Michael rejected Madonna song!

This comment fits in with Jesus' message real well, lol.

It fits with Christianity concept very well. I am not Catholic, I am Orthodox. And according to my knowledge madonna will go to this place and will continue making “fun” of Jesus Christ there burning in fire. She makes “fun” of God and this sin in my religion cannot be forgiven.
This topic is not about religion.

Your belief is your belief, keep it to youself.

If you wanna make the world a better place, TAKE A LOOK AT YOURSELF, and then make a change.
This topic is not about religion.

Your belief is your belief, keep it to youself.

If you wanna make the world a better place, TAKE A LOOK AT YOURSELF, and then make a change.

Yes it is not about religion but somehow it is cus of Madonna. My answer was related to Madonna’s making fun of religion and ppl's negative answers to my post. Please, keep your advice and your negativity to yourself as well and make a change in your mind first.
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It fits with Christianity concept very well. I am not Catholic, I am Orthodox. And according to my knowledge madonna will go to this place and will continue making “fun” of Jesus Christ there burning in fire. She makes “fun” of God and this sin in my religion cannot be forgiven.
If you say so. I don't know what that has to do with Michael & Madonna working together.
If you say so. I don't know what that has to do with Michael & Madonna working together.

This is a simple answer . Because Michael is pure lovely soul and Madonna is complete opposite of it. They simply cannot match with each other. Michael was a God's messenger. This is how I see him. Actually he maybe gave Madonna a good chance to save her soul by writing a song. This is how I see it from spiritual point of view.
When he saw what garbage she created he just simply rejected it. It couldn’t be anything different with Michael.
PLEASE, religion is and always has been a hot topic. There are people of many faiths here, as well as non-believers. It just goes so far below what I belive Michael would want, verbal wars about one's faith or beliefs.
Sometimes I just wanna SHOUT! STOP!!

This is a simple answer . Because Michael is pure lovely soul and Madonna is complete opposite of it. They simply cannot match with each other. Michael was a God's messenger. This is how I see him. Actually he maybe gave Madonna a good chance to save her soul by writing a song. This is how I see it from spiritual point of view.
When he saw what garbage she created he just simply rejected it. It couldn’t be anything different with Michael.
Mike's worked with R. Kelly & Slash several times and they're no innocents and neither is Diana Ross, who he put in his will. The Notorious B.I.G. & Jay Z has done way worse things than Madonna and Mike chose to work with them. Many of his friends like Frank Sinatra, Liz Taylor, Sammy Davis Jr, Marlon Brando, etc. weren't "pure" at all. If Michael didn't judge his friends or people he chose to work with, why should you? If Michael is really so "pure and innocent", why did he enjoy watching stuff like "The Exorcist" & "The Godfather"? Why did he have a collection of porn movies and books? Nothing holy & Godlike about those. He also wouldn't have sang and/or wrote many of the songs he performed or done many of the dances. He could have just sang gospel music or something.
Actually he maybe gave Madonna a good chance to save her soul by writing a song.


Excuse me...

Madonna's Charity Work

Madonna is a member of Raising Malawi’s Advisory Committee, and helps with the volunteer organisation’s mission to help orphans in one of the poorest countries in the world (Malawi) by providing water, food, medical care and schooling.

She actively gives money to many causes, many relating to children, and is a Patron of Children of Peace.

Causes supported

Abuse, Adoption, Fostering, Orphans, AIDS, At-Risk/Disadvantaged Youths, Cancer, Children, Creative Arts, Disaster Relief, Education, Environment, Health, Homelessness, Human Rights, Mental Challenges, Peace, Physical Challenges, Poverty, Substance Abuse, Water.

Charities supported

Madonna has supported the following charities:

* Afghanistan Relief Organization
* American Foundation for AIDS Research
* Bony Pony Ranch
* Charity Projects Entertainment Fund
* Children in Need
* Children of Peace
* H.E.L.P. Malawi
* Live Earth
* Make-A-Wish Foundation
* Millennium Promise Alliance
* Millennium Villages
* Raisa Gorbachev Foundation
* Raising Malawi
* Treatment Action Campaign
* UN Millennium Project

And so on...

