Michael on Obama...anyone?

Did anyone see the coverage of Obama in Europe? A-mazing! I haven't seen this type of global interest since the days of MJ tours

It was AWESOME! Great post, wendy.

But Jane Fonda said once that Mike did talk politics sometimes.

Yeah. Mike is person that likes to be informed and want to know what is going on in the world. Thanks for mentioning that. I forgot all about it.

in my opnion, Mj is too conservative (with a small 'c') and traditional to be a democrat.

Yeah, I have always thought that he was conservative because he has a strong sense in religion, values and traditions. I noticed that a lot when he would talk about certain things. He is a very traditional person. There are such things as being a conservative democrat.

Well Michael's never shown any interest in politics, so I just assume he isn't in to it on any kind of active level.

Maybe he doesn't show an "interest" in politics, but that does not mean that he hasn't discussed it or wrote songs about it that can be looked at as political. The man has made songs that deals with political situations but not really about politics in general. Man in the Mirror, WATW, Heal the World, Earth Song dealt with social situations. Social situations like the environment, poverty, helping thy neighbor can be politically related. To assume that he was never into politics is a bit far fetched. Just because MJ never endorsed a candidate, doesn't mean that he did not have political opinions. He doesn't have to be in any active level to be into politics or have an opinion on it.

Nvm, TSCM posted it. LOL.

Like I stated on my previous reply, I wouldn't be shocked if Will.i.am kept on chatting about Obama and it rubbed on him. You never know. A lot of things have happened since that interview.

i have absolutely no clue as to what Mike's position is on politics (and his sitdown with Ebony doesn't shed any light to be honest)

I have to agree.

He's not into politics, but at the same time he can feel something about this year's historical election

I would not be shocked if he does. I mean, he and Obama have a lot of things in common and he might be happy for the man in general.

But for the same reason why he choses not to talk about a lot of things, he choses not to share his opinion and thoughts towards it.. He always wants to be very fair

Exactly. That is why I can't really go by what he said about the presidential situation in the article. MJ knows that he has fans who are Republicans, Democrats who at one point did not support Obama because they were supporting Hillary and fans that really could care less about politics. So, MJ took a safe route. However, if he was supporting a candidate, lets just say that, then he is not gonna let anyone know. However, just because he stated that he was not into politics does not mean he can't read on the issues and decide for himself. It is not like he is gonna benefit from them anyway. LOL.

He should just stay out of it for public image issues.

He should do as he pleases. If people are gonna hate, hey what else is new?
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I think Michael is interested in politics, in whats happening all around the world. But I personally dont think he's gonna vote, I think Michael is in between McCain and Obama. Of course he is against the war and wants to stand up for the 'common' man, but I think Michael is pretty conservative and into traditions.

At first I was like ''if he's gonna vote, it's def. gonna be for Obama', but then I thought again and I'm pretty sure Michael is anti abortion and I think this is one of the most important thing in his eyes (since his great love for children) to discuss about, this subject might be in his eyes the most important of them all.
I think Michael is interested in politics, in whats happening all around the world. But I personally dont think he's gonna vote, I think Michael is in between McCain and Obama. Of course he is against the war and wants to stand up for the 'common' man, but I think Michael is pretty conservative and into traditions.

At first I was like ''if he's gonna vote, it's def. gonna be for Obama', but then I thought again and I'm pretty sure Michael is anti abortion and I think this is one of the most important thing in his eyes (since his great love for children) to discuss about, this subject might be in his eyes the most important of them all.

I think what's traditional and conservative varies from person to person and most certainly within each party. I'm registerd as Independent (I like being different, sue me :lol), BUT I tend to vote Democrat. However, I am very traditional on some matters but highly liberal on others. You can be a democrat and still believe in certain traditions and values. I think people think all Democrats are flaming liberals with "devil may care" attitudes and that's just not the case.

I do have to say that altho MJ may be a bit of a traditionalist, there's no way you can think he doesn't have a liberal streak in him. It's his liberalism that has gotten him into every bit of trouble he's found himself in, imo. He's definitely an independent thinker and an individualist. Most open-minded people I know tend to not be Republicans ALTHO I'm sure that party has their fair share. It's just not something they are known for.
well obamas daughters love mj so thats all that matters LOL.hope obama gets in and he invites mj to sing like bill J/K
I think people think all Democrats are flaming liberals with "devil may care" attitudes and that's just not the case.

I do have to say that altho MJ may be a bit of a traditionalist, there's no way you can think he doesn't have a liberal streak in him. It's his liberalism that has gotten him into every bit of trouble he's found himself in, imo. He's definitely an independent thinker and an individualist. Most open-minded people I know tend to not be Republicans ALTHO I'm sure that party has their fair share. It's just not something they are known for.

