Michael's Entrance


Proud Member
Mar 7, 2009
Southampton, UK
I was watching the dangerous concert today and it got me thinking,

I wonder how michael will make his entrance?

dangerous, he came out the floor and stood ruling over the crowd

HIStory, he was in a space shuttle,

I wonder how he will enter at THIS IS IT?
I think it would be hilarious if he hobbled out with a walking stick and suddenly burst into dance!

Sort of like his way of telling the haters he could do it!
I think it would be hilarious if he hobbled out with a walking stick and suddenly burst into dance!

Sort of like his way of telling the haters he could do it!

:lmao: That cracked me up!! I would love to see peoples reaction if he did that :lol:
Well, Im sure it will be in the extreme.. Something he has never done before :)
coming in in PJs or some Ed Hardy stuff..slippers....starting to take them off slowly and under that will be the gold pants :lol:
I was thinking something crazy, like he suddenly appears suspended in the air above the B sections or something, in the center of the arena. Poof... spotlights hit him and everyone's confused... lol
I think it would be hilarious if he hobbled out with a walking stick and suddenly burst into dance!

Sort of like his way of telling the haters he could do it!

:hysterical: That would just be the best thing EVER! Could only really do that on the opening night though lol :clap:

coming in in PJs or some Ed Hardy stuff..slippers....starting to take them off slowly and under that will be the gold pants :lol:

Haha, I knew the gold pants would be mentioned somewhere in this thread!
It'll be something big and we all know that!!! Pyrotechnics and the lot!!

Standing there for like 5 minutes with everyone screaming!!!! :wild:
I think some special effects/illusion thing with his silhouette, but I have no idea what.
I was watching Mike's official 'Dangerous in Bucharest' concert on DVD ON REQUEST of the french girls i live with (i love them, they're becoming mini-MJ fans!) and they couldn't understand why Michael stands there for ages not moving at the beginning haha. They kept saying 'is the DVD broken?' lmao!
The Dangerous Touresque entrance had been done long before MJ.

Frank Spencer did it in the Some Mothers Do Ave Em Christmas special in 1978, during the nativity scene!

Wonder if he got the idea from that? Probably not.
Its not really a entrance but, imagine if a digital hologram of michael as a child walked onto the stage, and real michael started dancing with himself as a child. xD
I think it would be hilarious if he hobbled out with a walking stick and suddenly burst into dance!

Sort of like his way of telling the haters he could do it!

Or have someone wheel him out on a wheelchair :yes: :cheeky:
If it's something in the style of the Dangerous tour, I'd be so happy. I just love that kind of build up and excitement - Entrances have always got to be big, it makes it so much more exciting when the performer finally comes out!

I love on the Dangerous DVD, after he pops out, you see some people in the crowd looking at each other like ":O" haha!
Something like!!!!!!!!!!! The superbowl!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or coming out a book ........
Something unique
im guessing his entrance will be amazing!! explosions! fireworks everything!!!then Mj will slowly be lowered to the ground from space and then the new unheard song will play
I was watching the dangerous concert today and it got me thinking,

I wonder how michael will make his entrance?

dangerous, he came out the floor and stood ruling over the crowd

HIStory, he was in a space shuttle,

I wonder how he will enter at THIS IS IT?

I think he should do something like this...whaddya think?

At 4:12 ok??

How about coming out with a walker...you know, then sits down at a comfy chair...puts on his reading glasses...reads something that says "Michael Jackson - Too Frail for O2 Concerts" - gets pissed, puts it down, then jumps up and starts dancing!!
I think it would be hilarious if he hobbled out with a walking stick and suddenly burst into dance!

Sort of like his way of telling the haters he could do it!

Reminds me of Willy Wonka when he hobbles out with the cane and then does a flip.
How about coming out with a walker...you know, then sits down at a comfy chair...puts on his reading glasses...reads something that says "Michael Jackson - Too Frail for O2 Concerts" - gets pissed, puts it down, then jumps up and starts dancing!!
I like it! I LIKE! :D:hysterical: HAHAHA :punk:
I think it would be hilarious if he hobbled out with a walking stick and suddenly burst into dance!

Sort of like his way of telling the haters he could do it!
This cracks me up for real! Love the idea. Would be great if he dances to "Unbreakable", shutting up all the haters like the Ian Halperin guy.

coming in in PJs or some Ed Hardy stuff..slippers....starting to take them off slowly and under that will be the gold pants :lol:
Gold pants:wild: Thanx Agnes for mentioning the beautiful word:D I absolutely love the idea.

Can't come up with my own idea now...I'll be back later:)
michael should seriously consider utilising 3D hologram technology in his concerts.

check out these youtube vids:

the creative possibilities are endless...

this technology is great but sorry i dont like the idea. they all seem like dead people. as for Kate Moss i dont know why would she use music from Schindler's list? ... i prefer the real Michael to be on the stage :) but i agree the technology is great
I like it! I LIKE! :D:hysterical: HAHAHA :punk:

Wouldn't that be just a scream and a half?? OMG. I would do anything to see that....shut them all up for good!! LOL! The print has to be big enough for everyone to read...either that or they get him on a screen so that others can see what he's reading....it would be so funny...a way for him to not only laugh at himself, but drive the point home that he is gonna do this...all 50+ shows...
The Bad Tour entrance for me is the best. Really created a sense of tension. Just seeing Michael emerge from a big cloud of smoke, standing there as it drifts away. Very dramatic!