Michael on the cover of the new Architectural Digest

Okay, it looks like this magazine isn't coming out until November. At least that's what it says on the cover of the magazine.
the irony...MJ can't be associated with being materialistic because he left the place because cops took the innocence away from it. double irony.

nobody else would have left such a beautiful expanse for any reason.

(why are my posts always disappearing?)
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Now all I can see this in my mind:

hahah, you are crazy:D, now i undesrtand why Madonna wanted Michael hahahaha:wild:
My sentiments EXACTLY! :girl_love:
You nailed it!
Oh, dont forget the pencil on the floor next to the shoes.

You're right!!!! Lol, I don't know what that pencil was doing there :lol:

All that was missing was a teddy-bear ^_^

Draliongirl said:
hahah, you are crazy:D, now i undesrtand why Madonna wanted Michael hahahaha:wild:

ONLY now??? :doh: :rofl:
I want this so bad. My two favorite things. Michael and Architecture!
i would really like to buy this magazine!I don't think I will find this in Romania...do you have any idea where I could order this?thanks..
I don't want to be rude but this omggoldpants kind of talk about Michael in different threads is freaking me out now that he's gone.
Everyone see pic 4 of 9...Someoone post it up

Because in a perfect world and we fast forward 25 year, Michael would have still been at neverland, retired, happy, sitting with a loved one in those chairs

that would have been my perfct world for him
Everyone see pic 4 of 9...Someoone post it up

Because in a perfect world and we fast forward 25 year, Michael would have still been at neverland, retired, happy, sitting with a loved one in those chairs

that would have been my perfct world for him

Me too. :(

Will this be available in the UK?
Everyone see pic 4 of 9...Someoone post it up

Because in a perfect world and we fast forward 25 year, Michael would have still been at neverland, retired, happy, sitting with a loved one in those chairs

that would have been my perfct world for him
4 of 9
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4 of 9
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Grassy lawns and the Santa Ynez Mountains could be viewed from the library. A circa 1820 French tilt-top table rested on an antique Hamadan rug.
Very nice story from the photographer. Thanks for sharing!
hahah, you are crazy:D, now i undesrtand why Madonna wanted Michael hahahaha:wild:

yeah, I've a feeling she knew him better than he knew himself as far as those things went ;)

oh, and can someone pleeeeeease post the pic of Michael and Prince in the dance studio?! it is adorable!! :wub:
I want this magazine. Like someone else said on here, Michael and Architectural, a perfect match! I love his style, it's cool :)
ya know i'd really love to see a floor plan of Neverland, i love to be able to see what room led to what, what is at the top of the staircase, where each maze of hallways leads to. That's what i like most about architechture, is the way the place is pieced together to form a home.
oh shit! look what i just found. a 49 page colour portfolio of neverland (when it was sycamore valley ranch) when it was for sale given to perspective buyers....floor plans and all.....ha, all this for only $700.00

"Michael Jackson purchased Sycamore Valley Ranch in 1988 and renamed it Neverland.

This handsome high quality book was professionally designed and produced specifically to be gifted, to a select group of people showing interest in purchasing Sycamore Valley/NEVERLAND Ranch. "

EDIT : it's on ebay
When the original owner/builder, Mr. Bone decided to sell Sycamore Valley Ranch he sent this beautiful 44 page book consisting of aerial views, dramatic panorama exteriors and interior views of virtually every room in the house, plus three floor plans, to friends, family and past guest including: Michael Jackson, Paul McCartney, President Gerald Ford, Bob Hope, Kemmoms Wilson, Fred Hayman, Ernie Hahn, Ambassador Leonard Firestone, Farrah Fawcett, Paul Trousdale, Barbara Sinatra, Jack Wrather, The Bass brothers, The Pritzker family, Peter Ueberroth, Sir James Goldsmith, Joan Kroc, and others. Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney had previously stayed at the ranch as Mr. Bone's guests.

