Michael The PopStar > Which title is your favorite?

Which title do you percieve as the sweetest / most decriptive / best / fave ?

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Why isn't "superstar" and "genius" in the poll?

I love reading articles which call him that! Because it sums him pretty well lol.
No ifs, ands, or buts about it... "The King of Pop, Rock, and Soul"

hmm, I am kinda partial to "Michael Jackson".

The king thing is losing it's power since everyone is using it. "Michael Jackson" will never lose his power. The power, it's got a lot of force? lol.. the force has got a lot of power? What did he say at the start of Don't stop till you get enough? I can't remember.
the force is
the force has...
got a lot of power
and it...
it makes me feel like
it makes me feel like
The King of Pop.
sounds so sexy.. (sorry idk whats buggin' me today :p)
hmm..I don't like if they call him King of Rock AND Soul. I don't find it sound exciting. ah well xD I chose Moonwalker and King of Entertainment.
I would say Peter Pan of Pop. This is so sweet. :wub:
I voted king of entertainment but I wanna change my mind to the King...I think that just means The King of EVERYTHING lol.