Michael's Drink ? ...Mystery...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hello ,

I was wondering today what happened with this strange "Mystery drink". Why MIchael never tried to create his own business ? I can't believe this drink never worked while he was touring ( HIstory Tour ) .

if someone can give me more details about this ( who is the producer of this drink, what happened, etc...) Was Pepsi involved in this Pb, even pepsi stopped their contract in 93 ?

Thank you very much.
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it tasted to me fantastic, we could buy it all over the local stores and i loved it
Oh I see now... Looks like you are in a process of creating your own business... . Just this forum is not for that, you know... .

No i am sorry my friend, I am an old fan, and i didn't wait Michael passed away to start my impersonation. You know , you call it " marketing", to promote a show - nothing bad !!

Please, i am a huge fan of MJ, i met him twice, watched him 7 times in concert, and organized 2 big french events...I feel ok with that.

its not forbidden to get his business, you know ? ;-)
Because Michael was born a King and he died a King. Genius does not need to create his business, the business created itself around him.
Well said.
Michael's business was Music. He gave the business his whole soul. Unlike celebs that have a million things happening...like more quantity of merchandise than the quality of the merchandise.
Oh I see now... Looks like you are in a process of creating your own business... . Just this forum is not for that, you know... .

no Dutchie, i don't need that. we were just talking about this drink.
i have nothing to promote. but actually when you see a fan who met michael, oofered him his tribute drink, etc, etc, you start to accuse him to promote something...believe me - i reached my aim :)
I loved it :yes: It was soooo expensive and there was only one place in my hometown where you could get it. I remember saving one piece for ages, but I must have lost it at some point.

I think there was a German producer(?) behind it.. Mystery Drinks Gmbh was written on the cans and Gmbh is German but can't remember what it means :scratch:
i remember the first time i drank it it was on 2nd July when i went to the Vienna History concert. We bought it before the stadion, and of course i wanted to keep it and bring home..but at the entrance they told me i have to drink it and i can take in only the empty bootle..OMG i drank it in a few seconds i think because there were so many ppl wanting to enter the stadion so i could not block the way haha. But the next way be bought a few others in a supermarket, i remember even for my dog :lol: (of course just for fun she didnt drink it), but later in my town we could find it at so many places, and it was not that expensive. But i think this was the Turkis version, and by that time it got banned from the European Union?
I've still got a can, Never tasted it back then for some reason though :unsure: think I just bought the one as I didn't have much money on me at the concert :lol:

Sure ain't gonna taste the one I have now. :puke: LOL
I remember drinking it back in the 90s and tried so hard to like it as it was an MJ drink but just couldn't. It was disgusting as I just cannot stand peach drinks!
I had several cans, more than 10, but I have given away all the ones with silver top and kept only the ones with "gold" top for myself :)
i was too crazy..i had like 100 cans and once we painted our room i throw all away except 2 :(
wish i kept them and could now give them away for friends
I lost all my cans as well. I used to put them on the wall with MJ posters. I had this loooong chain of Mystery cans. Then I moved out from my parents' apartment to my own place and when I looked for the cans later I couldn't find any.
u could buy the drink in shops near concert venues. i remember buying some in the local shops near wembley stadium. mystery came from weisner. it didnt taste to bad but tangy and fizzy.have a few cans stored away with other mj things