I think Madonna has clearly won her entrance on heaven, such as Michael. And anyway, this topic is getting ugly...someone may not like MADONNA artistically, but to actually dislike her for RELIGIOUS CAUSES is something so retrograde. It's like when someone says YEAH, MIKE'S GOOD, BUT HE'S SO WEIRD...it has nothing to do with anything.

RELIGION AND ARTS DO NOT GET ALONG...Art is an expression, religion is a system, that's MY BELIEF.
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I don't see, what is the...

Michael wrote very provocative lyrics, for ITC and Dangerous. he even moans, there in the song, and them both have a sexual feel, when you listen to Itc, there is a part in the music there, that sounds like an orgasm.
He was provocative. May be her lyrics, were different, they were somehow worse
But he ended up, being provocative

Excuse me...

Madonna's Charity Work

Madonna is a member of Raising Malawi’s Advisory Committee, and helps with the volunteer organisation’s mission to help orphans in one of the poorest countries in the world (Malawi) by providing water, food, medical care and schooling.

She actively gives money to many causes, many relating to children, and is a Patron of Children of Peace.

Causes supported

Abuse, Adoption, Fostering, Orphans, AIDS, At-Risk/Disadvantaged Youths, Cancer, Children, Creative Arts, Disaster Relief, Education, Environment, Health, Homelessness, Human Rights, Mental Challenges, Peace, Physical Challenges, Poverty, Substance Abuse, Water.

Charities supported

Madonna has supported the following charities:

* Afghanistan Relief Organization
* American Foundation for AIDS Research
* Bony Pony Ranch
* Charity Projects Entertainment Fund
* Children in Need
* Children of Peace
* H.E.L.P. Malawi
* Live Earth
* Make-A-Wish Foundation
* Millennium Promise Alliance
* Millennium Villages
* Raisa Gorbachev Foundation
* Raising Malawi
* Treatment Action Campaign
* UN Millennium Project

And so on...

I think Madonna has clearly won her entrance on heaven, such as Michael. And anyway, this topic is getting ugly...someone may not like MADONNA artistically, but to actually dislike her for RELIGIOUS CAUSES is something so retrograde. It's like when someone says YEAH, MIKE'S GOOD, BUT HE'S SO WEIRD...it has nothing to do with anything.

RELIGION AND ARTS DO NOT GET ALONG...Art is an expression, religion is a system, that's MY BELIEF.

Yes, I do not like madonna because she hurts my religious feelings and because she doesn't give a shit of me and others of millions people in this world when she makes fun of it. I will never spend a penny to go see her concert. And after all her charity look fake to me. I do not really care what she does.
Mike's worked with R. Kelly & Slash several times and they're no innocents and neither is Diana Ross, who he put in his will. The Notorious B.I.G. & Jay Z has done way worse things than Madonna and Mike chose to work with them. Many of his friends like Frank Sinatra, Liz Taylor, Sammy Davis Jr, Marlon Brando, etc. weren't "pure" at all. If Michael didn't judge his friends or people he chose to work with, why should you? If Michael is really so "pure and innocent", why did he enjoy watching stuff like "The Exorcist" & "The Godfather"? Why did he have a collection of porn movies and books? Nothing holy & Godlike about those. He also wouldn't have sang and/or wrote many of the songs he performed or done many of the dances. He could have just sang gospel music or something.

How does it go with another ppl? Everybody has a sin and nobody is perfect. Madonna just one who crossed the line. I explaned everything above and I why I think that way. Why I have to do on and on again?
Mike's worked with R. Kelly & Slash several times and they're no innocents and neither is Diana Ross, who he put in his will. The Notorious B.I.G. & Jay Z has done way worse things than Madonna and Mike chose to work with them. Many of his friends like Frank Sinatra, Liz Taylor, Sammy Davis Jr, Marlon Brando, etc. weren't "pure" at all. If Michael didn't judge his friends or people he chose to work with, why should you? If Michael is really so "pure and innocent", why did he enjoy watching stuff like "The Exorcist" & "The Godfather"? Why did he have a collection of porn movies and books? Nothing holy & Godlike about those. He also wouldn't have sang and/or wrote many of the songs he performed or done many of the dances. He could have just sang gospel music or something.

