"Michael, on behalf of Mankind, we apologize"

He's even reached out to forgive those who most hurt him, people in his family and people who have had personal relationships with him, who hurt him immensely, let alone some random fan who ran up to him in an airport 30 years ago. What one must also realize though, when talking about forgiveness, is that in order for it to truly be real, the person to be given the forgiveness must first be willing to accept it, and in order to accept it, they must first admit that they did something wrong.
The part I bolded is the point of my post.

That lady may have had no idea she did anything wrong until she learned it from watching an interview 30 years later is all I'm saying. I say that because I know of someone else that in fact did happen to.

Holding something against someone does not always look like resentment, anger or bitterness. Sometimes it just looks like pain, angst or bother.

Only a person themselves can possibly know when s/he's truly forgiven, espeicially in personal relationships.

All I'm saying is that its not always about MJ when people do things.

And that on the other side of the deepest level of forgivness

is freedom

I feel its important to point out that it is not always about MJ that people do the things they do, just like its not all about you and me when people do things that hurt us.

Yes MJ's special, a genius, talented beyond measure, generous to a fault, perceptive beyond everyone else and so on...and at the same time he is a human who needs to know that in this world people do things because of who they are being at the time, not having anything to do about him. That's my only point.
I understand that, but forgivenss can be there while the pain of the incident still remains. Michael, for example, has forgiven his father over the things he did, but it doesn't lessen the pain in Michael over those exact things he's forgiven. What's to say he doesn't understand that people do things at times, not out of malice, but out of knee jerk reaction, frustration and so on? Watching Michael and how he reacts to the world around him and people who have wronged him, I would say he very much understands that it isn't always with intent that people harm others, or for the sake of harming them alone, but for other reasons. That goes back to my initial post in this thread in which I stated that Michael has this amazing capability to look passed the surface of things and to it's core, to what it was before it was conditioned to be as it is or appears as.
Its all too personal for me to feel comfortable really addressing as far as how he feels deep down about his dad or how he sees the world or people because those are things I tend to feel only he can know, although I do see him in much the same way you do.

All, all, all :lol: all that I am saying is Michael forgive them/us, for sometimes they/we know not what they/we do.

Someone I know of hurt him unintentionally and wouldn't have knowingly, for anything in the entire world, and he'll never know it and that is sad and maybe the same thing happened to miss blabbermouth at the airport. Maybe. That's all I'm saying.

Forgiveness like many things, comes in stages. At the level where forgiveness gives way to compassion, it really does lessen the pain.
Sometimes it lessens the pain. Not always. Forgivness can help one to move on and not be consumed by the pain, but it can still be as accute and intense when one thinks about it, much like when one loses someone they love. Over time, the loss isn't all consuming and constant in your thoughts, but when one sits and thinks about it, the pain is still as real as ever. I'm only going by what Michael himself says. If he says he forgives his father, or anyone else for that matter, I'm going to believe him, just like I'm going to believe him when he says he sees the good in all things and when his actions speak to that. There's no reason not to believe that. I try never to make assumptions about him, but to go by his words and actions. I know what you're saying. I'm just commenting on it.

I think Brooke Shields said something which speaks exactly to this discussion actually, when she said that Michael asknowledges the frailty in others and he lets it eat away at him. She meant that he acknowledges that they are only human and they have faults, and he forgives them for it, he doesn't judge them or disregard them for it. He doesn't ignore that and just let anger and vengefullness consume him, he allows sympathy to take over. And that's coming from someone who did and does know Michael.
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I understand. Compassion is another level of forgiveness. It comes with maturity, usually.

I hope he forgives that lady at the airport :lol because my heart really went out to her and every other stupid thing every stupid (acting) fan has done.

I'm reminded of when I was a teenager and was invited to a movie premier. The star was a very famous comedian who was hilarious to talk to and even to look at.

At the buffet table it was just me and him standing there and when I looked up and saw him, (silly teenager that I was) I just burst out laughing at the sight of him.

I worried for the longest time over whether that may have hurt his feelings and to this day will never know because he is dead.

Although I wasn't the lady at the airport, I can see something like that happening to me.

If it had been me and I saw that interview I would have been completely destroyed knowing I brought pain to the ABC guy, with some stupid thoughtless remark.
I get that. I think Michael does forgive people for the stupid things they can do, I think he is very perceptive and concsious of the things and people around him and is aware of their feelings. Another example of that is when Uri Geller brought Michael on that absurd trip to England and Michael got nearly crushed at the train station, and went through a great deal of trouble just getting on the train. Uril Geller related a story after that of how he was afraid Michael was going to be incredibly angry at him for putting his well being in harms way, when Michael looked at him and said something along the lines of "Don't be mad at them Uri, they do it out of love." That's just one example of Michael showing that he really does understand and/or tries to understand why people do the things they do and doesn't just judge them or condem them right off the bat. He looks passed the surface.
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As for what Brooke Shields said, that's good, because he probably has used his sympathic understanding on her thoughtless actions too. Not saying she ever hurt him because I don't know, but there are times when I've seen where she could have put a little more thought into other opportunities she's had to speak about him.