Well, I tend to think that most of the people dont think that away about liberals, I think that democrats are more popular than the Republicans and also have a better reputation than the Republicans. Me as someone living outside of the USA, also notice that most of the people around here want Obama to win. Not because of his ideas and what he stand for (they often dont even know his ideas), but just because he's a democrat. The democrats surely do have a better reputation in Europe, while a lot of people dont even know where they exactly stand for, they just know that it is cooler to say youre a democrat than saying youre a Republican.
I also noticed this when I was visiting the USA, I do have to say Im talking about teenagers right now who dont have the right to vote yet, most of them all supporting Obama, because he's a Democrat, because they think McCain is racist, just because he's a Republican, while he has an adopted daughter who's not originally from America. I am not atticking on any of the parties, but I think the Democrats are a bit of a hype now, because of Obama. And the people who do think Democrats have a nasty attitude, are the ones that are probably Republic.
And the ones who think Republicans are not good, are probably Democrats. So I dont really think the Democrats have a that bad of reputation.

I think you're centainly right on the that he's an independent thinker and that he sure has some liberal thoughts, but I do think that he would certainly not agree with some of Obama ideas, like I said before about the abortion, but I also thinkt that there are a lot of things of McCain which he doesnt agree on, but I think we all do think some of their ideas are more important than the other and so probably Michael does. That's like I said before, I dont think he is Democrat nor Republican, he's probably in between (like you said the Independent thing, I was searching for that word, but I never heard thats the name of ''in between'' :p).
''if he's gonna vote, it's def. gonna be for Obama', but then I thought again and I'm pretty sure Michael is anti abortion

Hmmm, I doubt that Obama is not anti abortion.

Wendy - you are an Independent like my brother. LOL. You made a great point. I still think, however, Mike might be a conservative even though his way of living isn't what is consider conservative. Mike does have liberal values and he might just be a moderate - a mixture of liberal and conservative views.
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well obamas daughters love mj so thats all that matters LOL.hope obama gets in and he invites mj to sing like bill J/K

aww cute!!i remeber hearing that his daughter was a MJ fan..that would be cute seeing or hearing about Obamas oldest daughter and Paris hanging out..aww. LOL sorry to get off topic :/.. proceed!
You know...

Why You Wanna Trip On Me would be a great song for MJ to perform for Obama...
i wonder if michael was told obama spoke in his howntown of gary at his bro's and sis's old high school..

i find it interesting that he picked that high school since theres more than a few there... coincidence? pretty cool. the town voted obama over hilary.

i dont think hes a voter but if he chosei think it would be more democratic for more reasons than conservativeness .. sure hes proud of the thought of an african american as president. all us minorties are. and in my opinion as a minority..we tend to stick more democratic from what i've see around me...not everyone but.........look at the other party not alot of variety in the audience there..sorry but i question that.. religious or not.....and as usual theres been some racist comments on that side towards minorities. they aint talking to us when they say joe the plumber...etc. but thats me.

obama obama obama
Celebrating Obama's victory today...:punk:

Mike isn't interested in politics, yes, we know that through the interview. But I believe he felt somethin deep and powerful just like many other black people around the world and other races the moment that he heard the news. It ain't and shouldn't hard to see. I saw pics of black people cryin and felt deeply touched and thought like, "Maybe Mike is gettin emotional as well. He might not cry but still very feel moved."

He's not into politics, but at the same time he can feel something about this year's historical election
Bee said:
I would not be shocked if he does. I mean, he and Obama have a lot of things in common and he might be happy for the man in general.
I agree and posted the same point before:yes: Mike was/is a historical figure as well. He's broken down the barriers as a black entertainer. We know the history. The two will go down in American and African-American history.
Celebrating Obama's victory today...:punk:

Mike isn't interested in politics, yes, we know that through the interview. But I believe he felt somethin deep and powerful just like many other black people around the world and other races the moment that he heard the news. It ain't and shouldn't hard to see. I saw pics of black people cryin and felt deeply touched and thought like, "Maybe Mike is gettin emotional as well. He might not cry but still very feel moved."

He's not into politics, but at the same time he can feel something about this year's historical election

I agree and posted the same point before:yes: Mike was/is a historical figure as well. He's broken down the barriers as a black entertainer. We know the history. The two will go down in American and African-American history.

Agree. And I couldn't be more proud of both of them as I am today...as men, as fathers and as men of the world. Michael's had a hard road in the past decade or so but I'm proud of the fact that he's getting his life back and order. We know when things are in order for him he's unstoppable. 2009 should be kickass for both of them. I hope at some point their paths do cross for something positive in the world...not necessarily "political", but more humanitarian in nature. But they both have to be very careful as there are some still in this world, especially in America who would love nothing more than to see them fail...whether that be individually or together. Not every person in America voted for Obama and not every person was happy to see Michael found not guilty. God be with them both. I know Imma be right here (God-willing!) cheering them on all the way!:D
Democrate, republican.. Whatever.. I do really think it would be great for Michael to work with Obama with sometype of 'Heal The World' type orginization.. Just because he's a polition, it does not mean he cannot do something great with him..

