Michael on Obama...anyone?


Proud Member
Sep 25, 2008
South Korea
This year's US presidential election is def. something to many non-US citizens as well. Obama and Hillary are the reason, I guess. I'm one of those living outside the US and following the election closely through the media. I read many articles though I rarely watch TV. At one point, it dawned on me that I wish I could hear Michael's opinion on Obama and the election. He's never officially endorsed either of the candidates, but it'd be cool to hear him casually sharing his take as the US citizen. I feel he's proud of Obama. Have you thought of the idea?
I know he doesent bealive in politics very much, he is more of a spiritual type of guy. But as a man, and a citizin, i think he respects and admires obama. I know that next year will be an amazing year. Obama as president, and Michael's comeback hopefully.
They asked Michael in Ebony what he thought of the election going on and Michael declined to comment saying that he didn't follow or get in to politics. He isn't in to it, which I totally understand. I remember reading that in either the late 70s or early 80s that Michael didn't even know who the President of the USA was, lol. Like someone already said, I think he's more spiritual and believes in other forces to help change the world. I'm with him in that beliefe.
They asked Michael in Ebony what he thought of the election going on and Michael declined to comment saying that he didn't follow or get in to politics. He isn't in to it, which I totally understand. I remember reading that in either the late 70s or early 80s that Michael didn't even know who the President of the USA was, lol. Like someone already said, I think he's more spiritual and believes in other forces to help change the world. I'm with him in that beliefe.

Me too. There is a lot of people who do not believe in party politics. if Michael is one of them, we should respect that. It is an historical landmark for Obama to become president, but at the same time, I do not believe anything will change.
obama became famous in february 2007 but the hype didnt begin until early 2008.
the ebony interview was from late 2007. maybe michael didnt know much about the candidates at the time. it wasnt until early 2008 that the media started shoving election related stuff down everyones throat. so either he wanted it or not he at some point got informed about the candidates. if he was asked now maybe he'd have sth to say. michael has supported the democratic party over the years. he's said the nicest things about clinton and his family. i believe he supports obama although i cant know for sure since he hasnt personally told us.

heres a nice pic with bill clinton

I don't know, but I'm sure he has to be supporting Obama. He's not going to be voting for McCain, at least I hope not!
Michael Jackson is and always has been a Democrat.
Michael Jackson definitely
They asked Michael in Ebony what he thought of the election going on and Michael declined to comment saying that he didn't follow or get in to politics. He isn't in to it, which I totally understand. I remember reading that in either the late 70s or early 80s that Michael didn't even know who the President of the USA was, lol. Like someone already said, I think he's more spiritual and believes in other forces to help change the world. I'm with him in that beliefe.

I'm partially with him in that belief as I think sometimes God gives man the means, talent, power and wisdom to make changes in the world (i.e. We Are the World). :) So I guess I believe the two (spiritual and non-spiritual) go hand-in-hand. What pollutes the process is that oftentimes Man uses his means, power and wisdom to make changes for the worse just as he can use those assets for the better of the world. It can go both ways. Of course, there are many things in which Man can not control and never will. But I don't believe God has put us here to simply exist and fight with one another. I'm sure He wanted us to be able to co-exist peacefully and spread his word and do well for ourselves and each other. Nothing on this planet is to be wasted. We all have a purpose. Being fruitful and multiplying couldn't have been his only reason, could it? And being fruitful can have many meanings. It could mean being fruitful in the world. Contribute to it as well as propogate and populate it to keep it going. How one becomes fruitful is up to the individual. And some folks produce nothing but bad fruit. Exhibit A: The President we have NOW! No offense to Bush supporters, but come on, look at the world as it is today. It didnt' get that way by itself. SOMEBODY effed it up cuz it wasn't like this when he arrived. Again, no offense.

Anyway, I hope if MJ has anything to say about it, he waits til after the election. I don't think it would serve him nor Obama to have him weigh in on the matter now. And like it's already been said here, it's possible he has no opinion or doesn't care...even tho this is a historic event to be felt across the globe. Did anyone see the coverage of Obama in Europe? A-mazing! I haven't seen this type of global interest since the days of MJ tours.

