Michael was looking much better on This Is It than what he was before


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Does anyone else think so? In my opinion he looked much better than what he used to back in 2001-2006. He looked like what he did back in the Dangerous era. When i was watching the movie i felt that i had gone back in time to 1991
He does look great.

But honestly, I think a lot of that has to do with the curls. His face looked about the same imo in TII as it has the past few years, but bringing back the curls has made him look overall more like he used to. That's what I think. I thought the same thing about him looking better, but really his face is still about the same as it was, but older. Besides that, the only difference is the curls are back.
Michael looked way better here
. His face looks better taen its been. No offence to those who liked the Invincible Era Michael.
yea the curls made him look different. when the first pics came out ppl wondered if they were old pics cause they made him look so different.dont think it looked lik edangerous in the film. u could obviously tell he was a lot older and thinner
cant really compir MSG photos mj wasnt well then and didnt look good at all when u compair to other pics
Yes he was looking a lot better.When you see pictures from 2001 - 2003 - he looks so bad compared to the This Is It Michael.But you can't really compare with the Dangerous era.He was way more young and fresh looking... maybe HIStory...
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He does look great.

But honestly, I think a lot of that has to do with the curls. His face looked about the same imo in TII as it has the past few years, but bringing back the curls has made him look overall more like he used to. That's what I think. I thought the same thing about him looking better, but really his face is still about the same as it was, but older. Besides that, the only difference is the curls are back.
I think so too, the curls made a huge difference.

He looked good all the way :wub:
I really hope that this isn't gonna turn into a ''MJ was skinny'' thread
I think he looked gorgeous :wub: but I wouldn't say he looked better than before cos IMO I think he has always been gorgeous :wub:
I love all his hair styles too! :D :wub:
The curls helped improve his looks a lot but I think it's pretty obvious that he was going through some kind of medical problems back in the early 00s, so you can't really compare it, his looks improved right after the trial (late 05) imo.
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mj was prob looking his best from late 05 through to late 08
^^^ agreeing wit u

dang he looked fine and yes the curls made a huge difference :wub:
mj was prob looking his best from late 05 through to late 08

I agree, despite what happened in '03-'05. He looked good at the WMA's too but this year, I think the curls definitely made him look "like he used too". It's surprising how hair can change the way somebody looks.
I agree, despite what happened in '03-'05. H
by october 05 when he was in london he had put alot of weight back on and was looking really well again. that pretty much stayed the same until late 08 ish when the weight started to drop
at the time of dangerous michael was not as thin as he was the last period.
That,s the only difference i think.
And the curls do a lot, curls make him look so much more beautifull then the straight hair.
That men seemed ageless in his looking, wow.....
at the time of dangerous michael was not as thin as he was the last period.
That,s the only difference i think.
And the curls do a lot, curls make him look so much more beautifull then the straight hair.
That men seemed ageless in his looking, wow.....

Have to agree on the bold part :yes:
I think he looked better then the early 2000s, but, to be honest, Michael hasn't looked great since late 80s, early 90s. Yeah he looked handsome, but obviously not very healthy
i agree with the OP, so many times i thought I was watching Dangerous Michael! it helps that the choreography for the old songs was the same so we saw Michael doing what he did 20 yrs earlier. its amazing how he can pull that off...

and the curls are sweet, but even in the shot of them picking the backup dancers Michael had the straight hair and just looked great.
He looked handsome, but like I said in my edited post, obviously not healthy
Oops I missed that part. Though imo he looked quite healthy til the very last days. But let's not start that was-he-healthy-or-not discussion again!
Michaels loook are like in the Dangerous and History Era :) He looks very good he is an Angel . Miss you Michael
GUYS STOP!!!!!!!!You are ruining the thread!!!!! If you have problems with eachother - please PM... now lets back to topic... anybody to comment this AMAZING pic?
I'm sorry, I really do want to get back on topic, like I said I don't want to discuss my opinion and please do not quote it and try to confuse me and start a fight, if you have a problem with me or my opinion contact me another way.

Now, to comment on the picture, I must say, it's beautiful! He looks gorgeus!
alright alright. No ones deluded.

Yes Michael looked great in TII.

everybody hug and kick out the negativity already. :hug:
I didn't like his look post-Dangerous or HIStory at all, but TII - wow.


It was like he had a time machine! That picture above wasn't Bad, Dangerous or HIStory, but This Is It. He was 50! AMAZING.

For most of the pictures, I thought they were from the past.
He does look great.

But honestly, I think a lot of that has to do with the curls. His face looked about the same imo in TII as it has the past few years, but bringing back the curls has made him look overall more like he used to. That's what I think. I thought the same thing about him looking better, but really his face is still about the same as it was, but older. Besides that, the only difference is the curls are back.

Agreed completely! :)
Michael looked great during TII. The curls were back and we were all very happy! He was 50 so he's going to look older than in the Dangerous era where he was very fresh faced looking, but he looked phenomenal.
Michael always look good. but when he do the dance move (Drill) with dancers in the circle, he didn't have any make-up. he looked so hot.