How do you know he watched porn movies and had a collection of porn books, where is the evidence for that, from what I read of court transcripts during the trials, there was no evidence the mags were his and belonged to an employee.

I thought he liked watching cartoons and old movies.
Ummm, so religion aside...

MJ and Madonna working together would have been really interesting, that's for sure! Any collaboration between their respective ideas and artistic direction would have been fascinating, wish we got to see something come of it- even a compromise between their styles. Although they obviously both weren't the type of artists to compromise hehe :) Maybe that was for the best? We'll never know.
watching stuff like "The Exorcist" & "The Godfather"? Why did he have a collection of porn movies and books? Nothing holy & Godlike about those. He also wouldn't have sang and/or wrote many of the songs he performed or done many of the dances. He could have just sang gospel music or something.

And doesn’t mean anything if Mike used to watch something like that. The question is how he looked at things and only this matters. Actually, no one Michael’s finger print was found on these porn movies and books during his trial. Obviously he wasn’t a big lover of it or they didn’t belong to him. But like I said, even if he watched staff like that so what? It is only matters what comes in the end I mean what is the result of his music art.
The Notorious B.I.G. & Jay Z has done way worse things than Madonna and Mike chose to work with them. Many of his friends like Frank Sinatra, Liz Taylor, Sammy Davis Jr, Marlon Brando, etc. weren't "pure" at all.

When did Michael work with Jay Z?

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When did Michael work with Jay Z?
On a mix of "You Rock My World" that was never released, but it was played on the radio. Mike also appeared on stage at a Jay Z concert.
On a mix of "You Rock My World" that was never released, but it was played on the radio. Mike also appeared on stage at a Jay Z concert.

I do not know J7 because I wasn't born in the US. I cannot comment it. But what this picture maen? Mike used to take many pictures with many ppl. One of them Uri Geller who just one of fake friends and I believe a part of conspiracy group around Michael. So what?
OH PLEASE! What man DOESN'T watch porn or have a skin mag? They may not admit it, but they do.

And doesn’t mean anything if Mike used to watch something like that. The question is how he looked at things and only this matters. Actually, no one Michael’s finger print was found on these porn movies and books during his trial. Obviously he wasn’t a big lover of it or they didn’t belong to him. But like I said, even if he watched staff like that so what? It is only matters what comes in the end I mean what is the result of his music art.
I think Madonna songs are a complete contrast to MJ songs, ie think material girl, vs heal the world or the earth song or the song money money money, you will sell your soul to the devil for money

I think Madonna was controlling, she said she tried to change his image and told him to get rid of the white socks and mocassins and to get his hair cut.
I do not know J7 because I wasn't born in the US. I cannot comment it. But what this picture maen? Mike used to take many pictures with many ppl. One of them Uri Geller who just one of fake friends and I believe a part of conspiracy group around Michael. So what?
Jay Z is a rapper and the husband of Beyonce. He has nothing to do with Uri Geller. I was asked when did he work with Jay Z, so I don't know why you're bringing up folks that have nothing to do with the subject.
LOL!! It's no secret that Madonna is a control freak.

I think Madonna songs are a complete contrast to MJ songs, ie think material girl, vs heal the world or the earth song or the song money money money, you will sell your soul to the devil for money

I think Madonna was controlling, she said she tried to change his image and told him to get rid of the white socks and mocassins and to get his hair cut.
OH PLEASE! What man DOESN'T watch porn or have a skin mag? They may not admit it, but they do.
I don't. Why make assumptions about people? Your comment is the same as someone saying a woman is "asking for it" if they wear revealing clothes, or that a man is homosexual if he wears pink clothes, or that blonds are stupid.
Ok, then let me correct my statement.

99% of men do watch/buy porn & skin mags - you're in the 1% that don't.

I don't. Why make assumptions about people? Your comment is the same as someone saying a woman is "asking for it" if they wear revealing clothes, or that a man is homosexual if he wears pink clothes, or that blonds are stupid.

