Michael on death?

I think whenever Michael talks about living forever and immortality, he's really just talking about being remembered, much like ancient warriors used to want to be remembered through stories.

Especially with statements like "Who want's mortality.....that's why to escape death, I intend to bind my soul to my work" I believe he's talking about living forever through his music, not physically walking the earth forever.

Michael was a spiritual man and believed in God. He knew one day his time would come, and he spent his entire life making sure he'd be with the world for a VERY long time after he passes. Through us, his fans, this will indeed happen. My kids (who aren't around yet) will learn about Michael, and their kids after them.

Forever, Michael.
Read 'Moonwalk'. On page 15 Michael says> "So I very much identify with anyone who worked as a child. I know how they struggled, I know what they sacrificed. I also know what they learned. I've learned that it becomes more of a challenge as one gets older. I feel old for some reason. I really feel like an old soul, someone who's seen a lot and experienced a lot. Because of all the years I've clocked in, it's hard for me to accept that I am only twenty-nine. I've been in the business for twenty-four years. Sometimes I feel like I should be near the end of my life, turning eighty, with people patting me on the back. That's what comes from starting so young."

Gave joy to me reading it last friday... What do you think about it?
I want that book like crazy, it will help heal me but i don't know where to get it from...

Is it still in print?

Can anyone quote things? please?

p.s. My darling Michael I want you back soooooooooooooooooooo much :cry: :cry: :cry:

Ive been looking for a resonably priced copy too. Anyone know where one can be purchased?
Sometimes I feel like I should be near the end of my life, turning eighty, with people patting me on the back. That's what comes from starting so young."
He wrote that??? i dont remember it lol