Michael's Drink ? ...Mystery...

It was peachy. But truly disgusting!

It wasn't disgusting! :blink:
I really, really liked it :yes: and so did my little brother who stole way too many cans from me, thinking I wouldn't notice :smilerolleyes:
Not sure if I'd still like it today though...well, maybe mixed with some...hmm...alcoholic beverages :cheeky:
The best drink in the world... What I'd give to drink it again, from the original can...
O, the good old Mystery days ... seeing Michael on the HIStory tour, reading HIStory magazine, drinking Mystery ... Those were the days :)
Loved the cans...hated the taste LMAO.

I have 1 can here still (opened though).
Ahhh....times like this I wish I was an 80's baby =/. Am I the only one here that has no idea what's being talked about? =P

A drink that was sold during the HIStory Tour :)
lol I wonder if Michael drank it?

I know he liked orange gaterade alot
Hello ,

I was wondering today what happened with this strange "Mystery drink". Why MIchael never tried to create his own business ? I can't believe this drink never worked while he was touring ( HIstory Tour ) .

if someone can give me more details about this ( who is the producer of this drink, what happened, etc...) Was Pepsi involved in this Pb, even pepsi stopped their contract in 93 ?

Thank you very much.
i can't answer your qussion on this one?
i know michael did pesi adds in 1980's-1990's
i know michael's fav drinks were coffe drinks/mikeshakes
i don't know anythink new about michael and his mystery drink idea?
i know i learn something intersting /new about michael each day
cool thought
did michael make this drink in his kittan in his neverland home?
it must have made by coke company
The drink was from German manufacturer Mystery Drinks GmbH.

According to Udo Schaar, head of PR at Mystery Management (a tour sponsor), the King of Pop not only agreed to help sell the drink but also had a hand in its recipe. ''At Michael's request, we didn't put anything artificial in it,'' says Schaar.

it was later banned from the EU i think becuse it had something in it that was not supported there. LOL thx God we were not part of the EU yet and so they could sell it here fine
The first page some were attacking him, and not exactly being a Ray of sunshine.
I'd like to hear more info about the drink being banned (or yanked?) later, because I haven't heard anything about that before.

However, if they would decide to sell the drink again I'm sure they would fix the content (if that was the reason for being banned) so it could be sold everywhere :)
I'd like to hear more info about the drink being banned (or yanked?) later, because I haven't heard anything about that before.

However, if they would decide to sell the drink again I'm sure they would fix the content (if that was the reason for being banned) so it could be sold everywhere :)

I don't think it was banned as it didn't have anything artificial in it but it hasn't been active since 1999. There isn't much info around as to why it became inactive.
It wasn't disgusting! :blink:
I really, really liked it :yes: and so did my little brother who stole way too many cans from me, thinking I wouldn't notice :smilerolleyes:
Not sure if I'd still like it today though...well, maybe mixed with some...hmm...alcoholic beverages :cheeky:

Haha, I'm soooo with you on this one! I honestly liked it too, believe it or not! ;) And I'm sure I'd still like it as a mixer, lol. (typical Finns talking.. anything goes when mixed with alcohol :lol:)
I don't think it was banned as it didn't have anything artificial in it but it hasn't been active since 1999. There isn't much info around as to why it became inactive.

Yeah, there isn't much info about it. Maybe because the drink was launched for the HIStory Tour they sold what was left and kinda let 'the project' die by itself when the tour was over.