Mike has shown support for Clinton over the years, by performing for him a few times, and I think Mike could definatly do something special with Obama..

Michael has been honored by Regan, G. Bush sr., and Clinton.. G. W. Bush was the only president since Regan that has NOT honored Mike is SOME fassion.. I hope Obama does.

Have it be he does work with him (outside politics and music), and/or gets him to perform at a fundraising event or SOMETHING.. I would just LOVE to see the two together in some fassion.
well obamas daughters love mj so thats all that matters LOL.hope obama gets in and he invites mj to sing like bill J/K

That's cool to know that Obama's daughters are MJ fans. Does anyone know where to find this information?
i don't know that u have to be assigned to a party jus cus u may be an independent thinker. and there are so many more than just two parties.
Mr.Obama- Good or bad for Michael's situation?

My intention is not to start any political debate here, I just wanted to place a question that has been crossing my mind since a long time. Now that Mr.Obama is gonna be the new President of the USA, I was wondering if his position as the Head of the State will make any difference to the way Michael is treated in/by most of America(especially the media). Many people may think this kind of questioning is coming from a "crazed" fan, coz afterall how can anyone link the election of the President of US to an American popstar?!! But I'm sure all those who have been following Michael's life and who observed closely the trial know that a lot of dirty politics has always been involved. (Sometimes I think it was her political ambition that made Oprah back-stab Michael the way she did. Who knows she may even be appointed the US Ambassador to UK :doh:).Anyway, that aside, Mr.Obama's win gives the impression that America has started thinking beyond racial boundaries, will it go beyond racial and other prejudices and not only accept but emrace and honour Michael, his uniquness and the beautiful gift that his being and life is not only to America but also to the rest of the world? I hope so..
Re: Mr.Obama- Good or bad for Michael's situation?

Honestly, I think it will have no effect on Michael or how he is seen. Obama's presidency has no relation to how anyone views MJ. Yeah, people joke about MJ wanting to be white, that he's ashamed, and stuff like that. But in reality, no one really cares about it. People who hate MJ do it for other reasons usually. MJ has already been accepted as black man, who has innovated and changed the world.
Re: Mr.Obama- Good or bad for Michael's situation?

I think it is actually a very good question..

Obama promotes change and is forward thinking on subjects such as what you mentioned about removing racial boundries.. He said that he was so impressed with how far the country has come since segregation, which was only 40 years ago (how scary is that).. He is left wing, which usually means that the less well off will probably benefit from his policies.. something we all know Michael supports.

Getting to your question.. it will be extremely difficult for President Obama (how great is it to say that by the way) to change the idealogies of people.. he can change economics, policies and even ways of life, but he cannot alter peoples perceptions. He can however, promote what he believes in.. which is open-mindedness and change, which could certainly benefit Michaels image (although I think that more and more people are now seeing the light anyway about Michael, without politics)..
Re: Mr.Obama- Good or bad for Michael's situation?

Anyway, that aside, Mr.Obama's win gives the impression that America has started thinking beyond racial boundaries, will it go beyond racial and other prejudices and not only accept but emrace and honour Michael, his uniquness and the beautiful gift that his being and life is not only to America but also to the rest of the world?

I see what you are saying and I have thought about something similar to wait you have stated. In an idealistic world, yeah, I think it would change it. However, realistically, I think that people made up their minds about MJ a long time ago. People were not ready for what MJ was about and so he was critiicized for a lot of things that he said and stand for. I mean, I do not know any MJ fan that does not see the many similarities between Barack Obama and Michael Jackson. It is very surreal. I hope that people give MJ a "second chance" in trying to understand him after the Obama win. Hey, you never know, maybe Obama's win needed to happen in order for people who have their judgements with black people, in general, to see them in a different light.

I think that more and more people are now seeing the light anyway about Michael, without politics

That is very true. I have noticed that as well that people are learning from MJ a lot thanks in part to the Internet.
Agree. And I couldn't be more proud of both of them as I am today...as men, as fathers and as men of the world. Michael's had a hard road in the past decade or so but I'm proud of the fact that he's getting his life back and order. We know when things are in order for him he's unstoppable. 2009 should be kickass for both of them. I hope at some point their paths do cross for something positive in the world...not necessarily "political", but more humanitarian in nature. But they both have to be very careful as there are some still in this world, especially in America who would love nothing more than to see them fail...whether that be individually or together. Not every person in America voted for Obama and not every person was happy to see Michael found not guilty. God be with them both. I know Imma be right here (God-willing!) cheering them on all the way!:D

Wendy I totally agree with you. MJ's vindication and Obama's victory for the presidential election run so parallel. Both men have overcome racism and the ugliness of this country. Both have so much in common when it comes to racism and controversy. It's amazing is all I can say.
don't wanna be arrogant, but I couldn't care less of celebrities' political beliefs.
dito. their opinion is as relevent or irelevent as everyone elses. just because they are a celeb doesnt make their opinion anymore important. half are prob just bandwagon jumpers anyway