Each book is case bound in brown faux leather measuring 12.5”x15.5” is embossed with a ranch logo (a Sycamore Tree) on the cover. The books were printed in 1987 on Cameo lithographic paper and stored in a sealed, air conditioned space, for 22 years and are in excellent condition.

Michael Jackson loved the antiques and furnishings and purchased the house fully furnished, exactly as it was photographed, with only a few of Mr. Bone’s personal pieces excluded.

You are bidding on one of the 50 numbered books which are all that remain of the collection. All printing plates were destroyed in 1989.

Included with the purchase of the book is a letter of authenticity from Mr. Bone (on his letterhead) and a copy of the $100,000.00 deposit check signed by Mr. Michael Jackson, for the purchase of the Sycamore/Neverland Ranch.

Be amoung the few in the world who own this beautiful book and related history.
I noticed the feet too. And someone commented about it. I laughed so hard that tears started to roll down my cheeks. Oh how l miss those days we were very naughty.
I noticed the feet too. And someone commented about it. I laughed so hard that tears started to roll down my cheeks. Oh how l miss those days we were very naughty.

yeah, I did it more because of that hun... more because of what people like you (and me) are going through right now. I know to some people it might be a bit strange now that he's gone. but he's not really gone in our hearts. he's still in there -- vibrant, beautiful and very much alive. his music keeps him alive. youtube almost guarantees his presence in our daily lives. how CAN he be gone?! well, I've decided he's still here amongst his much beloved fans. ya never know. maybe he's looking over my shoulder right now, giggling at that really bad "big feet" comment I made a few pages ago, that we were all laughing at and perving out for. whatever, however ya wanna spin it... WE need this. it's too hard right now. I still cry every day. when I drive home, and I'm sitting there waiting for the light to turn green, and I look out at the dying sun peeking through the cloud, I can't help but choke up knowing that Mike would never again wake up especially early the next day just to see that sun rise again in all its glory. the tears spill out then... they don't need rhyme or reason, they just come. even now. especially now.

so you see every once in a while, even now, especially now, we need stuff like this. and not just in the manhood thread. just as long as we keep it clean, right? ;)
I fell in love with the house. Wow and Michael put some of his personal touches into it. I would have loved to sit by those windows and watch nature with Michael while he reads a book or we have a nice long chat drinking hot coco or sit by the fire place or chillout near BBQ pit, Just hanging out with The APPLEHEAD, Now it's only a dream.
TEAR !!!!!!
Wow! They're such amazing photos. Michael made that place a wonderland...
Sorry to bump the thread but I didn't want to start my own seeing as there was already this one!

WOOOOO I managed to get my hands on a copy of November's issue.
The pictures are so beautiful as well as the article.

What pissed me off was the way Benson said that he also had a statue of Mickey Mouse and added "and after repeated surgery, Michael himself was beginniing to resemble Mickey Mouse"

I was like... Excuse me, but wtf? It was a positive article overall but there were tid bits here and there i.e. the surgery thing which never fails to come up. =\

The part about Michael taking both of his tweed jackets made me smile. I really would like to see what they looked like!

I'm just so happy I have a copy of it now to add to my collection. :happy:
Sorry to bump the thread but I didn't want to start my own seeing as there was already this one!

WOOOOO I managed to get my hands on a copy of November's issue.
The pictures are so beautiful as well as the article.

What pissed me off was the way Benson said that he also had a statue of Mickey Mouse and added "and after repeated surgery, Michael himself was beginniing to resemble Mickey Mouse"

I was like... Excuse me, but wtf? It was a positive article overall but there were tid bits here and there i.e. the surgery thing which never fails to come up. =\

The part about Michael taking both of his tweed jackets made me smile. I really would like to see what they looked like!

I'm just so happy I have a copy of it now to add to my collection. :happy:

are there any more pics in the magazine that we haven't already seen online? if so can you post em?