Michael The PopStar > Which title is your favorite?

Which title do you percieve as the sweetest / most decriptive / best / fave ?

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King of Pop because no one of sound mind can ever say that the title is not suitable for Michael. It's a fitting title no matter how you slice it. And let's suppose that someone does take issue with the title; well, that would beg the question of who really is the King of Pop and then when no logical answer is left besides Michael Jackson, that person will have to come to grips with reality.
My favorite is King Of Pop (Rock, And Soul) and The King Of Entertainment :)
King of Pop of course, though I believe he should had a bigger title than that. That's why I also chose for King of Entertainment.

And like IMWizzle said, The Gloved One is very good.
The king!
Peter pan of Pop!

i can't choose from this 3...

i don't like "king of pop", because i think it's not enough for him, he is much more....

For me he always will be: THE KING OF MY WORLD!
Moonwalker cause that what he is. King of Pop.. yeah.. King of Pop, Rock and Soul.. no.
King of Pop! That's what I have known him as for as long as I can remember even though I think he's much more.
i like The King of Pop
but i like Michael Jackson---Son, Brother and Father a whole lot better...
I think King of Pop fits really well... but not in a genre sense, in the sense that "popular music" just means *everything* that's popular. And well, he certainly is that... forever :)
MJ is king of pop... But not rock and soul lol! Jacksons were very average band, while he recorded only a few rock songs lol.
hmm, I am kinda partial to "Michael Jackson".

The king thing is losing it's power since everyone is using it. "Michael Jackson" will never lose his power.

You are so right. "Michael Jackson" is such a powerful name. I've often thought when just looking at it, whether on the TV or internet or on paper or on CDs, that Michael Jackson is just one of the coolest names ever. LOL it just is! It's got such a vibe about it.

I'm voting King of Pop in this poll.
I like King of Music.

Will.I.Am even called him "King of the music industry."