What does Jay-Z and Uri Gellar have in common?



Nothing! I was talking JUST about a picture he posted. I said Mike took many picts. with diff ppl nad pic doesn't mean anything. It was my point.

Could Madonna’s lovers pls tell me something? When Madonna does her world tours hurting spiritual feelings of millions of ppl (not just Christians) do you think that everybody has to love this bitch for that? Isn’t it simple? She doesn’t give a shit of me and what I feel when I see her “art”. After all, when I explained why I do not like Madonna everybody was going nuts to make me shut up about religion. Yes, I will shut up just after when Madonna will stop doing her controversial antichristian shows worldwide. Either ways it is one way democracy road again. I am not buying it.
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Princess Stefanie of Monaco is the mystery girl.

After Michael has passed away, she had done an interview somewhere in Europe that confirmed that it was her voice in 'In the Closet'.

Isn't that crazy?!

This is realy crazy. How did they meet? Does anyone know?


Talking about Madonna...

Michael wanted to bring innovation through his art. That's what he thought about his music.

Madonna is known for her marketing skills. She always brings up a polemic topic, a controversy to drawn attention to her (I'm not criticizing, ok? Merely analysing.). Just remember Like a prayer video and all other things everytime a new material is released. That does not fit MJ at all. Michael is all about art.

And her talking about sex through her songs is more than provocative. Just compare "In The Closet" with "Erotica". The videos speak for themselves.
In the closet.......was just PERFECT for me...it's my all time favorite of MJ's Video....he was too damn SEXY and Hot in that video.....very very handsome and manly too........I couldn't imagine it otherwise.......

The girl in that video......was just PERFECT.......can't imagine what Mj must be feeling filming that video......twas too hot for comfort....LOL!

Yes....Princess Stephanie's voice was so prominent in that song too...just PERFECT.....MJ is a SUPERSTAR all over the world his friends and influences are really unbelievable.........President, Princes, Princesses and the richest......

Madonna...well.....what can I say..........with regards to her association with MJ?......I'm glad of MJ's decisions..........what does she knows? MJ is MJ .........He was the only CHILD SUPERSTAR that remains a SUPERSTAR till he died......... he was UNIQUE and ONE of a KIND........

Actually, Michael Jackson is the "MAN of the WORLD".......Can anyone tell me is there any actor or singer that is most loved and as most sought after than MJ? Well.......? There's no need to think anyway...coz there's NO ONE like HIM...........the closest to his level to a certain point....was PRINCESS DI only............
There is more info came out about how much MJ "loved" Madonna.I hope, finally it will stop all speculations about Madonna and Mike working together, loving each other respecting each other and almost having babies. I am sick and tire of it. Madonna never ever would fit Michaels’s taste in many ways.


The King of Pop befriended the singer in the early 1990s and several dates followed, but Jackson revealed he never had any romantic interest in her during a taped conversation with his close friend Rabbi Shmuley Boteach.

Jackson told Boteach, "I think she (Madonna) likes shock value and she knows how to push buttons on people. I think she was sincerely in love with me and I was not in love with her. She did a lot of crazy things. I knew we had nothing in common.

"She is not sexy at all. I think sexy comes from the heart in the way you present yourself."

The Thriller icon believed Madonna was one of several stars who envied his fame: "They admire you and know you are wonderful and great because they are jealous, because they wish they were in your shoes. Madonna is one of them. She is jealous. She is a girl, a woman and I think that's what bothers her...

"I get the fainting and adulation and she doesn't."

The star went on to confess he had considered dating actress Elizabeth Taylor but feared the media would mock their 27-year age gap.

He said, "I know that if we ever did anything romantically the press would be so mean and nasty and call us the Odd Couple. It would turn into a circus and that's the pain of it all."

Jackson also described the late Princess Diana as his ideal woman: "I thought she was very special - very feminine and classy. She was my type for sure, and I don't like most girls. There are very few I like who fit the mould. It takes a very special mould to make me happy and she was one of them."

Boteach, who is publishing the conversations, maintains Jackson wanted the footage to be released to the public so his fans could gain a better understanding of his personal life.
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