That's off topic, I don't want to belabour a B.S. convo. Just a comment.
Forgiveness comes from within. Whether you were wronged or not, you need to forgive. For YOURSELF more than anything else. Keeping things bottled up inside is not healthy for you.

Yeah, it would be nice if those people who made jokes, and humiliated him could say "I'm Sorry". It happened to me - I am STILL waiting for an apology for things said to me. But you know what? I forgive them. Cause I don't want to deal with the internal stress anymore.
Well i think what that means is that society really is partially responsible for MJ having such a tough time. Society has its way of enforcing what's normal and what's not. What's appropriate and whats not. What's crazy and what's not. I remember during the trial Wendy Murphy saying something like "do you expect me to believe that a man would take in some random kid and his family, give them his home...free reign of his home, give these people shopping sprees, for nothing in return? For no personal gain? And you mean to tell me he invited this kid in his bedroom without any motive? Come on, no one can be THAT NICE. That's impossible."

And ya know that struck me because, it IS kinda hard to believe someone can be THAT NICE. But MJ is that nice, and it's really hard for someone that nice, or even someone with such an innocent simple world view as MJ has, to live peacefully in such a dog-eat-dog society like this. I mean it's pretty damn sad that its a RISK, or it's INAPPROPRIATE, or a MISTAKE, or something automatically innately BAD...to share a bed with a child. I mean when u think about it our world and society is sooooo messed up that a simple thing like sharing a bed can be the worst life changing mistake a man can make. So yes that's society and 'mankind' contributing to this.

wonderful post :) people who think like wendy murphy does are pure evil because not only they cant be nice themselves but they cant even conceive of someone being nice. now how fuc*ed up is this? ur right though. its society and mankind as a whole whos responsible for this mess. i blame justice too because if there was real justice those devils would rot in prison right now as we speak.
They should apologize to themselves for being idiots.

I remember Nancy Grace's expert analysis: "They have to get this guy on SOMETHING."

Why, because just by process of eliminatin, he has to be found guilty of at least one of the ten counts? Dumb ***** :lol:.
^^^^ And you know that shows exactly the kind of people they are. They didn't care if he was found guilty of child molestation or administering alcohol to a minor...they just needed SOMETHING to justify their disgusting behaviour towards him.
StateOfShock - your posts have been very insightful and sooo true. Now I'm really wondering about that airport lady!

Personally, I think members of the media have a lot to apologize for. Those who make things up or brainlessly repeat stories. That kind of behaviour is unacceptable and has hurt countless people. And what really gets me is people like Jay Leno and Chris Rock etc. Poking fun at people is one thing, but talented comedians shouldn't need to rely on someone like MJ for laughs. I mean, it's not like its hard to make people laugh at MJ. So making petty jokes about him hardly requires intelligence or wit. It's just cheap (and hurtful) laughs.
I think they should apologize to him absolutely. It is, or atleast used to be the medias job to report the truth and they did not do their job properly. Also comedians must have something better to do than make fun of other peoples misery in order to make money. They should be ashamed of themself. Still I think that one day the media will turn again. I don´t think they will always be against him.
People get hated on in life all the time, MJ just needs to man up and say, I'm still the baddest MFer ya'll have ever seen and moonwalk his happy ass all over the haters.

I love MJ, I just don't like his as a victim, be a grown ass man dog!
^Mj has never taken the role as the victim.

But not everyone in life is almost thrown in jail by completely false charges and a vulturous media. Not even in the category of 'celebrities' does the hate make it to that level.

Listen, MJ ain't askin for no apologies. The thread is about who SHOULD apologize.
Yeah, exactly J5. Michael ain't made up all the hate that gets piled on him. People have actually tried to kill him, in essence. That's not something that's exactly common. Most people just turn in to sheep for the sake of their own future. Michael hasn't, yet people want to say he portrays himself as a victim, when all he's ever done is stood by his ideals and paid the price for it. Michael never asked anyone to feel sorry for him, and I don't think anyone here does. All Michael's ever asked for is understanding and hopefully people's love. I think people here just feel FOR him and sympathise with him because he's suffered a great deal in his life and he deserves understanding over that. He's not some pathetic figure that people here baby, he's an incredibly strong person who people acknowledge as such because of all the pain he's been through. Aknowledging that pain doesn't mean we see him as a pathetic, helpless child, it just means we're trying to undrstand where he's coming from and being kind to him on that front, as he deserves.
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^^^^ I agree, if there's someone who I would consider strong that is Michael.
How can people say he's played a victim? How f***ed up is that?

