about this the other day.

IMO, the perfect opening would be the arena in pitch black. All you hear is snippets from various MJ songs. The crowd go wild. The music fades. A single spotlight appears centre stage. It goes off. You hear the "ooooh!" from the start of "Don't Stop Til You Get Enough". It goes back on seconds later in the same spot and MJ is standing there. He stands for 2mins in the same spot with his head down, the single spot light on him. All of a sudden, "Don't Stop..." starts and the background turns gold like the video.

I got shivers just writing that!
I had a dream shortly after tickets went on sale that I was there at the O2 and at one point multiple holograms of MJ appeared, one approximately each section of seating, so everyone sort of got a few moments of being "first row". The holograms looked so real (not perfectly real, but close enough to give me goosebumps)! I thought this was the coolest thing I'd seen and wondered how in the heck they had done that. But then... this was a dream.

Besides that stupid "hologram of a reporter" thing that CNN did on The Situation Room during the election, how good is such technology? When you guys say it would be cool if he used them... what could he do with holograms that would be so great? I guess I'm a little behind on the latest holographic innovations, lol.
cool dream.
like he came out at the 2003 vma's but with a big build up on a different screen and then he does the same thing on the screen that he comes out of.
The hologram idea is a cool one! I kind of thought they would introduce it with clips on the screen of past performances and then he comes out in some huge explosion, but it's been done. It will be really interesting to see how they organise the shows! :)
I had a dream shortly after tickets went on sale that I was there at the O2 and at one point multiple holograms of MJ appeared, one approximately each section of seating, so everyone sort of got a few moments of being "first row". The holograms looked so real (not perfectly real, but close enough to give me goosebumps)! I thought this was the coolest thing I'd seen and wondered how in the heck they had done that. But then... this was a dream.

Besides that stupid "hologram of a reporter" thing that CNN did on The Situation Room during the election, how good is such technology? When you guys say it would be cool if he used them... what could he do with holograms that would be so great? I guess I'm a little behind on the subject...


check out these youtube vids to see 3d holograms in action:

anyone seen the original charlie and the chocolate factory where willy wonka hobbles down the carpet with a walking stick barely able to move . . then BURSTS into life? something like that would be immense
Thanks! I can't get the last two links to work for some reason, but watching the first two led me to others unders 'related videos'. Pretty cool. One of those was from 2006. Guess I'm way out of it, lol. And it gave me another thought. I had an idea a while back about MJ somehow being moved around the arena, like maybe suspended on a platform that was slowly moving around the whole place, so everyone gets to be close for a short while. Probably not practical. But how about the hologram projection thingy? Hmmmm... Would be more interesting than a video screen ;)

I can't wait until Nintendo 'H' (for Hologram - just made that up, so creative, lol) comes out in the near future. I think I'd finally play video games then (although, of course, I'd prefer the Holodeck)! And someday when I'm old I'll be using the holophone to make calls. Crazy. And totally cool.

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How about he walks out with a walking stick, trilby, mask (or scarf) and sunglasses, with newspaper headlines and news segments about his ability to do the concerts on the big screens

he then drops the walking stick, rips off the mask, hat etc, and sings tabloid junkie
the hologram stuff is really cool! Never really seen it before. The one with kate moss is stunning altho rather creepy. I agree it would be great for thriller!
I can picture this

Michael will enter the stage in some amazing fashion and then he'll turn around and say ''WHO THE HELL PUT THE ORANGE STAGE LIGHTS ON HERE! I ONLY WANTED BLUE STAGE LIGHTS! THE ORANGE ONES MAKE ME LOOK FAT! *sits on the edge of the stage with his arms crossed* I AM NOT PERFORMING ONE SONG UNTILL I GET MY BLUE STAGE LIGHTS!!''
I can picture this

Michael will enter the stage in some amazing fashion and then he'll turn around and say ''WHO THE HELL PUT THE ORANGE STAGE LIGHTS ON HERE! I ONLY WANTED BLUE STAGE LIGHTS! THE ORANGE ONES MAKE ME LOOK FAT! *sits on the edge of the stage with his arms crossed* I AM NOT PERFORMING ONE SONG UNTILL I GET MY BLUE STAGE LIGHTS!!''

We all prefer the real micheal on stage but this technology could come in handy during his enterance or exit or to create stunning special fx which otherwise would be impossible. The creepy look could work during a 'thriller' or 'ghosts' performance and imagine a J5 medely with the real micheal dancing with holograms of his brothers lol...just come crazy idea's

OMG, that idea right there is genius! Can you imagine Michael performing Ghosts and these hologram ghosts appearing all over the stage and even all over the arena..!! :wild: Wouldn't it be spooky?? :bugeyed Just how spectacular would that be!!! I can envision it all, I'd LOVE it if he did that!
I think his entrance will be spectacular!