I say Michael should be true to himself and do what makes him comfortable. I don't think he should feel any pressure to publicly endorse anyone and I would hope no particular group or organization ever makes him feel he has to. It should be his decision. That way, if he does say something, we'll know it's from his heart and not from duress.
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They asked Michael in Ebony what he thought of the election going on and Michael declined to comment saying that he didn't follow or get in to politics. He isn't in to it, which I totally understand. I remember reading that in either the late 70s or early 80s that Michael didn't even know who the President of the USA was, lol. Like someone already said, I think he's more spiritual and believes in other forces to help change the world. I'm with him in that beliefe.
At the time, he was a Jehovah's Witness, and they're not allowed to vote anyway. So by default, he wouldn't have had any interest in who the president was, lol. But Jane Fonda said once that Mike did talk politics sometimes. Mike has been photographed with every president since Jimmy Carter, except Dubya, plus leaders from other countries as well.
In my opinion Mikes a closet democrat.. or leans more towards the democrats anyways..

He's participated in mulitple democratic events and seems to favor the democratic way of thinking..

Not fully!! Just leans more towards.. How many democratic events now he's participated in..

But for the same reason why he choses not to talk about a lot of things, he choses not to share his opinion and thoughts towards it.. He always wants to be very fair, and able to reach and touch ALL people.. He does not want labels to shackel him..

With each label he has on him, the less people he can reach through his music...
In my opinion Mikes a closet democrat.. or leans more towards the democrats anyways..

He's participated in mulitple democratic events and seems to favor the democratic way of thinking..

Not fully!! Just leans more towards.. How many democratic events now he's participated in..

But for the same reason why he choses not to talk about a lot of things, he choses not to share his opinion and thoughts towards it.. He always wants to be very fair, and able to reach and touch ALL people.. He does not want labels to shackel him..

With each label he has on him, the less people he can reach through his music...

in my opnion, Mj is too conservative (with a small 'c') and traditional to be a democrat. he is very religious and his kind of religion leaves very little room for party politics. you will find that his thinking overlaps greatly betweenthe 2 parties.
how you doing KOPV?
Well Michael's never shown any interest in politics, so I just assume he isn't in to it on any kind of active level. Of course I'm sure he cares about world events, but he himself said he doesn't really pay attention to or actively participate in politics. And I know Michael isn't part of the JW church anymore, but I think he still believes in a lot of their teachings.
Well Michael's never shown any interest in politics, so I just assume he isn't in to it on any kind of active level. Of course I'm sure he cares about world events, but he himself said he doesn't really pay attention to or actively participate in politics. And I know Michael isn't part of the JW church anymore, but I think he still believes in a lot of their teachings.
World event is politics. wanting a better world and a fairer world is politics. what MJ is not interested in is Oarty politics, but general politics, he cannot avoid, cause politics is how you choose to live your life.
don't wanna be arrogant, but I couldn't care less of celebrities' political beliefs.

throughout the whole world people are bombarded with which celeb supports Obama.
I get it all, but I think it is rather rude and selfish, as all the countries have their own issues to deal with, of which no one seems to care.

No offense. I made my point clear.
World event is politics. wanting a better world and a fairer world is politics. what MJ is not interested in is Oarty politics, but general politics, he cannot avoid, cause politics is how you choose to live your life.
well there is a distinction between any sort of politics and humanistic/social/cultural ways of life. the P word is very loaded these days (probably always has been) and is quite tainted with alterior motives and multiple agendas.

i have absolutely no clue as to what Mike's position is on politics (and his sitdown with Ebony doesn't shed any light to be honest), so there's no reason for me to speculate.
I don't know if MJ is political: as mentioned, there is a difference between civil rights, human rights, social issues, etc.. and politics. He sometimes meets with key political figures and does things with/for them because sometimes politics are the vehicles to get to the root of the issues.

That said, his beliefs seem to be left-oriented and I think if he declared a party, he'd be a democrat :D

don't wanna be arrogant, but I couldn't care less of celebrities' political beliefs.

throughout the whole world people are bombarded with which celeb supports Obama.
I get it all, but I think it is rather rude and selfish, as all the countries have their own issues to deal with, of which no one seems to care.

No offense. I made my point clear.

Well, many of those countries ARE heavily interested in Obama and the election in general. 200,000 people turned out to see Obama in Germany. The U.S. president and the U.S. in general have a worldly presence.
well there is a distinction between any sort of politics and humanistic/social/cultural ways of life. the P word is very loaded these days (probably always has been) and is quite tainted with alterior motives and multiple agendas.

i have absolutely no clue as to what Mike's position is on politics (and his sitdown with Ebony doesn't shed any light to be honest), so there's no reason for me to speculate.

Very true. What I mean is from what I've heard, Michel is more of the mind that change is achieved through other means not involving politics.
Michael is a black man.