For me the idea of going through something like what Michael went through is inconceivable, I couldn't come out of that sane, I would loose my mind. Michael obviously is one tough cookie and that's one of the things I admire the most about him.

BTW, It seems Michael can't win and please even some of his 'fans'...he's either a baby playing the victim role or he simply doesn't move on fast enough to start making new music and make us happy (Yeah that's for the dumbasses bitching about not getting a new album soon enough...)

OK, rant over...move on...
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I think people that have hurt him, knowingly or unknowingly, need to come from behind these titles and just apologize to him person to person.

It's not Michael Jackson the superstar that's being hurt. It's Michael Jackson the person.
Exactly AllForMJ, you said it simply but perfectly.

And I agree too daphnieas. People don't actually know what it was like for Michael going through the things he has, they haven't lived his life, and so very few of his experiences are relatable to the average person, which is why I get so annoyed at people who dismiss those things and act like it was no big deal. I'd like to see what they would be like if they came through all he has. Only Michael went through those experiences, and only he wears the side effects. And at the same time, he's come out as still a caring and loving person, without vengence on his mind, which is incredible.
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I think people that have hurt him, knowingly or unknowingly, need to come from behind these titles and just apologize to him person to person.

It's not Michael Jackson the superstar that's being hurt. It's Michael Jackson the person.

How does one go about apologizing to Michael Jackson the person in person though? Some people, I suppose, may want to apologize, but wouldn't know how. The ones in contact with him could I guess.
Before I set out to (maybe) hurt some feelings here, I'd like to say that I don't think Mr. Jackson's strength and courage comes from having pushed through all his trials and difficulties, I think it comes from the fact that even though he HAS been knocked down so many times, he still continues to get back up, dust himself off and keep on walking. If he really were the helpless victim that everyone likes to think he is, he would have just stayed on the ground crying like a little *****. That's what real courage is.

Now as for apologies that need to be made, I think that there are some fans out there that have a few to make. Not for any outright offense like invading his personal life or anything like that. But just for taking certain things about the man for granted. Now don't misunderstand me when I make this argument. I do NOT hate or judge any of Mr. Jackson's fans as selfish or mean, etc., etc., blah, blah, blah, whatever, OK? How can I? I don't know any of them. But what I mean is that there are some people out there who feel that MJ owes them stuff, like a new album, or a public appearance every other day, or autograph signings, things like that. I know that most of his fans don't think like that out of selfishness, but there are some who think that just because MJ values his fans and cares about what they think that they should be his entire world like he doesn't have children, or a business to run or a private life to live. These are the same people who get mad and start criticising him when he doesn't show up to fan parties or go on tour again. To be completely honest, these are the people that truely piss me off; the ones who think that he should automatically drop everything and cater to THEIR wants and needs, because these are the people who should really know better. If you love Mr. Jackson HALF as much as you say you do, than you should accept him for who he is now as much as for who he used to be. That means accepting whatever career decisions he makes, as well as personal without feeling the need to question it. AGAIN, I am not saying that fans suck, or fans are selfish or whatever. But I DO think there are a few out there who take themselves a little too seriously. For the reccord though, I think the fans I've met so far on this forum are pretty stable.:lol: Seriously, you guys are great for putting up with my rant(s) :flowers:
Before I set out to (maybe) hurt some feelings here, I'd like to say that I don't think Mr. Jackson's strength and courage comes from having pushed through all his trials and difficulties, I think it comes from the fact that even though he HAS been knocked down so many times, he still continues to get back up, dust himself off and keep on walking. If he really were the helpless victim that everyone likes to think he is, he would have just stayed on the ground crying like a little *****. That's what real courage is.

