Michael's clothes for This Is It.

Billie Jean outfit......CRAZY!
I Love that whole idea of it lighting up the way the sidewalk did in the video.
Very innovative and creative of him. His whole wardrobe is sharp!!

I remember reading about the designer (maybe one of them)for TII.
This Zaldy person.
SOrry, but maybe you feel this way because it's plain obvious. It's heartwrenching actually. These were not photoshopped like other pictures

No i feel this way because every single thread i go into regarding TII is dragged down by what the TINI people have to say! You have a thread regarding that why not keep it in there!!

When i want to discuss how thin michael looked i will come and talk about it in the right thread! I feel like i am saying this all the time and i am getting really sick of it! I am really starting to think i dont want to be coming to the forum anymore because you cant for some reason discuss anything hear without being made to feel like you should be looking for all the bad things regarding TII rather then the good! I appreciate what you are doing but dont force it upon people!
This is crazy. These clothes needs to be sold around the world. I want ALL.
he will have needed a thriller jacket for his remake of it in the dome project, or the 3d version or whatever they were doing, but there is a good chance he had a thriller jacket somewhere, so there is a reasonable chance he will be wearing one in the final rehearsal
Those costumes were amazing, light up trousers!!!!!! Although my fave does have to be the J5 medley suit. I like the simplicity and MJ looked so stylish in it.
oh man. this is incredible. it makes me all the more sad that the show ended up getting canceled.

then again: if it HAD of happened i would have been upset by the fact that i couldn't have gone.