This does not mean he should or must vote for, support, officially endorse, praise Obama or suddenly become interested in politics. I just can feel and guess Michael has been touched by the fact that he might see a fellow black man becoming a president in his lifetime. It's the first time ever, first time ever through the entire US history.

And I think Michael can relate to Obama in a very profound way. Michael's almost the first African-American entertainer who's reached the level of success at global scale. I'm sure many black people in the US and elsewhere have been proud of him. And he's been through a lot in the racist society. This can be said about Obama.

I'm Asian, but I can easily imagine how emotional as well as/beyound political Obama's candidacy means to Michael and other black people. So, what I'm sayin is, I wish I could hear how he FEELS about the election personally and as a black man. I think he got something inspirational to say.
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Michael is a black man.

This does not mean he should or must vote for, support, officially endorse, praise Obama or suddenly become interested in politics. I just can feel and guess Michael has been touched by the fact that he might see a fellow black man becoming a president in his lifetime. It's the first time ever, first time ever through the entire US history.

And I think Michael can relate to Obama in a very profound way. Michael's almost the first African-American entertainer who's reached the level of success at global scale. I'm sure many black people in the US and elsewhere have been proud of him. And he's been through a lot in the racist society. This can be said about Obama.

I'm Asian, but I can easily imagine how emotional as well as/beyound political Obama's candidacy means to Michael and other black people. So, what I'm sayin is, I wish I could hear how he FEELS about the election personally and as a black man. I think he got something inspirational to say.

good point.
I really don't think Michael should come out and be like "I'm *insert party here* or "VOTE FOR *insert name here*. I'm all for him going to perform at a party, or watch speeches. But if he brings attention to himself by doing what I said, then he's just asking for people to hate him. He should just stay out of it for public image issues.
People are going to hate anyways. If they hate, let them hate. It's cool if he stays down to earth and doesn't involve himself in politics or side with a party, but there's nothing wrong with voicing his opinion if he does.
But for the same reason why he choses not to talk about a lot of things, he choses not to share his opinion and thoughts towards it.. He always wants to be very fair, and able to reach and touch ALL people.. He does not want labels to shackel him..

With each label he has on him, the less people he can reach through his music...


Great post.
People are going to hate anyways. If they hate, let them hate. It's cool if he stays down to earth and doesn't involve himself in politics or side with a party, but there's nothing wrong with voicing his opinion if he does.
Yep. I think I should've elaborated more in the first post. By "casually", I meant him briefly expressing his personal feelings toward the election as a black man. In a very hypothetical, idealistic situation, he could be sharing it only with us fans without dealing with the media. No need to participate in rallies and go up to the podium.

I strongly believe he felt something emotional as he heard the news about Obama gaining more support starting early this year and up until now. He's not into politics, but at the same time he can feel something about this year's historical election. It ain't hard to think he's probably one of many black people who felt something deeper than politics. It's something that other races can imagine what it feels like, but can't fully understand.
Well, his father Joe has openly supported Obama on a number of occasions. As far as Michael, I think this is gonna be as close as you'll get to a political response:


:lol: That, and...

Ebony: What do you think about the next presidential race? Hillary, Barack?

Michael Jackson: To tell you the truth, I don't follow that stuff. We were raised to not ... we don't look to man to fix the problems of the world, we don't. They can't do it. That's how I see it. It's beyond us. Look, we don't have control over the grounds, they can shake. We don't have control over the seas, they can have tsunamis. We don't have control over the skies, there are storms. We're all in God's hands. I think that man has to take that into consideration. I just wish they would do more for the babies and children, help them more. That would be great, wouldn't it?
At one point, it dawned on me that I wish I could hear Michael's opinion on Obama and the election. He's never officially endorsed either of the candidates, but it'd be cool to hear him casually sharing his take as the US citizen. I feel he's proud of Obama. Have you thought of the idea?

I have thought of the idea a few times. However, I doubt that MJ would make it public because politics is something that he is not into at all. Ebony magazine asked him about the election and he stated that he was raised not to rely on man to solve the world's issues/problems. Then he stated something else and I forgot what it was. I believe that MJ is very proud of Obama because of the historical aspect of the elections. I do not know if MJ is either a Democrat or Republican but I do know that he is good friends with Jimmy Carter, the Reagans, the Bushes, and the Clintons. I think it would be interesting to know what his take would be on the election even though he is not into politics. I know that Will.i.am is a major supporter of Obama and I would not be shocked if some of that rubbed on Michael. I mean, who knows?