Now as for apologies that need to be made, I think that there are some fans out there that have a few to make. Not for any outright offense like invading his personal life or anything like that. But just for taking certain things about the man for granted. Now don't misunderstand me when I make this argument. I do NOT hate or judge any of Mr. Jackson's fans as selfish or mean, etc., etc., blah, blah, blah, whatever, OK? How can I? I don't know any of them. But what I mean is that there are some people out there who feel that MJ owes them stuff, like a new album, or a public appearance every other day, or autograph signings, things like that. I know that most of his fans don't think like that out of selfishness, but there are some who think that just because MJ values his fans and cares about what they think that they should be his entire world like he doesn't have children, or a business to run or a private life to live. These are the same people who get mad and start criticising him when he doesn't show up to fan parties or go on tour again. To be completely honest, these are the people that truely piss me off; the ones who think that he should automatically drop everything and cater to THEIR wants and needs, because these are the people who should really know better. If you love Mr. Jackson HALF as much as you say you do, than you should accept him for who he is now as much as for who he used to be. That means accepting whatever career decisions he makes, as well as personal without feeling the need to question it. AGAIN, I am not saying that fans suck, or fans are selfish or whatever. But I DO think there are a few out there who take themselves a little too seriously. For the reccord though, I think the fans I've met so far on this forum are pretty stable.:lol: Seriously, you guys are great for putting up with my rant(s) :flowers:

I agree with everything here!

I think u gotta accept Mj unconditionally. UNCONDITIONALLY is the key word.

And he sure does dust himself off and keeps on walking. Thats real, right there.
People get hated on in life all the time, MJ just needs to man up and say, I'm still the baddest MFer ya'll have ever seen and moonwalk his happy ass all over the haters.

I love MJ, I just don't like his as a victim, be a grown ass man dog!

I don't believe MJ plays the victim. I think it is his fans who won't let him grow up and take responsibility for his own actions. MJ said as much himself.'They won't let hm grow up.'
Michael is a victim, of a lot of things. Nobody here is trying to make him in to one. He just is, plain and simple. And as J5 already, diligently pointed out, society is probably his biggest victimizer.
I think another problem is that many people love to play like they're his parent and MJ's the child and that they know whats best for him all the time. And i think a lot of people tend to forget that yes, MJ is an imperfect grown man who can live his own life how he wants to, mistakes and all. Lots of people have a hard time excepting that, so they feel the need to point out those mistakes over and over and chastise him about it.
I think another problem is that many people love to play like they're his parent and MJ's the child and that they know whats best for him all the time. And i think a lot of people tend to forget that yes, MJ is an imperfect grown man who can live his own life how he wants to, mistakes and all. Lots of people have a hard time excepting that, so they feel the need to point out those mistakes over and over and chastise him about it.

EXACTLY!:clap: That's the way I feel. I mean, how old is this man and yet there are total strangers out there who think they know what decisions he makes are right or wrong because why? They've listened to his music for a couple years or so?:lol:
This is a very good Topic J5master:)

I agree for the people who have truly deceived and criticized Michael throughout the years, an apology would be acceptable because Michael deserves it. Honestly I think Michael can careless as to what these people say or do, yes it hurts him personally, yet he really can't do to much about the issue because those are their opinions/incorrect judgments therefore he's gonna keep living his life cause all he have to prove is that they don't know him, so they can keep talking. People talk about people everyday and if your gonna spend the rest of your life trying to stop them from talking? then your just gonna be wasting precious moments and time. Since Michael broke out as a ground-breaking mega star he has been looked on as a God, a positive influence to all, someone that everyone looked up to and because of the power and the energy that levitated it caused him to react differently than how any other would prob. react, he had to play a certain role for people because they wanted him to be one way and he wanted to just be himself, but that's the price you pay once you step in to the luxurious world of super stardom. Michael has admitted and so have others who are very close to him that he didn't have a childhood, it affected him in some ways in becoming an adult, but this type of affect didn't affect just him it affects others as well, it doesn't necessarily make them/some "insane in the membrane" yet since it's "Michael Jackson" it's weird, even going to the potty was weird, he consistently has to prove himself over and over to such unnecessary, non-sense, dense brained people what the truth is, after awhile you get tired, you let go and keep moving on. I don't think that most you have mention J5master have a heart to be so sincere, especially for Michael, it's sad that he gets condemned because of his achievements and who he is, it's sad that he gets disrespected the way he does and from my POV I think he's just one of the kindest hearts that has ever been put on this planet, it's to bad that some folks choose to overlook the positive and focus on the negative. So I don't apologize for their behavior I feel sorry for them, because that negative energy is not gonna get them far to where they want to be. What goes around comes around for those to treat others wrong and pathetically for no reason that they deserve.
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Interesting perspective. So are you saying that those who should apologize shouldn't even bother or consider it cuz they're the ones with the negative energy. MJ is still positive and he's the one still walking. That's a different way of viewing things that i never considered! Hm! :yes:
Interesting perspective. So are you saying that those who should apologize shouldn't even bother or consider it cuz they're the ones with the negative energy. MJ is still positive and he's the one still walking. That's a different way of viewing things that i never considered! Hm! :yes:

Exactly on point! Although I'm not saying that he wouldn't appreciate their "effort" but he's gonna keep living his life regardless. :)
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