Michael's body to be plastinated?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
London, UK
MICHAEL Jackson's funeral is likely to be the biggest in entertainment history, drawing tens of thousands of mourners and hundreds of millions of TV viewers.
It is expected to eclipse that of Elvis Presley in 1977, at which 75,000 fans lined the streets of Memphis, and could rival Princess Diana's 12 years ago, when 250,000 gathered in Hyde Park.

Even the funeral of silent film star Rudolph Valentino in New York in 1926 drew 40,000 fans.

Celebrity mourners at Jackson's service could include showbiz legends such as Sir Paul McCartney, who sang with him, and Elizabeth Taylor.

Even if his family insists on a private ceremony, it will be almost impossible to keep fans away.

Jackson was raised a Jehovah's Witness, forbidden from following funeral customs that are not mentioned in the Bible.

Rowdy wakes are banned, as are alcoholic toasts, ``talking to and making requests of the dead'', marking the anniversary of the death, and any practices suggesting ``something in the person survives death''.

But there was speculation last year that Jackson had secretly converted to Islam.

When his death was confirmed by his brother Jermaine, who became a Muslim 20 years ago, he said: ``May Allah be with you, Michael.''

Though Jackson did not admit embracing Islam, he moved to Dubai after he was cleared of child abuse in 2005, and was linked to the American black Muslim organisation Nation of Islam, which provided security for him at his trial.

If a Muslim funeral takes place, the body is usually buried within two days of death.

However, it emerged last night that his body may not be buried at all, but could be preserved for ever in his famous moonwalk stance.

The claim was made by German doctor Gunther von Hagens, who has gained notoriety for embalming corpses in polyurethane.

His ``plastination'' process enabled him to create a London show featuring preserved human bodies, many displaying internal organs.

On Friday, Dr von Hagens said: ``An agreement is in place to plastinate the king of pop.''

He said he had agreed with representatives of Jackson's family ``months ago'' that his body would be plastinated and placed next to the singer's late chimp Bubbles, who was preserved after his death and is on display in the show at the O2 arena, where the singer was due to appear next month.

A spokesman for Dr von Hagens said it was one of Jackson's last wishes to be reunited with Bubbles, saying: ``There is no better place than to do this at the venue where Jackson was to perform his 50-date tour.

``While von Hagens is keen to keep the pose of the superstar's plastinate under wraps, he hinted that the moonwalk position would naturally be favoured.

``It is hoped the exhibit will be unveiled towards the end of July for fans to visit and pay respects.''


Do you think such an agreement exists and that was MJ's wish??
Jesus no! That would be awful. And i don't believe this story. No one wants to see a corpse of Michael on display.
yeah it would be awful.... its not like watching at a wax figure.. to know that it is michael jackson and he is dead and he is there... no way...

but i was reading that story in a german newspaper months ago already... so it might be true, at least that michael was thinking bout something like that
Who the hell is this Dr von Hagens??
Feeding the crazy image that the media loves...even after MJ's gone. WTF is this??
Here we go, another rumour, guys. People are going to believe this.
The man can't even be allowed to rest in effing peace.
Horrible. Just horrible. No way would I ever want to see Michael's body on display. As a christian I believe that his soul is in heaven and that the body just serves as a shell while we are on this earth. It's not him any more. This is no more than tabloid speculation, just sounds ridiculous!
We can find if it's true if Bubbles is indeed plastinated and exhibited. Anyone know? Is he?
I dont think thats true. Tomorrow he is already buried.
if it was his wish then I don't see a problem. if it was NOT his wish then it's discusting to even ask if its ok to do something like that to his dead body..
The family would (rightly IMO) never allow it. Think of his children too. It's an obscene and revolting idea.
fucking idiots. that's just ridiculous, i can't believe the freak. why make up such stories to promote your work? he's got this stupid body worlds exhibition, it's just the lowest possible way to promote it. fucking creep.

let the man rest in peace.
HECK NO!!!!!!!!! WHY CANT THE MEDIA LET THE MAN REST IN PEACE!!!! :censored: :angry:
WTF WTF WTF SERIOUSLY WTF! no way I dont want him plastinated......that docter is a son of a bitch. Whats he on about. Plus if michael did want that then he was crazy! This is some disturbing news. I think its just crap created by the media!
Rubbish, sorry. (The text that was in red that is).

Michael would have given instructions to his family what he wants done with his body.
said he had agreed with representatives of Jackson's family ``months ago'' that his body would be plastinated and placed next to the singer's late chimp Bubbles, who was preserved after his death and is on display in the show at the O2 arena, where the singer was due to appear next month.

A spokesman for Dr von Hagens said it was one of Jackson's last wishes to be reunited with Bubbles, saying: ``There is no better place than to do this at the venue where Jackson was to perform his 50-date tour.

``While von Hagens is keen to keep the pose of the superstar's plastinate under wraps, he hinted that the moonwalk position would naturally be favoured.
er bubbles is still alive isnt he. this is the most stupid thing ive ever heard.so the familiy made an agreements months ago for this oi happen yeah cause mj knew he was gonna day the month later how stupid. attention seaking foool